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    • Day 59


      December 11, 2022 in Austria ⋅ ☁️ -5 °C

      Holy crap on a cracker. This guy is the biggest turd face. Talking on the phone until midnight and then both me and Will were both woken up by what sounded like a bubble popping game on his phone and then he answered a phone call.
      Bro. It’s 4 am. Shut the fuck up.
      He sighs and moans all day too. Such a loud human with no consideration for others. It amazes me.
      Will told him to take his phone call outside and he pretended not to understand (he is German)
      despite his perfect English yesterday morning when conning people out of money. Weird how he forgot an entire language overnight.

      And then at 8am back on the phone.
      We left around 9:30.
      Again how weird that yesterday he was like oh nooo my money is gone i just wanted to stay one more day.
      He has 30 minutes to check out to keep to this supposed timeline. HA.

      Headed towards Mozarts birth house and museum. It’s about a 25 minute walk to town.
      Annoyed cause it’s literally 50 meters away from where we have walked every day. 😅 We normally turn left to head to the markets, fortress etc
      It’s 50 meters to the right.
      A big yellow house.
      He lived on the 3rd floor.
      I really like museums like this.
      Will doesn’t give me enough time though 😩
      His impatience stressed me out so I rush and miss so much.
      Especially at the end of trips.
      Museum number 1 of a trip he is actually pretty good haha
      I thought the info they provided was excellent - especially describing his mother, father and sister as people. Their personalities were mentioned.
      I feel bad for his sister. Apparently a prodigy in her own right but no one knows who she Is because of her brother. She was also a truly remarkable musician.
      Thing like this make me think of Alison and Andrew Hammond.
      Andrew, the stupid brother who only got 99% instead of 100.
      Pfft what a looser. 😆
      Poor Andrew. Poor Mozarts sister.
      She also had family/home expectations when older that meant she couldn’t travel/tour anymore. He didn’t have the same restrictions.
      Mozarts parents marriage was a love marriage, they had 7 children but only 2 survived.
      Mozart had 6 and only 2 survived.
      How all the parents of this time period weren’t all in the looney bin I swear.
      It has some cool stuff.
      A letter from his father to someone announcing his birth.
      His childhood violin.
      His half finished final piece.
      A bit of his hair (what everyone wants)
      And just other relics and bits and bobs.
      The kitchen was the only room that was how it would have looked. The birth room was where his childhood violin was on display.

      We then walked to where our tour was leaving from - lots of little stones have been thrown on the floor all over the city to give you grip when you walk.

      We were thinking maybe a car full for our tour but it ended being an entire double decker bus.
      We had good seats except for the big black line across the window which was annoying for my neck.

      On our way leaving we drove past what is now a school but where Einstein first presented his theory of relativity 1909. Had a plaque on the wall.

      Our guide was Steve and Steve was very funny.
      We drove past a beautiful area and he was like celebrity’s stay here, it’s about €7000 a night.
      Breakfast is included.
      His delivery was excellent.

      Incredible. I got emotional about it 🤣

      Just incredible.

      We stopped at a nice viewpoint on the way which was half clouded but ok. Will threw a massive snow ball at my head and so as compensation he allowed a group picture 💃🏻

      Kept driving and the mountains were so good 😭
      We were asked if we wanted to do the skywalk when there. A gamble because of the weather but if we arrived and it’s crap he would give our money back.
      So we paid as the bone church is shut during the winter period.
      Weather was looking good until maybe the last 3km where we drove into a cloud.
      We decided to go up anyway because nothing else to do 😅
      Most of the bus chose to go.
      Was a lift up.
      Could not see shit 🤣
      Nada, nothing.
      It was snowing so heavily so that was fun.
      We hung around up there for a long while really considering. Will was in a fabulous mood and asked for a selfie and then for me to take a pic of him….. the weirdest place we have been to ask, nothing to see behind you but yea absolutely we can get photos!!!! 💕💕💕
      It cleared a little bit so we did see an outline of the massive beautiful mountains surrounding us.
      Would be sensational in good weather.
      It is a UNESCO village.
      Disappointing but is what it is.
      Caught the train lift back down. I threw a snow ball at Will so my hands where FREEZING and turned bright red immediately.
      It’s the lovely powder snow rather than hard ice at least.
      We were hungry by now (had another banitsa for breakfast but hours ago) most places closed. Not sure if because Winter or a Sunday or both.
      Found a crappy pizza place but did the job.
      We then just went walking through the town. Lovely. Lots of colours and you could at least see some of the mountain backdrop down here.
      We got some nice village/lake shots. No mountain shots but we have still had a really good day.
      Popped my head into the church. Nothing special.

      Lots of swans. Love swans.
      Obviously very well fed swans. They make a straight line swim to you if you acknowledge them.
      Do you have food for me? 👀

      Felt bad for one because a couple was throwing snow in and he was trying to find the food 😭😭🥲

      Particularly like all the snow that got stuck in Wills eyebrows.

      Glad we chose to come.
      Had to be back at the bus by 4.
      Just as beautiful on the way home.
      Had a small nap. The bus motion sends me off to sleep like a toddler.
      Back in the city and it’s colddddddddd

      We got some crap sausage on the walk home cause ceebs walking aimlessly in the snow and didn’t want to have to come back out later.

      Old mate still here. He is in the foyer.
      *searches and finds no one*

      The hot chocolate machine in the foyer makes the BEST HOT CHOCOLATE ITS AMAZING.

      Have showered and packed.
      Big day on the train tomorrow but keen for Berlin.

      I already posted this but I am editing with an exciting new update:

      2 Russian men entered (members 7 and 8 of the room) then left presumably to complain.

      They never came back but another person entered and CHOSE THE DOUBLE BED. There is a top bunk available.
      And I am so excited.

      Report will come with tomorrows journal.
      In a great mood hahahahahahah
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