Walloon Brabant Province

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    • Day 3

      Lazy Saturday

      September 16, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      I had a lazy start to the day - relaxing and reading and adjusting to the time difference and warm weather.

      Brigitte and I did some shopping and then started preparing for dinner as we had Gui, Geertje, Luc, Nathalie, Sohan and Stéphane and Emma for dinner.

      I made an apple cake which ended up being a disaster as the cake form Brigitte had leaked and so the floor of the oven was covered in cake batter. So no dessert tonight.

      We are having a barbecue with brochettes and sausages. I made some guacamole which was a big hit with everyone and we also made a potato salad and a green salad.

      It was a lovely evening catching up with family.
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    • Day 5

      On our way to Paris

      May 29, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      Are you even a tourist if you don't run after the train? Lucie helped me fulfill this dream. 🤣 Not on purpose though.

      There's also a woman next to us who is hardcore praying (out loud) as if she is asking for forgiveness on behalf of all humanity.

      Lucie said "It must be her first time, I guess."

      *This photo is dedicated to my mom because she insisted I take more pictures of myself*
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    • Day 37


      October 20, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      This afternoon I will be going on my first geocaching experience. Arlette a good friend of my cousin has been geocaching for about 9 years and she has arranged this afternoon’s excursion.

      We were very lucky that the weather improved from this morning and we now have blue sky and sunshine and it is about 20 degrees, which is perfect conditions for geocaching. We headed off down a path in Ceroux-Mousty and we found some amazing wood carvings that were done by a local artist called Gills Dominique and they are fabulous. We found our first cache by following the clues and it was lost of fun and rewarding. Once you find the cache you write your user name and the date and return it to where you found it. It was really lots of fun.Read more

    • Day 15


      April 15 in Belgium ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Vi kan jo ikke bare køre forbi monumentet for slaget ved Waterloo. Egentlig troede vi bare at vi skulle op på toppen, men der er et kæmpe museum under jorden. Utrolig godt lavet, men en barsk historie. Tusindevis af soldater blev dræbt. Billedet er fra den runde bygning, hvor selve slaget er vist, med lyden af kanoner, geværer, sabler, råb, skrig, galoperende heste, vrinsk og stønnede soldater. Det var virkelig en stærk oplevelse.Read more

    • Day 52

      Fairly quiet relaxed day

      November 4, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      We had planned to take Emma and Sohan to Chocolate Nation in Antwerp today, however, poor Emma wasn’t well, in fact she started getting a sore throat on Thursday which was her birthday. With our excursion to Antwerp off we had a pretty lazy day, did a bit of reading and watching Netflix. Brigitte has introduced me to The 100 and although I enjoyed the first couple of seasons, the 3rd season is not doing it for me. It could be that I am watching it in French so that I can improve my language skills, but the storyline is getting more and more complicated which makes it much more difficult for me to keep up.

      As I said Sohan has been staying with us and we have done a few activities with him, but he seems most interested in playing on his Nintendo or tablet and gets grumpy when his grandmother suggests he is on it too much. We came to an impasse- all Brigitte wanted to do was discuss some boundaries, he shut down, got hysterical and wouldn’t talk. In the end his Dad came to get him mid-afternoon and I must say it was a relief when he left. Brigitte and I think he is addicted to playing on his screens and I think he will have a big adjustment to make when he returns to school next week.

      We decided we needed some air so we went for a lovely late afternoon walk to the forest that is at the end of Brigitte’s street. It was lovely to get out into the fresh air, we met loads of people walking their dogs which was nice. We just had a light dinner after I had been pigging out on these Paprika Bugles which are so moorish and delicious, I don’t think I have seen them in Oz which is probably good for me as I find it hard to stop eating them.

      After the dramas of the day we were both pretty tired and so we had an early night.
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    • Day 49

      Lovely Day in Limal

      November 1, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Had quite the sleep in this morning and a very slow start to the day. I got my washing done, we had lunch and then Brigitte and I went for a lovely walk in the woods which are just up her street. We took a different path to see if we could locate the wood carvings that had been done by local artists in honour of a friend who had passed away from a brain tumour over a year earlier.

      After initially missing the path as we were talking we doubled back and found a few carvings along a path, plus the place where his ashes were scattered. Brigitte thinks some of the carvings have been removed which is terrible as they were done to honour Dominique and his contributions both to society and the arts.

      Nonetheless we had an enjoyable walk in the beautiful clean air of Limal and tonight Nathalie, Steph, Sohan and Emma are coming for dinner.
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    • Day 7

      Relaxing Day in Limal

      September 20, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After the big day visiting Gent yesterday, today is going to be a nice relaxing day hanging around home and getting some jobs done. I had left a whole bunch of stuff at Brigitte’s place last year as I had intended to spend several months in Europe this year - plans change and now that extended stay won’t be for a couple of years. So I packed up all my warmer gear and posted it back to Australia.

      The weather is still very mild, although some cooler and wet weather is forecast over the next couple of days. Stéphane, Brigitte’s son has created a wonderful garden that produces so many vegetables, so today more produce was picked from the garden including pumpkins, zucchini, potatoes, onion, cucumbers and tomatoes. The zucchini are huge and plentiful so I decided to show Brigitte how to make zucchini slice. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the slice - something they had never had, but will now make as it is a great way to use up zucchini.

      I also spent some of today reading my second holiday novel - Dreaming in French by Vanessa McCausland - it is such a good read I am afraid it will be finished in a couple of days!
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    • Day 5

      Get things done!

      September 18, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Today we had a slow start as we weren’t in a rush to go anywhere. We had a number of errands to run and things to do. We headed off to Ottiginies to purchase a large box from the Post Office so that I can send a whole lot of clothes I left here last year when the plan was to spend 4 months in Cahors.

      Then we picked up some lovely soaps from Provence that I really like and we went and bought some delicious chocolates as a thank you to a women who found a number of cards belonging to Stéphane that he had lost. I then also got my hair cut as my hairdresser went on holidays recently and so I wasn’t able to get a trim prior to heading off on holidays.

      I then took Brigitte out to lunch to a favourite restaurant of ours, Maxime, in Wavre. Brigitte had moule frit and I had steak tartare, the meals were delicious.

      After lunch we did some grocery shopping and planned dinner- deciding I would cook schnitzel, which was a hit with both Emma and Stephane.

      We also harvested some of the wonderful produce Brigitte and Stéphane grow including tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and pumpkins. I also finished my first holiday novel - Before the Coffee Gets Cold - which was a lovely read and I have now started reading Vanessa McCausland’s - Dreaming in French - which I am thoroughly enjoying.
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    • Day 36

      Markets of Wavre and lunch!

      October 19, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      After a nice slow start we headed into Wavre again today to check out the Wednesday Markets. The whole of the town centre is closed off to traffic and they have a huge market. I sent a box of winter clothes over to Belgium for me to have as we travel north where it is much cooler. Unfortunately the box is still with customs! I was very clear with what was in the box - my personal clothes and boots - but someone the customs office thought Brigitte had ordered these clothes from Australia and wanted to charge importation tax of 544 euros - for my old clothes!!!! Brigitte finally spoke to someone and explained they were my clothes and so the charge has been waived but we are still waiting for the box to be delivered and we leave for Copenhagen on Monday. As I don’t have many warm clothes I purchased a couple of things at the market. I have also found a store with great boots, so if I don’t get my box in time I will need to buy some jeans and boots.

      After wandering around the markets for a while we decided to get lunch at a brasserie owned by friends of Brigitte called Bar A K. It was such a fun place - great food and wine and a wonderful ambiance, a bit quirky and everyone was so friendly. This brasserie is also a bar and has lots of live music and it would be fun to attend a gig if we get the chance.

      A quiet night at home trying to catch up on my blog, with a wonderful Caprese salad with the wonderful tomatoes from Brigitte’s garden.
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    • Day 8

      Rainy Thursday

      September 21, 2023 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Woke up to the rain falling. We had planned to go to Brussels today but there is rain predicted all day. So I spent the morning doing some laundry and getting organised for our trip to France as the next few days before we leave are going to be very busy with social engagements.

      For lunch we met up with Brigitte’s friend Eva and we went to Le Bar à K a lovely little spot in Wavre that Brigitte and I frequented many times during my visit last year. They both had garlic prawns and I had prawns with Chicory. We had a lovely bottle of rosé to go with the meal. It was also an early celebration for Brigitte’s birthday which is Saturday.

      After lunch we went back to Eva’s place in Limal for coffee.

      Tonight Brigitte made the National Belgian dish Chicons au Gratin, (there is some debate about what is the National dish - some say Waterzooi (Soupish Stew) Moules Frites (Mussels & Fries) Cannibales (a type of steak tartare) and Waffles are all on the list. Chicons au Gratin consists of Chicory that is boiled and then wrapped in ham, placed in a baking dish, covered with white sauce and cheese and then placed under a grill. It is an interesting dish and quite delicious. It is a good dish on a cold day.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Province du Brabant Wallon, Provinz Wallonisch-Brabant, Walloon Brabant Province, Brabant Wallonie, Brabant Wallon, Waals-Brabant, Brabante Valão

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