Kanaal der Visserij

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    • Dag 12


      12 juni 2020, België ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Gegen und Seitenwind. Schwüle Luft. War nicht geil zu fahren. Aber die Anstrengung hat sich gelohnt. Gent belohnt mich mit einem epochalen Empfang. Diese Stadt ist ein weiterer WOW-Megapoint. Ich weiß gar nicht wo ich zuerst hinschauen soll. Diese Momente lassen die Anstrengungen schnell vergessen.Meer informatie

    • Dag 6

      Gent ❤

      23 oktober 2019, België ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Leider haben wir kein passendes Hotel gefunden .. wollten uns Gent aber trotzdem anschauen und sind daher nach dem Kaffee früh los gefahren. 🛣🚙 Der Weg führte uns durch den Westerscheldetunnel! 6,6 km lang, unter dem Meer 😳 Merkwürdiges Gefühl 😴 In Gent haben wir direkt im Zentrum geparkt und sind lecker vegan frühstücken gegangen. Bananenbrot mit Erdnusscreme, Bananen und Kakaonibs 🥰 Kürbispfannekuchen mit Obst und Kokosschlagsahne 🥰 Dazu gab es einen Ingwershot und einen Hafermilch Cappuccino ☕ Das Cafe ist gleichzeitig auch ein Bio Supermarkt (fast alles unverpackt) .. 👏 Danach sind wir zur Touristeninformation und haben uns eine Karte geholt. Es gab diverse Spaziergangsempfehlungen .. 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️👣 Einigen sind wir gefolgt und haben dadurch viel gesehen ❤🏙
      Mittags gab es vegane Pizza 🍕 So lecker!!! Eine war belegt mit Tomatensauce, Seitan, Silberzwiebeln, eingelegten Gurken und geriebenem Kohl - klingt verrückt war aber mega lecker 🥰 Die andere mit Möhrencreme, Champions, Spinat und geriebenem Blumenkohl und oben drauf Grünkohl 🤷‍♀️ klingt auch verrückt war aber auch sehr lecker 👏 Danach sassen wir am Ufer. Haben die Touristen auf den Booten und die Studenten auf der Fahrrädern beobachtet 😅
      Zum Schluss ging es in die Bücherrei. In der 3. Etage sollte man einen schönen Ausblick haben.. Joa.. Vielleicht standen wir an der falschen Fensterscheibe 😅
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    • Dag 10

      Gent, Belgien

      10 mei 2017, België ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Der Genter Altar ist ein Flügelaltar in der Genter St.-Bavo-Kathedrale. Er wurde von Jan van Eyck und wahrscheinlich dessen Bruder Hubert van Eyck geschaffen und 1432 oder 1435 von Jan van Eyck in der Kathedrale – der damaligen Pfarrkirche Sint-Jans – aufgestelltMeer informatie

    • Dag 253

      Ghent - Day 1

      10 september 2015, België ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Ghent … my last city on my European Summer adventures before heading back to London to work and save for my final trip. I arrived from Louise's mid-afternoon yesterday, it was sunny and warm, and the most summery type of weather I had seen so far in Belgium.

      My hostel was about 15 minutes walk so I loaded up my bag and headed in its direction. I had such a lovely feeling arriving here. The guidebook described Ghent as a bigger version of Bruges, but with less tourists, which I am definitely looking forward too!

      My hostel is located on the outskirts of the main city centre. It’s a beautiful hostel, owned by a husband and wife. There are three flights of narrow stairs and no lift to my room, but beautiful hand paintings on the walls.

      After settling in, and having missed all of the day’s walking tours, I decide to go for a walk on my own having perused my guidebook and the cool maps I like in the hostel foyer.

      I left my hostel and walked around the different streets all-leading towards old town. I love how all the shops are individual, wherever you go. And as in London the moment the sun shows it’s head everyone heads to their nearest patch of grass and has lunch there haha, it was the same here.

      I found myself on Korenmarkt having noodles for lunch and taking in the pedestrians and trams interning together. Across from me were these great old buildings, with one holding a jazz bar I wished to visit. After lunch I headed further down the street visiting’s the

      Great Butchers’ Hall, an old gin house that I was too scared to ask for a gin so just left :/, across the river and past the old castle.

      I ventured back towards my hostel taking a different street and stopping in at the Market Hall to watch people play the piano and then up to the graffiti street. The Gent festival of Flanders was starting in the weekend the day I left, and everywhere there were stages and scaffolding going up. It looked really exciting.

      On my way back to the hostel I stopped by the grocery store to collect some items for dinner, cheese, bread, salami, jam and wine. My hostel had a cool backyard area. There was fake grass laid down and big beanbags scattered around. Sunflowers grew everywhere and the walls had a graffiti artist’s work.

      In the evening I headed back into the city, looking somewhere to have a drink. I stopped in at jazz bar I read about in my map, Hot Club De Gand. It’s a secrete jazz bar because its well hidden off the main street. It was jammed pack, so I only stayed a little while before heading back to my hostel for a glass of wine and music by the megaphone.
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    • Dag 254

      Ghent - Day 2

      11 september 2015, België ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      I am up early today, ready to pack in as much of Ghent as I possibly can! I enjoy a beautiful breakfast at my hostel before heading off on a walk around the main canal – thanks trip advisor posts for that tip. It's another blue-sky day, so I lap up the beautiful sun.

      As I entered back into the city I came across the Friday markets in Vrijdagmarkt

      Square. There is everything you can think of here, loads of great produce and nicknacks to sell. A little down the road was a great antiques market next to St Jacobs Catherdal.

      I love seeing these type of markets, just seeing what people have pulled out of their attics from years and years ago. And to think that you could quite literally find something here that was use in the war, or an antique from 100 years ago! History, right in the square.

      From here I head to Sint-BaafsKathedraal to see the Adoration of the Mystic Lamb by Hubert and Jan van Eyck. I was most eager to see this painting after having read about it in the Monuments Men book and understand what it took to save this piece.

      Upon entering the area where the Adoration was presented you received an audio guide and map for the master piece. The guide talked you through each section and explained what was happening and how important it was to history. As I came to realise through the book the artworks are like our photographs today. They are the snapshot of what life was like in that era, as close as we'll get to seeing it ourselves.

      You weren’t allowed to take any pictures of the Adoration and I don’t like taking pictures inside a place of worship, so I have no pictures to show.

      After I had finished here it was time for the morning walking tour. We met at the Upperlink Hostel, which I will defo be staying at next time. It ha a great view over the main harbour and is central to old town. It also feels like a hostel, my current one is more posh, just as lovely, but a tad too far out of town.

      On today’s tour we visit:

      - Graslei and Korenlei (the medieval harbor of Ghent)

      - The three towers of Ghent: a. St. Nicholas Church b. Belfry c. St. Bavo’s Cathedral

      - The City Hall

      - Graffiti Street

      - Vrijdagsmarkt square (Friday markets)

      - St. Jacobs Church

      - Dulle Griet (super canon)

      - Patershol quarter (good eating area)

      - The castle Gravensteen

      Some of the nuggets of information I retained included:
      - Chocolate should always be served fresh and consumed within 1-2 days of making it. That’s why the chocolate in the stores are never very good

      - On the front of each building are decorations which tell the story of the family who live on the inside

      - XL toilet roll paper: this used to be the toil of the Ghent Design Museum, now it’s a giant toilet roll

      - There are urinals everywhere in the town, I found this to be a thing in Belgium. Louise tells me it’s because the men would otherwise pee in the street! And I thought this country was civilised haha.

      - The flashing lights on Sint-Veerleplein. Every time a baby is born in the maternity ward these lights flash, just once in the square located near the Count’s Castle. Apparently there is a web cam you can watch and it is quite rare to be able to witness. How beautiful it is to celebrate new life.

      - Ghent Marriot Hotel: We took a tour of the inside of the hotel to show that just because the outside façade is medieval the inside will blow you away

      - Showed us where they had filmed sections of the Monuments Men, where the premier was and that Adrien Brody was here just 2 weeks ago filming 'Emperor’ on the bridge we had met at. That would’ve been amazing to see! It would’ve felt like you had literally seen Gent in the old days

      - De Dulle Greit bar is located on Vrijdagsmarkt. It is famous for a few things.
      1) legend says that in the 15th century it hid the daughter of Charles Quint the Fifth who was apparently insane. Her name was Meg and her tantrums at being locked up gave her the nickname of Mad Meg

      2) The bar is named after the Dulle Griet canon across the road. Apparently Mad Meg used it in her fight against the Catholics, she blamed them for all of the hurt she had received.

      3) The bar has 260 different beers

      4) It’s famous for its ‘show for a one and half litre beer’. In order to purchase one of these beers the drinker must first hand over one of their shoes, which the bar man puts in a basket that is tied up to the ceiling. The shoe is returned when the glass is returned. Apparently the glasses as so popular that too many people were stealing them, hence the shoe for a beer rule.

      Although the guide recommended that we climb the Belfry to look out over the city as he said that to have a sunny day like we have today happened five times a year I chose to not go and instead sit along the medieval harbour and take in the view, atmosphere and moment and sheer fact that here I was coming to the end of almost 4 months of solid travel, and that here I was in Ghent, Belgium! It’s all been worth it J

      I took a slow walk back to my hostel, walking back through the cool little streets and shops I had passed too frequently in the last 24 – 48 hours. I went past a cool bar I had read about in the map and decided to stop in for a visit. They had a roof top bar open and as our guide said, having sun like this in Belgium only happened 5 times a year, so I better embrace it!

      I wandered up as the early Friday work leavers were starting to pile in. I found myself a nice table and ordered and gin and tonic and a toasted sandwich. My toasty had some how been forgotten about! So when it eventually did arrive so did a complementary GnT did too! Oh happy days!

      I walked back to my hostel, picked up my bag and walked back through the city to the train station. Good bye Gent. The brief time we spent together was fantastic, until next time!

      Gent Festival

      Adoration of the Mystic Lamb…

      Cool walking tour info (not mine)…

      Free walking tour
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    Kanaal der Visserij

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