Woolgoolga Creek

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    • Dia 69

      So then I invited the whole park ...

      17 de setembro de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      To party with us under the awning at 4.30pm.
      I went from van to van and just invited people.
      Mainly, the people I knew from the park, but I am sure I invited some total strangers,
      They were very polite and quite a few turned up.

      Emily worked again til 3pm.
      We wandered the water again.
      Thought we were going to swim, but played in the creek instead.

      Emily cooked a few sausages.
      ( We had forgotten lunch.)
      People walking past were stopping to talk.
      One lady told her husband that is exactly what I want my caravan to look like on my birthday on Monday!

      A couple I talked to turned out to be the parents of one of Meagan’s best friends.
      It’s amazing how the conversation seems to work it’s way round to something like that.
      Having a good time?
      Oh. Narre Warren
      More stuff....
      Then, my children probably went to school with Emily. No they are a bit younger.
      They went to school in Pakenham.
      My niece and nephew went there. Meagan and Nathan Street.
      She’s best friends with our daughter, Anna.

      We could have just talked about the weather.

      People started to arrive.
      About a dozen or 14 came in the end.
      We had a great time.
      Much laughter.
      Caravan park recommendations.
      What site have you got for next year?
      And a rather rousing rendition of Happy Birthday was sung.

      As it drew to a close, Reece the young man in charge of the park tonight came up and wished Emily a Happy Birthday and said he was glad most people had left because he was going to have to remind us about social distancing otherwise.
      And just chatting was much more fun.

      The last people left about 6.30pm.
      It was a lovely, friendly afternoon/evening.

      Pork chops for dinner.

      Much hugging.
      Great day!

      Happy Birthday Emily xxxxxx
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    • Dia 70

      And lots...

      18 de setembro de 2020, Austrália ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Of photos.
      Early morning walk.
      Beautiful sunny day.
      Watching the tide race into the creek.
      This is our favourite thing!!!!!

      Turned around, and there was Scout racing towards us.
      Martine on her Friday off, coming for a swim in the creek.
      She is a water baby, this one.
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    • Dia 70

      And lots more ...

      18 de setembro de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C


      Packed Tin Tin to within an inch of his life.
      Anything that moved was packed away.
      So all I have to do each morning of my home journey is ...
      Get up ..
      Have breakfast ...
      Push the bed back into the couch ...
      Put the extra mattress on top of the bed ...
      Load the 2 kayak pieces ...
      And drive away.

      Emily and I went to Woolies.
      Forgot our list.
      I got all my stuff.
      Emily forgot to buy her salt.

      Filled up Tin Tin with Petrol.
      I drove back to the Service Station later to pick up some Coolant for the van.
      And a pie each.
      We had forgotten lunch again.

      Emily finished work and we went for a walk.
      Crossed the creek.
      Beautiful afternoon.
      Daryl rang.
      He was at our site.
      We headed back.
      Saw Daryl walking across the sand towards us and tried to point him out to Lacey.
      But she, very determinedly, kept racing towards another walker.
      ( Her long vision may be a touch impaired.)
      We kept calling her back.
      Then she saw him.
      And she absolutely flew across the sand and leapt straight into the creek and swam across to jump all over him.

      All 4 of us wandered and had that last look towards Woopi.
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    • Dia 70

      And a couple more ...

      18 de setembro de 2020, Austrália ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Last night at Woopi.

      I have had the best time.

      Just lots of talking.
      I was telling Emily that my Grandfather, Dad’s Dad was nicknamed ‘Poet’ when he served in the First World War .... lots of stories told...
      We talked about what a great name that is.
      And after a bit of ‘trying the name on for size’, Emily is naming her puppy ‘Poet’.
      Great sounding name.

      I have absolutely had the best time.

      Get the names of places VERY wrong....
      But ...
      Then I had this awful realisation.

      I turned to Emily and said, “ My new van is going to be called ‘Dorringo’, isn’t it?”

      We both collapsed in hysterics.
      Daryl took us somewhere ... 3 different places actually ... and I could not get their names right.
      One of them, I kept calling ‘Dorringo’.
      Daryl and Emily keep bursting into song ...
      “ Dorringo .... dum da da da da da da ... Dorringo “
      Like a Western movie.
      I’m sunk.
      The van’s name is Dorringo.
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    • Dia 7

      Very lazy day

      17 de julho de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Woke about 7.30am.
      Daryl and Martine had already left for their morning walk on the beach.
      Emily and I headed into Woopi for Brunch.
      Very, very nice.
      At the same little cafe that Daryl and Martine were sitting at when they were waiting to hear if their offer on this house had been accepted.
      A bit of a cheer went up from their table when they heard it had ...
      And they have been friendly with the cafe owner ever since.

      Wandered the shops.
      I bought earrings.
      Love them.
      We looked for a stunning hat for Emily...
      She likes hats.
      Too hard to describe.
      Will take a photo when she finds one.

      Came home.
      And absolutely collapsed.
      I had to go for a nap.
      Emily too.

      We were worn out.
      ( Not normally a nap person. Think I could be now. Bit of a worry.)

      Helped Martine plant 6 palms at the boundary out the front.
      Huge difference.
      She is so thrilled.
      Lamb roast.
      ( Still emptying meat out of the freezer in Tin Tin.)
      And a very lazy night around the open fire in the back yard.

      That’s it.
      Getting very fond of my bed.
      Think I will live in the hammock at the lake.

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    • Dia 71

      Wooli, Moonee Beach & Woolgoolga

      30 de abril de 2022, Austrália ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      9wks in and am getting lazy - you're getting three towns in one footnote.

      Wooli (pronounced Wool-eye) is just up the road from Minnie Water. We went there for the dawn service at 5am for Anzac Day. Was a bit pants as we were stuck down the back and couldn't see or hear the service. But we could hear the Last Post ringing out across the sea, which gave me chills.
      We will remember them.

      We buggered off down the beach once the service was over and caught the sunrise, was pretty special. Lovely area, where the river meets the sea.

      We had high hopes when we moved on to Moonee Beach. The caravan park was 5 stars with rave reviews about how dog friendly it was, how great the area was and how close it was to the beach.

      And the big town of Coffs Harbour is ten minutes down the road, with all the big shops I needed for various bits and bobs. I'm thinking of getting a portable washing machine, as I'm spending a small fortune on park laundries. Which are notoriously rubbish with old top loaders, manufactured in eighteen eleventy three. Clothes come out dirtier that they went in and it's ruined several new white shirts. But the portable machines are pretty weighty and quite large, don't think I've got the space or weight left for one.

      Well, Reflections Holiday Park at Moonee Beach were rubbish. Not dog friendly, just dog tolerant. The site was a swamp, ankle deep in mud. The car and the van are now filthy. The 'beach' was in fact the estuary, it was a good 20 minute walk to the actual beach, across ridged hard sand that killed the feet and several swims through permanent trenches in the sand, caused by the tide.

      We nearly stepped on a sleeping stingray whilst wading across to the beach to watch the surfers early one morning - and that was the highlight of our stay.

      We nipped up the coast to Woolgoolga to check out the Buster shipwreck that had been exposed on the beach, due to the wild weather. And stumbled across a beach front caravan park when I took a wrong turn. It was glorious. No mud, just a few steps to the beach which was huge and wide with warm water (and a historic shipwreck). I booked on the spot and we abandoned the swamp at Moonee Beach the following morning.

      And that's where you find us right now - Lakeside Holiday Park, Woolgoolga. Ironic name as there is no lake. Just a wide creek that flows into the sea.

      Dick did a flying jump to catch a stick yesterday. His legs went out from under him and he landed square on his arse in the sand. He limped back to me and whimpered a bit - so I knew he'd done himself a mischief.

      He's scraped all the skin off his a-hole and bruised his backside. He's been having salt baths in the sea (which must really sting) and some soothing gel on his unmentionables. I may need to whip him to the vets for antibiotics when they re-open on Monday.

      Reason for vet visit: 'A red raw butthole'
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    • Dia 26

      Fun sunny day

      5 de agosto de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Lay in Tin Tin ...
      The wind was a bit cold.
      And ordered a Director’s Chair on the Internet.
      Tried to think what else I could buy.
      Drew a blank.
      Did look for ‘Drip Rings’ for the kayak paddle that stop the water running down the paddle onto your lap.
      Looked complicated.
      Will look more tomorrow.
      Forecast ... sunny but 17 degrees.
      Rain forecast for Friday.

      Drove into Woopi.
      Bought a throw rug and some baskets for the van.
      The throw rug ... needed just something extra at night, and will be great for the hammock.
      Baskets ... need a place for everything in a van.

      Love dinner outside.
      Then inside writing this.

      Mum still in hospital.
      Feeling much better as she does not have to move much, getting meals, cups of tea etc.
      Will be there til Monday.
      Then into rehab to give her time to heal.

      Nigh nigh xxx-
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    • Dia 16

      No .... REALLY RAINS!

      26 de julho de 2020, Austrália ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Sunday morning and the rain is absolutely pouring down.

      Melbourne gets 600ml a year, Daryl tells me.
      Coffs gets 2 metres.

      So Martine says “ I am going to see if the Woolgoolga Creek has broken through the sand into the sea.”
      So we said, “We’re coming.”

      And it poured down.
      Felt like we are under a waterfall.
      And there it was ...
      A massive amount of water flowing from the Woolgoolga Lake ( Creek ) down into the sea.
      That’s the Lake next to our caravan park that is usually shallow at low tide.
      So we really wanted to see it broken through again into the sea.

      We all wore coats etc...
      Saturated in seconds...
      I had to take my glasses off.
      Could not see a thing.
      ( Needed windscreen wipers!)

      Everyone paddled and crossed the raging stream.
      Not me though.
      I was keeping those small dogs out of the raging torrent.
      They would have been swept out to sea.

      So much fun.
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    • Dia 17

      We have arrived!!!!

      27 de julho de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      All that ringing around from home...
      All the recommendations from Daryl and Martine ...
      This is a spectacular caravan park.

      And we are in!
      And settled.
      Takes 10 minutes to set up.
      Mainly unpacking what had to be secured to drive...
      Winding the awning out ...
      And positioning the table and chairs.
      So, so, so easy.

      We are both on the one site so, a little crowded.
      But wait till they move out next door.
      We will have so much room, if it wasn’t for Covid, we’d be holding a rave party.

      Emily had work and a meeting this morning so left Sandy Beach about 11.30am.
      On site at 11.40am.
      My kind of trip.

      Then a quick “Hurrah. We did it. We are here.”
      And back to Sandy Beach for the Postie bike.

      I went in Tin Tin, our runabout now, to the supermarket and back to get supplies for a few days.
      My fridge is still operating as a freezer until we eat all the food in there.
      Running off the second battery at the moment.
      May keep it as a freezer or may be easier to each have our own fridge.
      Not sure yet.

      Emily finished work about 3pm.
      Walked the beach and sandbanks on the lake.
      Beautiful day.
      Though all the rain has caused lots of mud to be flowing through the lake out to sea.
      Will settle soon, I imagine.

      We forgot to bring the shanks out of the fridge.
      That was dinner tonight.
      Daryl is refusing to part with them....
      ( “Shanks? What shanks?”)
      So roast chicken and salad instead.
      Watched some TV with Emily in Bumper, Line of Duty.
      Then onto my bed to write this.

      I am sleeping in Tin Tin after all.
      Seems to be OK.
      Total blackout curtains ... I don’t think anyone knows I am in here.
      We originally were going to both sleep in Bumper as we have only booked one site.
      But this works better.

      We also ran an extension lead from Bumper to Tin Tin so I can turn on my heater if needed.
      So basically powering 2 vans.
      Stealing electricity probably.
      ( Continuing the theme of the trip really.)

      Have a look at the photos.
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    • Dia 17

      Woopi ... more photos

      27 de julho de 2020, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We have had a lovely, lovely day.

      Emily went One Wheeling on the grass by the lake.
      These cabins look beautiful and have an amazing view over the water.

      This area is just across the road from our sites.

      Katrina, one teaspoon is from O’Reilly’s Tree Top walk, I think.
      Daryl did that with Dad.
      And the other is a prize Dad won for a tennis competition.
      Lovely memories with both.

      Goodnight from Stage 3 of this adventure.
      We are here .... and we are set up.

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    Woolgoolga Creek

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