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    • Day 15

      Ankuft in Porto de Galinhas

      July 22, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach einem sehr kurzen Aufenthalt auf dem Flughafen der östlichsten Großstadt Brasiliens, Recife, und 1,5 Stunden Autofahrt sind wir kurz nach Mittag in einer traumhaften Pousada direkt am Strand angekommen.Read more

    • Day 16

      Porto de Galinhas

      July 23, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Eine kleine touristisch geprägte Stadt mit herrlichen Atlantikstränden...
      Der Name der Stadt bedeutet einfach nur "Hühnerhafen", hat jedoch auch noch eine tiefere Bedeutung: Zur Zeit des Sklavenhandels in Brasilien wurden Sklaven in Hühnerschiffen geschmuggelt. Wenn es am Hühnerhafen also hieß, neue Hühner sind eingetroffen, wusste jeder, dass damit eigentlich Sklaven gemeint waren...
      Aufgrund der schönen Strände und der alt-erhaltenen Stadt ohne Wolkenkratzer ist dies jetzt ein sehr beliebter Urlaubsort für Brasilianer, Argentinier und sogar einige US-Amerikaner.
      Auch unsere Freunde aus Lajeado sind diese Woche hier im Urlaub. So haben wir nochmal 2 schöne Tage gemeinsam verbracht, waren gut essen und hatten heute einen sehr schönen und ausgiebigen Strandtag zusammen.
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    • Day 17

      Brasilianer sprechen portugiesisch.

      July 24, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Die Betonung bei der Überschrift liegt hier auf dem "." (Punkt)!
      Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen, eine Reise nach Brasilien zu machen. Aber nur unter einer Voraussetzung: Man braucht jemanden, der portugiesisch spricht. Sonst ist man hier verloren. Selbst bei den einfachsten Situationen, wie Eis kaufen oder Essen bestellen, kommt man mit englisch nicht weiter; mit deutsch erst recht nicht.
      (Und die Speisekarte wirkt auch wie chinesisch.)
      Gut, dass wir einen Dolmetscher in der Familie haben, können wir gern für ein gewisses Entgelt für eure Reise verleihen! 😉
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    • Day 18

      Die letzten Strandtage

      July 25, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Bevor es nun ins Innere Brasiliens geht, haben wir noch ein paar Strandtage eingelegt.
      Zum Abschluss gönnten wir uns auch noch die in dieser Gegend obligatorische Buggy-Tour.
      Ich wusste garnicht, dass es hier soviele Touristen gibt, wie uns Strandbuggys begegnet sind...
      Zuerst dachten wir, der Begriff "Strandbuggy" ist nur eine Mogelpackung. Es wird ja nur auf der Straße rumgefahren... Dazu gab es noch ausgiebige Zwischenstops mit dem Ziel beim Schnorcheln Bilder zu machen und damit extra-Geld zu verdienen. Aber der Preis hierfür war erschwinglich und die Bilder sind ganz gut geworden.
      Am Ende ging die Tour auch noch tatsächlich an einem schönen Palmenstrand entlang.
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    • Day 19

      Airport REC

      July 26, 2022 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Da unser Flug um 4 Uhr von Recife geht, haben wir beschlossen, eine Übernachtung zu sparen 😉 und die Nacht auf dem Flughafen und in Flugzeugen zu verbringen.
      Wundert euch bitte nicht, warum die dicken Sachen? Der Flughafen ist sehr ordentlich und modern, dazu gehört auch (leider) eine (zu) gut funktionierende Klimaanlage.Read more

    • Day 312


      January 10, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Im Nachtbus wurde schon um 20:00 Uhr das Licht ausgeschaltet, der Bus brummte vor sich hin und so fielen alle im Bus in einen Dornröschenschlaf. 😴
      Wir kamen ausgeschlafen in der Grossstadt Recife an und fuhren mit einem Uber ins nah gelegene Städtchen Olinda, welches eine der ältesten Städte Brasiliens ist.
      Dort haben wir für vier Nächte ein Airbnbzimmer bei Inga gebucht. 👩‍🦰
      Inga ist eine 60-jährige deutsche Auswanderin, lebt seit 35 Jahren in Brasilien, wohnt in einem wunderschönem Haus mit grossem Garten mit Pool und ist ein wahrer Schatz. 🥰
      Sie hat jeden Morgen ein riesiges Frühstück für uns gezaubert, unsere Wäsche gewaschen und sich herzlich um uns gekümmert.
      Chantal hat sich seit langem wieder Mal wie Zuhause gefühlt und ist nur ungern wieder gegangen.
      Aber zurück zu Olinda. Aus Verteidigungsgründen wurde die Stadt 1535 auf den Hügeln über dem atlantischen Ozean gebaut. Sie war als „Klein-Lissabon“ bekannt und galt im 16. Jahrhundert als reichste Stadt Brasiliens. 🌴
      Wir liefen die schönen Gassen ab, genossen die Aussicht und besuchten ein Karnevalmuseum, wo die riesigen Karnevalpuppen aus Olinda ausgestellt sind.
      Es muss lustig aussehen, wenn sie mit den riesigen Figuren durch die Strassen ziehen. 🎎
      Einen Tag verbrachten wir in der Grossstadt Recife, wo es uns ehrlich gesagt nicht gefallen hat. Im Meer baden darf man wegen dem grossen Vorkommen an Haien an vielen Orten nicht, so dass wir doch lieber in Ingas Pool gehüpft sind. 🦈
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    • Day 182

      Fernando de Noronha

      March 6, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Fernando de Noronha is one of the most picturesque, naturally beautiful place we've ever seen. It's a volcanic archipelago off the coast of Brazil near Recife.

      It was absolutely stunning everywhere you looked, with gorgeous turquoise water, clean, secluded beaches, and it was not at all busy. It felt like we could have had any beach we wanted to ourselves.

      It was extremely hot, punishingly humid, but we powered through every day to make the most of our short time in such a beautiful place.

      The seas didn't cooperate with us, however. The wave surges were quite large, to the point they shut down the port, and snorkeling was pretty much a no-go on all but one beach most days.

      We didn't let that stop us, though. We hiked, we did manage some time snorkeling and some incredibly gorgeous beaches, and generally spent our week exploring the island - by foot, and by dune buggy.

      We really wanted to scuba dive here, but it just wasn't in the cards with the sea conditions, but that's OK! We had a marvelous time! We saw sharks come right up to the beach, we even saw a huge tiger shark chasing a turtle from the shoreline. We are happy to say the turtle got away!

      Almost every local we met asked us how we heard about Noronha. It's not very common to have foreign tourists here, we think. It feels a lot like Brazils best-kept secret.

      We were also treated to an incredible breakfast every day by our lovely hosts, which was enough food we were even able to make our lunches and be set all day. It was a nice treat!

      We were able to enjoy a nice full-moon party on our last night, and we were absolutely exhausted from walking around the heat all week, but it was absolutely worth it!

      This place is amazing, gorgeous, clean, and calm, and we feel extremely privileged to have been able to visit this Brazillian marvel.
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    • Day 89

      Recife, Brazil

      March 10, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      New-to-us Port #18.

      Do Brazil Right, the company that took us around, lived up to its name. We did Recife and Olinda “right.”

      We had a 20 passenger bus for 10 of us … with the A/C working beautifully. There was another small group — in a larger bus; with their own guide — and we loosely toured together.

      We set off from the port to Boa Viagem. Our guide, Paolo, described this beachside neighborhood as the place where the rich live … the most expensive spot per square meter is what he said. Beautiful area … high-rises lining one side of a busy street; a beach protected by a reef along the other side of the street. Here we walked for a bit with the second group joining in … photo ops and fresh coconut water from a stand.

      Next, we headed to Recife’s Old City, where we got off the bus near “Marco Zero” — aka Ground Zero … so named because it was from this point during colonial times that distances to various parts of the State of Pernambuco were measured.

      From here, we walked to Rua do Bom Jesus (Good Jesus Street), which was called Rua dos Judeus (Jewish Street) between 1636-1654. It was so named because the first synagogue of the Americas was built on this street. Today, Kahal Zur Israel Synagogue is a museum, the original building having been torn down. We saw some of the old foundations, visible through holes in the floor that are covered in plexiglas. On the second floor, was a replica room of the synagogue, complete with an Ark of the Covenant where hand-written Torah scrolls would have been stored behind a door covered by a curtain.

      Also on this street, we visited the Embaixada dos Bonecos Gigantes (Embassy of the Giant Dolls. Here we saw the giant puppets that are used during the carnival in Recife. The dolls, which stand over 5 feet tall, are apparently carried on the shoulders of people as they parade down the carnival route.

      In another boutique museum, we saw some of the carnival outfits and were treated to a short performance of the frevo, a style of music and dance that originated from Recife. From what I understand, this is one of the seven or so rhythms used in the local carnival and is one that can put listeners into a trance. This music style is included on UNESCO’s intangible heritage list.

      Rejoining our tour bus, we continued to the Governor’s Palace — officially, Palácio do Campo das Princesas - Governo do Estado de Pernambuco. The 19th century building’s name translates as the Palace of the Princess’ Garden. It overlooks Praça da República, where there is a giant baobab tree that Paolo said was so big that 11 people would be needed to encircle it.

      Mui and I were on our way to the vehicle, when I caught a glimpse of a stained glass window inside the Governor’s Palace. We walked over and asked the guard if we could take a quick photo. I was expecting a “no,” but he undid the red velvet cord and let us in. The scene depicted in the window included the “Lion of the North,” which is a symbol of the state and represents the bravery of the people during the revolt of 1817.

      From here, we continued our drive to Casa da Cultura de Pernambuco. What is now a handicraft market is an old prison that dates back to 1850. The cells, which retain their original numbers, have been turned into souvenir shops selling items from all around the state. The cross-shape of the penitentiary, Paolo told us, allowed for a single guard standing on a high platform in the center of the building to keep an eye on all the cells … which could house 200 prisoners.

      Since we are not shoppers, per se, Mui and I did a quick wander into each wing to check out the colorful wares in the shops, climbed the very steep stairs up to the second level, and then did a quick wander around the outside of the old prison building. The original thick walls, have been left intact on the four corners of the property, with a hanging guard tower on each.

      After lunch at a buffet restaurant where you pay for your food by the weight of your plate, we headed to Olinda, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Paolo had mentioned at the outset this morning that we would be traveling back in time … from modern Boa Viagem, to Old Recife, to Olinda … which was the colonial era capital of Pernambuco … founded in 1535 by the Portuguese.

      Because our vehicle was small enough, our group was able to go into the city and drive up to the main square. The other group had to park and walk up. We started out at the Alto da Sé, the plaza near the Holy Saviour of the World Cathedral. The current church was built in 1584 and was elevated to a cathedral in 1676.

      Next, we wandered around a bit. In the courtyard of a mini-mall, we were treated to a couple of kids performing the frevo … for tips. Then, we walked a bit more around the plaza and went to a coffee shop/gallery for a potty break and beverages. There was a breeze here that was most welcome.

      Our next stop was to be the Basílica e Mosterio de São Bento (Basilica and Monastery of Saint Benedict.) To get there, we had two options … ride down or walk down. We opted to walk down with Leonardo, the guide on the big bus. Those who wanted to ride down went with Paolo in our vehicle.

      The walk was down the same cobblestone street that the carnival follows in Olinda … with giant dolls similar to the ones we saw in Recife. Leonardo showed us a photo taken during the recent carnival and the whole street looked like a sea of people shoulder to shoulder … hip to hip. It was a pleasant walk with plenty of colorful houses on either side. Very charming.

      The monastery dates back to the early colonial period. Construction of the current Baroque-style church — which was elevated to a minor basilica in 1998, began in 1660, after the original complex was destroyed by a fire that ravaged much of the city. It took approximately 100 years to complete the construction.

      After this stop, we rejoined our original group in the vehicle for a drive around some of the sites in the lower city. And then back to the ship.

      It was a great tour and we really enjoyed our time ashore. But we were drained by the heat. Once back in the cabin, I couldn’t even think about writing or processing photos. So, I just sat on the veranda, which was in the shade, and read until it was time for dinner … in the GDR with Sonia & Boris.

      Filip Wojciechowski was headlining the show in the Insignia Lounge tonight. This time he gave a solo performance … a classical music concert, featuring some of the great composers.
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    • Day 10

      Life is better at the beach 🌊

      June 25, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      We spent our final days at the beach “Porto de Galinhas”. 🐓
      Not much happened these days 😌💆‍♀️💆☀️🏝️
      We read a lot, enjoyed the beach, good food and played with the waves and decided to learn surfing in the future. 🏄‍♂️
      There was rain on Tuesday all day long. 🌧️Much rain. So we decided to rent a car 🚗 in short notice at a very serious looking car rental station and drove to an amazing waterfall, 1,5h away. 🫧

      Tonight we are heading back home. ☹️ ✈️

      Our takeaways from Brazil in a nutshell:
      - fruits are fruitier around here🍍
      - rain doesn’t make the air cold
      - we felt save all the time 🛡️
      - mosquito protection did its best but Kathi got over 50 mosquito bites 🦟
      - Brazil seems not to have postcards, stamps and post offices at all 😆 🤷‍♀️📪

      - special thanks to our amazing guides in the jungle, Carlos and Jerry 🐒
      - thank you Igor for the great restaurant recommendations and your English speaking ability, which is hard to find around here 😅 🍝
      - deepL translator was very helpful on many occasions, especially by renting a car
      - google photo translator was very helpful by ordering food in a restaurant with only having a Portuguese Menues 🇵🇹

      We are looking forward to explore more countries in Middle and South America 😊 But first, learning Spanish (which would have been a little more helpful here than englisch)🤪 🇪🇸
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    • Day 221


      August 12, 2023 in Brazil ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Dernière escale avant de rendre notre voiture à Recife. Nous passons la journée à Olinda qui est typiquement le genre de ville qui donne envie de marcher en dansant la samba. De jolies maisons colorées, des rues pavées, des peintures murales, des églises dispersées un peu partout, une magnifique vue sur la mer turquoise… Tout y est !
      Idéal pour fatiguer un peu les chicken avant de prendre notre dernier bus de nuit jusqu’à Salvador.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Pernambuco, PE, بيرنامبوكو, Штат Пернамбуку, Пернамбуко, পেরনামবুকো, Pernambuko, Pernambuco osariik, پرنامبوکو, Pernambouc, פרנמבוקו, पेरनाम्बुको, Stato di Pernambuco, ペルナンブーコ州, პერნამბუკუ, Пернамбуку, 페르남부쿠 주, Pernambucensis, Pernambukas, Pernambuku, पर्नांबुको, Pernamboch, Pernambuco suyu, பெர்னம்புகோ, รัฐเปร์นัมบูกู, 伯南布哥州

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