Western Downs

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Western Downs
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    • Day 28


      March 30, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Au am hütige Morge hemmer als ersts wieder d Morgesunne uf de Terasse gnosse und sind aschliessend go Zmörgele. Au hüt hemmers wieder gmüetlich gno und sind e See go aluege und aschliessend go pöstele füre Abig + en Schäri für de aschliessendi Coiffure Termin vom Philipp
      Ganz chillig hemmer hüt zäme grilliert, musiziert und de Wii gnosse 😋
      Spöter hemmer denn sogar no es tierischs bsüechli übercho!
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    • Day 27


      March 29, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Spontan hend üs denn die beide am gestrige Abig zumne Usflügli richtig Outback iglade. Nachdem de Chläusi üs es Top Zmorge gmacht hed simmer richtig Chinchilla gfahre und sind nachme Zwüschestopp i de Erdnussstadt am spötere Nami acho. Spontan hend au mier ned chönne wiedersta und hend es härzigs Cottage gmietet für zwei Nächt. Zäme hemmer e gmüetliche Abig uf de Terasse verbracht. 🍺Read more

    • Day 476

      Bunya Mountains National Park

      July 23, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Our next stop is the Bunya Mountains National Park. It is very cold up here in the mountains but the scenery is amazing. Green rainforest and hundreds of wallabies everywhere around our campsite. We have never seen so many babys!

      Unser nächster Stop ist der Bunya Mountains Nationalpark. Es ist zwar ziemlich frisch und regnerisch hier oben auf ca. 1000m Höhe, aber landschaftlich richtig schön. Neben den riesigen Bunya Bäumen und dem Regenwald sind vor allem die Wallabies unser Highlight. Soooo viele haben Babys aus dem Beutel schauen. Richtig cool!
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    • Day 474

      Angekommen in Queensland!

      July 21, 2020 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      1700km far away from Adelaide already but now we are in Queensland! We still have more than 1000km to go until we are back in summer, but at least we are back in Queensland now! We were told that the border controls at the coast will take a few hours because of the high number of people traveling, so we decided to cross the border in the outback. We were the only car at the border so it was the perfect decision, but even here the border was protected by police and military :D. last time we saw such a protected border was between Vietnam and Cambodia...

      1700km haben wir schon hinter uns gebracht, doch heute haben wir unser erstes Zwischenziel erreicht. Wir sind in Queensland! Wir haben zwar noch gute 1000km vor uns bis wir wirklich wieder zurück im Sommer sind aber zumindest sind wir im richtigen Bundesstaat! Nachdem wir bereits in den Nachrichten und von anderen Reisenden die Info bekommen haben, dass es lange Staus und Einreisekontrollen nach Queensland gibt haben wir uns für einen Weg im Outback entschieden. Hier gab es kein anderes Auto weit und breit und wir konnten schon nach ein paar Minuten weiter fahren. Aber auch hier mitten im nirgendwo würde die Grenze von Polizei und dem Militär gesichert. So eine Grenze haben wir das letzte Mal zwischen Vietnam und Kambodscha gesehen... Corona sei Dank gibt es sowas jetzt auch innerhalb Australiens.
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    • Day 7–8


      May 18 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      It was time to move on today, so having risen early (you know the old saying "early to bed, early to rise"), we set off from Charleville around 8am. Filled the van up with diesel, then hit the road. A few kms out of town is a lovely little area called the rock pools. We ducked in there for a quick photo, with Tom lamenting that the road was unsealed and we were going to wreck our tyres, only to find that it was just about fifty metres off the main highway. (I didn't have to say anything. Hehehe.)

      Soon enough we were off and continuing our trip to Miles. About one km down the road, I waved at a car, that was suspiciously like the one that Robert and Rosalita drove (those of the 30,000 acres). Sure enough, no sooner had I told Tom who I thought it was, and my phone began ringing. As I was driving, Tom answered and was able to practice his Tagalog on Rosalita. (Methinks we may have a stalker on our hands. She rang again in the afternoon too. Do do do do. Do do do do. Duh duh! In the best scary music. I mean, why would anyone want to befriend us? Hahaha.)

      The trip to Miles was fairly ordinary and boring, apart from the times that we had to stop at red lights, it in the middle of nowhere, with nothing coming in the other direction.

      That's when it got all fired up, with the husband invoking all sorts of hell on those flea-ridden sons of witches (I'm sure that's part of the diatribe that came spewing forth from his sainted mouth, but maybe I misheard. Perhaps it just sounded like witches! Hmmn, I'll ponder that for a second or two. Done! It may, just may have, started with a b, but the next words were ducking idiots, or some such thing!) Inside I was chuckling (no, not shuffling), but didn't dare show my wayward thoughts on my face. Oh no, that would never do! Hehehe. Not then, anyway. And not now, especially not now, when the football is on.

      When I became the passenger, we drive past a sign that said "Injune". I would have liked to have gone and seen that place, but we couldn't. We weren't allowed to. We're only in May, and can't meet the selection criteria. (Well, you live with a leopard long enough... you do know that saying, don't you?)

      On entering Miles today, the speed sign showed 60, then immediately under it was Miles. Didn't we convert to kilometres back when dinosaurs were pups? I could have sworn we did. Which got me to pondering, would we have a valid argument if we got caught doing 100kms that we were only obeying the road signs? What if I were American? Would that make a difference? The vagaries of life. Sigh!!!

      A walk, and a wash (shower didn't have quite the same ring to it), then off to the pub for a counter meal. My lemon pepper calamari was delicious, and judging by the way Tom polished off his huge, dripping burger with the lot (and more!), so was his. As football was on (and he can't eat dessert immediately after finishing the meal), we got a couple of sticky date puddings, with scream (icecream) to go. And boy, it went!

      The husband is now solidly cursing, tutting, sighing and generally not emitting any signs of pleasure, that methinks St Kilda are not performing as they should. (They're probably performing as expected, but still, it breaks his heart every single time!!!) Poor lad. Whoops. More tutting and tongue clicking!

      Here come the sighs again, interspersed with some more ducks, so time for me to bury my head under a pillow and feign the state of sleep. I don't want to enter into any discussion about the merits or otherwise of those ducking idiots. (I wonder why they do that all the time? Duck!? Another one of the mysteries of the universe! We're dealing with all the big issues in the world here....) Night 🌙 night 🌙 😴 people. I'm off to the Land of Nod!
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    • Day 4

      Archer's Crossing

      August 12, 2021 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Heading for Chinchilla we saw a sign for Archer's Crossing on the highway and decided to have a look. So glad we did. This is a free camp on the banks of the Condamine River that was originally developed by the local fishing club. No power water or toilets but there are rubbish bins and a covered area with barbeques and tables. I tried my hand at fishing with some lures but nothing was doing. The yabbie pot went in overnight but I can now report that yabbies have no liking for sweet potato peelings. I really must get better organised.
      This campsite was so good we decided to stay another day before moving on.
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    • Day 4

      A Tough day in the Office

      January 9, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Although we are tripping around with no "real" boundaries, I do have a little work to be done from time to time. I must say though, sitting under a shady tree doing G business essentials beats the hell out of sitting in a dingy office.Read more

    • Day 3

      Creatures and Plants

      January 8, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Well after dark I noticed an impressive spider web complete with its hairy, eight legged owner. With powerful light I was lining up and composing a photo when all of a sudden.... A hapless moth collided near the bottom of the web.

      The spider was there in moments before the moth could get free of the sticky strands. Another second he would have e been free and on his way. A quick stab of venom and the spider proceeded to wrap his meal for later. There was a stream of breaking wings drifting aside as the spider attached his victim with a strong strand.

      Now the moth was spun rapidly and encased in web until completely wrapped. Once done the supporting thread was cut and the delectable prize carted up to the centre of the web. Here it was hung in place ready for a future dinner.

      Most of the plants are quite interesting. Excepting the triple throned burs. They are a literal pain wherever they spike you. Cactus are more obvious so rarely a problem. Some plants have flowered and scattered their seeds for next season.
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    • Day 3

      Camping at Wandoan

      January 8, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      The environmental park has proven to be quite a gem. We have been listening to the many Reed Warblers and being entertained by the Babblers.
      There are numerous birds here so Pam is busy photographing them. Butterflies also seem plentiful with many different types and colours fluttering past.

      A group of finches arrived to take a drink less than 20 metres from us. We stayed quiet and watched them for the few minutes they wet their whistles. A left exit with a brief landing in a tree then off to hide in the reeds and continue their bird activities. Several Dotterals descended on the other bank and foraged along for a while before disappearing from view.

      It is hard to know how many little birds are living in this area. There is a lot of noise but they are very hard to spot. Yesterday the miniscule wrens were almost impossible to see, even when they moved. They blend in very well to the background. Getting a photo is simply good luck. The opportunity lasts only a few seconds before they move on.

      The weather is close to perfect at around 30 degrees with a nice breeze. This has been a nice way to spend our third day on the trip to Tamworth Music Festival.

      Amenities wise, this camp is quite well set up. The council looks after the rubbish collection and the clean toilets. There are even hot showers provided. The town is only a short walk away.

      Yesterday I did not bother to connect solar to the car fridge battery. The battery was at 98% at sundown. This morning we were at 89% so I connected the solar panel. This panel is the same as the one we used for the van extra input. By around 10am all the batteries were fully charged so we launched all the iPad and tablet chargers. Looking like my new solar design will work for us.
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    • Day 2

      Wandoan, Qld

      January 7, 2018 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Wandoan offers a delightful camp area at the Waterloo Environmental Park. Quite a large area that is currently with plenty of puddles of water from the recent rain.

      There are quite a few birds and upon a closer look at the reeds quite a large number of very small finches and wrens. A few crows break the chatter of small birds with their raucous rark.

      So far we have this camp entirely to ourselves. I guess it would be unlikely for us to be alone for long though.

      The portable 80 watt solar panel is feeding to the van. We now have extra loading due to the new fridge. We have removed the 3 way gas fridge and gained extra stowage area plus a small slide out compressor fridge. We so far have no real idea of it energy needs. The van mounted panel is a bit short with its 50 watts. We store power with a 60 amp hour lithium battery.
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