Bosnia and Herzegovina
Old Town Bazar

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    • Day 19

      Mittagessen in Sarajevo

      October 2, 2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Ein Besuch in Sarajevo kann natürlich nicht ohne Ćevapčići stattfinden.
      Also ab in eines von vielen Ćevabzirnica‘s im Baščaršija (Historicher Markt im Stadtzentrum).
      Und natürlich darf auch die berühmte Baklava nicht fehlen.Read more

    • Day 8

      Traditional coffee at Ministry of Ćejf

      August 26, 2023 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Il caffè viene servito con zollette di zucchero che non vanno messe nel caffè. bisogna intingere un angolo della zolletta nella bevanda e succhiarla e poi, solo dopo, bere un sorso di caffè. E così fino alla fine della zolletta o del caffè :)Read more

    • Day 2


      August 3, 2022 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      My next plan was to head for Mostar in Bosnia-Hercegovina. There being no train route from Dubrovnik, I had to take the bus. I hadn’t tried Flixbus before and had read varying reports about the service provided. The journey didn’t get off to the best of starts when the bus failed to appear for an hour after the scheduled departure. The large number of passengers waiting to board were a motley crew of students backpackers, ageing hippies and a few Oxbridge types having a ‘gap yah’. All enquiries about the bus directed to the large, disinterested woman seated behind a heavy metal grill eating a huge bag of satsumas were met with the same response: ‘Ee’s comming, ee’s comming!’.

      After a while I asked two friendly Japanese girls to mind my bag while I went in search of some refreshments for the 3.25 hour journey. As luck would have it, I was delayed in the shop with a customer arguing over the price of soap powder, and when I emerged the bus had arrived with everyone piling on. My Japanese friends had very kindly kept me a place and somehow everyone managed to get on board. I have to say that the bus did not resemble the one portrayed on the Flixbus website. It was a vehicle nearing the end of its useful service, possibly due to be put out to pasture and just doing occasional Sunday School trips (if they have such a thing). I know it has been very hot here and there is possibly a water shortage, but a run-through a car / bus wash wouldn’t have gone amiss. I was fortunate in getting a window seat on the side of the bus you could actually see out of! Some of the seats were in a permanently lean-back position, thus squashing the knees of the person behind. Thankfully I’m quite wee!

      Given the bus was packed, I was again fortunate in my travelling companion. Ersan Musa was a friendly young man from Paris who worked as a graphic designer, and had been involved in some big budget movies. I asked if he had met any famous stars, and he proudly displayed a photo on his phone. Yes, it was certainly Johnny Depp, but all I could see of Ersan was the top of his head, the rest of him being completely concealed by his fellow crew members. ‘It’s my favourite photo’ he declared proudly, laughing his head off. I fairly shut him up when I displayed my image of Nicole Kidman and I.

      Everyone on the bus had to get off and line up for a passport check at the border crossing as we left Croatia and entered Bosnia-Hercegovina. We were further delayed when police and fire engines blocked the road to deal with extensive forest fires. We could see the flames licking the bushes at the roadside. Eventually the bus limped into Mostar almost 2 hours late. There were no eating establishments near the bus station so my friend and I had little option but to sit-in at a late night bakery and dine on what the baker’s wife described as a ‘delicious snack’. This resembled a flattened Forfar Bridie, but with pastry that would challenge your dentures and a lot less meat. All washed down with a carton of runny, zero fat natural yoghurt. ‘Don’t you agree - delicious?’ she demanded. ‘Hmmm’ I said smiling, giving her a half-hearted thumbs up. Needless to say I was up all night with heartburn!

      Ersan and I departed to our separate hotels. I was in the 4 star Hotel Mostar - a lovely modern hotel and a big room with twin beds which, complete with breakfast, cost only £41.

      The next morning I set off to explore Mostar. It is a pretty town, nestled between the hills, but it’s beauty still bears the scars of the war of the early 1990’s. Derelict buildings and bullet holes are still visible. By the end of the conflict, Mostar was described as resembling Dresden at the end of WW2. Numerous buildings and most of the mosques were destroyed, and 2000 people lost their lives. I remember listening to news bulletins at the time describing the war in Bosnia, and it doesn’t seem that long ago.

      The star attraction by far is the Stari Most - the Old Bridge, where thousands gather daily hoping to catch a glimpse of a diver plunging 20 metres into the rapidly flowing turquoise waters of the River Neretva below - all this after he has extorted enough donations from the eager crowds to make it worth his while! It’s hard to think that this beautiful bridge too was destroyed in the civil war, and was painstakingly rebuilt, opening again in 2004. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. Although besieged with tourists during the summer months, the Stari Most is a most picturesque sight to behold, and the top visitor attraction in the country.

      In the midst of the hordes I literally bumped into my French friend, Ersan, who greeted me like a long-lost brother, and insisted on us going for a refreshing drink - very welcome given the heat. We then went our separate ways and I headed for the railway station to catch the train to Sarajevo. As there are only two trains per day, I think everyone else had the same idea, but once again we all got on board and what a spectacular journey it was. Following the valley of the river, the train snaked along beautiful tree covered hills, crossing bridges and across deep ravines, before climbing high into the mountains as the sun was starting to set. Now this is what you call travelling!
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    • Day 3


      August 4, 2022 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      I had planned on 2 nights in Sarajevo, and my first impression of the Hotel Lula was somewhat disappointing after my lovely hotel in Mostar. My accommodation consisted of a small box room, very sparsely furnished, having no chair at all! It did have a small private shower room, but the door to it did not open fully due to a door-stop preventing it hitting the wash hand sink. This meant you had to be a bit of a contortionist to access the loo behind the door. Not great if you required access during the night! The plus side however was that it was immediately adjacent to the main Old Town square (Baščaršija) - otherwise known as Pigeon Square (for obvious reasons). This was the very heart of the Old Town, which was lined with alleyways of cafés, coppersmith stalls and Ottoman mosques. It was thronged with tourists eating, drinking and hookah smoking, as worshippers responded to their call to prayer.

      Today was my main full day to explore Sarajevo - a place that has always intrigued me. I decided to start with a 2 hour free walking tour of the old city, conducted by Tour Bosnia (highly recommended if you ever visit). The tour was exceptionally well organised, and our guide Ahmed gave a comprehensive background to this troubled area, outlining major events of the 20th century involving Sarajevo - firstly the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie in 1914 which precipitated World War One. Then Sarajevo was positively put on the world map by hosting the 1984 Winter Olympics, an event they were immensely proud of - (who can forget Torvill and Dean’s gold medal winning performance skating to Ravel’s Bolero?) Who would have thought then that less than 10 years later Sarajevo would have to endure a 4 year siege at the hands of Bosnian Serbs which shocked the world, and resulted in the deaths of 10,500 citizens.

      I was so impressed with the walking tour which illustrated the impact that two major empires had had on Sarajevo - the Ottoman then the Austrian-Hungarian - that I decided to join the afternoon coach tour ‘The Fall of Yugoslavia’. This 4 hour tour (with the same excellent guide), took us to an amazing variety of key places including the shelled and graffiti-covered derelict Olympic bobsleigh track, and a tour of the Tunnel of Hope - Sarajevo’s only link with the outside world during the siege of 1992-1995 - an 800 metre secret tunnel between two houses on opposite sides of the airport runway. This tunnel allowed food and ammunition to be transported into the city, allowing Sarajevo to survive the longest siege of a capital city in the history of modern warfare.

      Apologies for the history lesson, but I learned so much today about this fascinating city, and it’s to the credit of the people of Sarajevo that it has survived so well, and developed into the beautiful cultural city it is today, full of fabulous architectural designs and vibrant street life. Well worth a visit.
      Read more

    • Day 15


      August 3, 2018 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Interner Vermerk: sollte Fabian eine Idee für ne Offroad Strecke haben, dann schau dir auch den Weg dorthin gut an - da fängt die Herausforderung schon an.....😎 Und das vor allem nach 320km normaler Strecke.....
      Das ist kein Handtuch auf dem Bild, sondern mein T-Shirt .....😓
      Aber sonst geht's uns gut 😂🙃😂
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    • Day 17

      Sarajevo am Tage

      September 7, 2021 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute früh haben wir uns aufgemacht, die 250 Höhenmeter von unsrem Stellplatz in die Stadt zu machen. Der Weg ist steil und es gibt so viel zu sehen.
      Unten angekommen schlenderten wir stundenlang durch die belebten Straßen und Gassen. Hier und da einen Kaffee trinken, leckeren Burek essen, oder einfach dasitzen und die Stadt fühlen.Read more

    • Day 17

      Friedlich-freundlicher Kulturmix

      September 30, 2021 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Die Altstadt von Sarajevo ist wirklich zauberhaft. Ich habe recht schnell alle Gassen der überschaubaren Flächen abgeklappert. Manche Wege bin ich mehrfach gelaufen, da man einfach nicht genug bekommt von dem bunten Durcheinander.

      Es gibt verschiedene Gassen für die unterschiedlichsten Berufe. Ein alter Mann hat mich auch in seine Werkstatt schauen lassen.

      Interessant sind die zahlreichen Kontrast der Stadt. Die unterschiedlichen Religionen leben friedlich nebeneinander. Es gibt Neues und Altes, Modernes und Traditionelles. Auch der Krieg ist noch greifbar, da an den unsanierten Häusern überall Einschlusslöcher zu sehen sind.
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    • Day 1

      Umkehr am Rathaus

      April 10, 2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Am Ende derer Route liegt das Rathaus von Sarajevo. Durchaus eines der Wahrzeichen der Stadt.

    • Day 8

      In giro per sarajevo

      August 26, 2023 in Bosnia and Herzegovina ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Il ragazzo suona uno strumento persiano che si chiama Santoor :))
      Nella seconda foto, all'interno della moschea.
      Questo posto ci è rimasto nel cuore.

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Old Town Bazar, Bazar de la vieille ville

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