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    • Dag 15

      Porto de Galinhas

      14. september 2019, Brasilien ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Heute hatte ich mich mit den Deutschen von gestern Abend zu einem Tagesausflug nach Porto de Galinhas verabredet. Dieser kleine Touristenort hatte leider zeitlich nicht mehr als eigene Station in meine Routenplanung gepasst. Deshalb freute ich mich umso mehr drauf, doch noch hinzufahren.
      Die Anfahrt war mal wieder sehr interessant.
      Um 8:20Uhr sollte der Bus starten, im Endeffekt fuhr er um 8:50Uhr. Nach einer halben Stunde mussten wir aus irgendeinem Grund den Bus wechseln. Und in diesem reichten dann die Sitzplätze nicht, großartig. 45Min stehen mit Erkältung macht richtig Spaß! Hab mich also ganz pragmatisch nach 10min auf den Boden gesetzt. Auf der Fahrt informierte ich mich schon mal ein bisschen über Porto, die Strände dort und was ich später essen könnte. So konnte ich auch ein bisschen die Führung übernehmen, als wir dort waren. Nachdem wir den extrem überfüllten, lauten Teil des Strandes hinter uns gelassen hatten, war es auch sehr schön! Die unzähligen Strandverkäufer mit Glöckchen, die einem irgendwelche Dinge andrehen wollten, wichen der Ruhe. Hier waren nur noch vereinzelt Menschen anzutreffen. Wir badeten ein bisschen im warmen Wasser, ließen uns von der Sonne trocknen und genossen den weißen Strand und das türkisblaue Meer. Später trafen wir noch weitere von der Freiwilligengruppe, mit der die Deutschen hier sind. Wir aßen Pasteís zum Mittag und ich trank Zuckerrohrsaft dazu. Richtig lecker! Außerdem kaufte ich mir noch eine fruchtige Açai-Bowl.
      Am Abend schauten wir alle zusammen noch den Sonnenuntergang an.
      Mittlerweile bin ich wieder zurück in Recife und bin sehr müde! Ich hab schon ein bisschen was für meine Weiterreise nach Praia da Pipa am Montag vorbereitet und brauche jetzt ein bisschen Ruhe um mich richtig zu erholen. Morgen geht's nämlich turbulent weiter!
      Am Strand von Recife findet eine Gay Pride Party statt, zu der Thuany und ich und wahrscheinlich einige von den Freiwilligen gehen werden. Das wird sicherlich richtig cool. Ich hoffe, dass die frühe Nachtruhe heute hilft und ich morgen wieder gesund bin.
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    • Dag 12

      Praia dos Carneiros

      14. februar 2017, Brasilien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Whilst in Porto we went on a tour to Praia dos Carneiros. I was super excited about going as I'd seen it on the internet when researching what to do in Brazil & I'm happy we went because this place is awesome. It took an hour's drive down the coast and when we got there we did all sorts of activities like a 'hydrariting' mud bath, snorkelling with the fish on a coral reef (which has blatantly been killed due to humans which is sad) and a walk to the famous church on the beach. On the boat over to the next activity we even had this guy who came on and danced as Michael Jackson 😂 so random.

      We met this really nice Argentinian family who took me in as their own and gave me flip flops to wear when we went onto the reef because there were sea urchins on the floor and they were worried I would hurt my feet.

      The lunch, although expensive, was actually so delicious. Fresh white fish with plaintain chips, rice and salad. Although Porto de Galinhas isn't my fave beach in Brazil, this place certainly does give Jeri a run for its money. In some ways you feel like you've been washed up on a desert island as there are so many sandbanks everywhere which disappear when the tide comes in.
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    • Dag 200

      Buggy Tour

      15. juni 2016, Brasilien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      We get up in the morning to a beautiful breakfast and shortly after go to reception to book a tour. We are goig on a buggy tour of the islands today and as Mark is a little hungover its a good job it doesnt leave till 130pm. Its good because this morning we can just chill. We bid farewell to he Brazilian guys and for the rest of the morning just hangout with Alexandro and Bruna by the pool. They have decided to stay one more night and the temptation to do this is understandable. After a much needed dip in the pool as it must be 30+ degrees . The guide picks us up on time and we wai a few minutes for he two Brazilians that will join us which means we only have to pay 5 quid each. I agree with the Brazilian girl we will exchange the front seat half way through the tour. Our first stop is at Praia do Cupe the longest beach here and excellent for surfing before making our way to Porto de Galinhas beach. As we drive around he back of the beach im astounded by how many Top end complexes there are , as well as how much construction is going on. When i ask the guide about the here being protected and that no building should go on he laughs and tells me money can achieve anything. We stay on the beach for an hour bahing in the natural piscinas and grabbing a quick cockttail in ttthe beach bar.Furtther along he beach we sit and watch the surfers before making our way back to the buggy to travel a little further along the coast to a small village. There is a huge empty building here which used to be a factory, but 5 years ago shut down and is now just lays derelict. Noone wants to build here as just a little further along the sea in the past 5 years has gradually come higher up the beach front and washed away beach houses. The seas line has increase by 30 metres up the shore and obviously has had a devastating effect for some of the locals. We can only drive to the start of Praia De Marcaipe and a short walk to Pontal De Marcaipe to watch the sunset . The River meets the sea here and it really is beautiful, ask Mark says its like a movie scene with the psalm/ cocunut trees dancing in the small breeze as the sky turns multiple shades of pink and purple we sit by the river and watch as the sunsets. Back at the hostel Mark and i are both knackered and hungry so we grab a shower and stride put for something to eat. We find a place that serves all you can eat salad bar meat and pasta for 6 quid so we opt for here. Full to the brim with food its back to the hostel for an early night.Læs mere

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