Bette and Barb in Scandanavia

июня - июля 2017
41-дневное приключение от BarbBette Читать далее
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  • День 39

    Alesund Norway

    26 июля 2017 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Hi Family

    We have had two incredible days in the fjords. Yesterday we arrived in Flam early in the morning where there was a spectacular cloud hanging around the cliffs of the fjord. After brekkie on the deck we set off for a big day climbing up one of the steepest roads in Norway up numerous hair pin bends in a bus. Amazingly the sun kept breaking through. The scenery as we looked back to the Aurlands fjord was out of this world. There were neat little farms and patches of snow on the mountain tops , numerous waterfalls and fast flowing rivers tumbling over rocks. Pools as clear as a bell . We often had to pass other buses on single lane roads very scary!!! We had lunch in a majestic old hotel and walked up onto the grass roof of the culture centre for a fabulous view down the valley. Then we went on two trains . The last one stopped at Kjosfossen waterfall right beside the track where the spray covered us. Hilariously a lady dressed in red popped out the vegetation beside the waterfall and danced to some haunting music. Bizarre. The ride back down to the ship was so lovely. After our return we had cocktails and caviar as the ship sailed slowly through the fjord. We had the urge to burst into song but controlled ourselves. Certainly it was one of those moments we will never forget and probably the best day so far .Now we are in another fjord at a town called Alesund which has art nouveau architecture . We went to the high point above the town and looking down was quite amazing. It was sunny while we were out and surprisingly the last few days have been the warmest of our trip so far. We don't leave here until 11.30 as we don't have far to go tonight so we plan to eat up on the deck by the pool. My back has been so terrible that I decided to try a short course of Bette's prednisone and after one day it is better than it has been in 5 weeks. Not sure what will happen when I stop. Bette's right knee is playing up and she will have to have that investigated on our return. We trust Lucy and Josh got away and that Ruby had a wonderful birthday with her school mates. Can't believe you are 6 !!! Miss you all all of love ❤️
    Barb& Bette
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  • День 41


    28 июля 2017 г., Норвегия ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    Every day has been a surprise. We thought today's excursion might be a bit the same as the day before. However it was really different and exciting. We arrived and woke up in this amazing fjord. It was very cloudy and cooler and we thought the visibility for our trip up the mountains above the fjord wouldn't be very good. At the first stop it was very cloudy but as we climbed higher the clouds and mist started to roll away .We then began to climb all these really sharp hair pin bends all the way up to 3500 feet where there was still snow on the ground, great gushing waterfalls and a beautiful lake where we had coffee and yummy jam doughnuts. Our guide was Spanish and called Jesus and made all the worst jokes about his name. The roads are really narrow and when two buses pass it really is white knuckle stuff. There are lots of tiny electric cars that people hire. In fact it will be obligatory to drive an electric car in Norway in the near future. As the boat set off this afternoon we rugged up and went up to the front of the ship as we made our way back through the fjord with amazing waterfalls thundering down the sides. We have finished the day seeing a live show of Singers and Dancers doing some great harmonies of Manhattan Transfer , the Beatles and others. So I had better get some sleep as we are off early for a zodiac ride along a new fjord with a naturalist aboard and then up in a cable car. Probably scream all the way up. Anyway guys hope adventures are not boring you.
    Love to everyone. We miss you all and will be back home before you know it .

    Lots of love

    B& B
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