Santo Amaro do Maranhão

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    • Day 184

      Lencois Marenhenses

      May 30, 2016 in Brazil ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      So weve decided to go it on our own and we catch the bus at 6 in the morning to go and see the sand dunes. I have to say that when you see pictures of places there is usually a big dissapointment as the photo is generally done from the air or on a perfect day. We arrive in Barrinheas after a 5 hour journey and literally as oon as we step of the bus there is a crowd of touts trying to take you on the tour. We opted to just do the 3 lakes as we had already booked on the next bus out of there at 1840 tonight so had to be bak for that. It was 11am and the first tour to go out was 1400 that afternoon. We doubly confirmed that we would be back in time and agreed to do the tour. The cost is 80 real, which is about12 pound so we booked it. Having a few hours to spare we grabbed a drink and then went for a little stroll though town. This place has a real brasilcaribbean feel, and i can say that i could live here. We walk along the river beach where a group of young guys are playing football on the sand, diving into the water every 10 minutes or so to cool down from what must be nearly 40 degree heat. This along with the humidty is pretty intense, to a point where im struggling to walk let alone play football. We take cover in a small restaurant and take another drink before making our way back to the centre. There are lots of shops here and we pick up a few bits and bobs to replace things that now have holes in. Making our way back to the tour agency we stop at a small restaurant serving traditional local food and each buy a plate of food of various different dishes. Dinner is delicious and slightly full we take the 10 minute walk to the agency. We are picked up by a toyota jeep and driven a short distance before being told to disembark to cross the river.The platform is guided across by a small boat, as the current is really strong here, and within 20 minutes we were loaded and offloaded on the other side. The jeep then took us on an hours drive through the 1500km2 national park bumping over the sand and splashing through collective pools of mud, giving me a shake up good enough that the driver nearly saw what id had for dinner, until just in the distance we could see them. The dunes stand about 120 ft high and we were driven to the top where we looked down and just saw the most surreal landscape. The rainwater accumilates in the sand forming natural pools, where the water is crystal clear. This is like somehing out of a mirage where after walking through the dessert you see the most amazing site. There are actually 5 pools in total each one measuring at least 30 ft across . Swimming in such an amazing place hardly seems true and a guy from London says its the most amazing and beautiful thing hes ever seen. Its certainly in my top 5. We spend nearly an hour just bathing in the wonderfully warm water before strolling over the dune to swim in our next lake. This really is heaven on earth , and even though Mark decides not to come with me as his legs hurting i make my way over the dune to the next Lagua. I could literally spend all day here, but Marks boredam factor has kicked in, so after a quick dip in here i make my way to the next dune. The sand is so deep that it really is a struugle to walk, but i ersevere on and over the next dune is the lagua azul(blue lake) The water is turquoise and with the clear sun beatingdown on it, the colour is really enhanced.After a quick dip i make my way back to the first pool where i think Mark will be waiting, but hes decided to climb back to where the jeep dropped us, and when i explain we have another hour before we leave he makes his way back down. We spend nearly half an hour on our own having the whole natural pool to ourselves as everyone else is still at the others. As everyone makes there way back we start our accent up the hill Mark lies down in the virgin sand and makes a sand angel , flapping his arms everywhere sand flying in all directions. Once everyone has arrived we have the bumpy ride back home with a stop to wait for the boat. Women with their little stoves cooking tapioca pancakes for the waiting passengers. We are well in time for the bus back to Sao Luis and even have time for a hot dog as well . Mark and i get on the bus, and opposite is a woman who has a baby, who obviously isnt well, she is so young yet she cares for the little boy brilliantly. When we stop half way home Mark and i buy her a drink as she is unable to get off the bus, then when were least expecting it she tries to leave the bus without paying. The bus driver locks her on the bus and issues her a red ticket, she pays the fare and before we know it were in Sao Luis. A short taxi ride back to the hostel and were showered and tucked up in bed within minutes. What a truly amazing day and so glad we made the extra effort to do it.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Santo Amaro do Maranhão, Santo Amaro Do Maranhao

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