Dzhambaz Tepe

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    • Day 35


      May 8, 2017 in Bulgaria ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      What an awful nights sleep.
      We went to bed at 12 but I got up at 1 and sat in the common room until 2 because the beds are so ridiculously rickety that i was getting frustrated not being able to move without making sooo much noise.
      I am the only girl in our down and 3 of 4 of the other boys snore -.-
      The Asian guy below me is so odd. We don't know if he is gay or just Asian in his ways but a really odd person. His English is technically understandable but his sounds are very nasal.
      When I was in the common room I wrote my weekly Facebook update and a cat came up to the window so I went outside to say hi :)
      I eventually got to sleep but the beds are soooooo itchy. They provided sheets but I'll be using my sleeping bag tonight.
      Me and Will kept waving at each their across the room to see if he other was awake.
      We woke up around 6:30 and were so uncomfortable we went to the common room until everyone else woke up.
      Will went for a walk and got us cereal then once our room was empty of people we went back to bed and got up at 1.
      Will wants only private rooms from now on lol.
      Dorms are almost like a right of passage though haha.
      Once awake we decided to go for a walk to the closest shopping center.
      It was either falsely advertised as a mall or they just have crap standards. It was 3 levels but had about 5 shops open and it had no variety. It was all junk stores.
      There was a Aldi type place were we needed to buy Will a razor, batteries and food for the rose fields and I wanted salt, toothpaste and more cat food since I'm running low lol.
      We got a lot of stuff but when we went to pay our card didn't work for some reason. The lady didn't speak English and she gave me some weirdo extension thing to put the pin into -
      Anyway long story short is we pissed off a lot of people. The card failed so Will left to get cash from the ATM but the people behind us couldn't get served until we had so they had to wait. A few people had a go at me in Bulgarian. I just stood there awkwardly.
      It felt like he took an hour but he was probably very quick- we paid and I was happy to get out of there.
      We got a kebab on the way home but it was a hassle too. They had to get a worker from out the back to translate for us.
      The walk is beautiful. Cobbled streets that are frankly quite dangerous and you have to look at the floor every step because it's so uneven but it's fun :).
      The vines and old windows are lovely too.
      Very picturesque.
      We got back to the hostel and I have been shown a new phone app called 1 second a day which you basically upload a 1 second video everyday and it formats it into an awesome mesh of your holiday for you so I've been creating that all afternoon while Will has watched videos on the laptop.
      I want to do the tour but Will isn't keen. Tomorrow it is hah.
      We are happy we didn't go to the UFO Building excursion the hostel did today. They have just come back and no one has seemed very enthusiastic about it. Apparently they spent along time In the bus and it was wet soooo
      We saved money woo!
      I wanted to go for a walk to say we did something today so we did. I had a really annoying cough though, like I had a hair stuck in my throat.
      We found some remains - don't know what of and an awesome sign that had the direction and distance to different countries.
      We got water and then went for a stroll through a park. We found a pond with fish in it.
      When we are millionaires we will have one at our house.
      The park was beautiful. Will got irritated about my excessive photo taking but I'm just trying to capture the beauty. My phone doesn't do anything justice :(
      There was a creepy man with marionette dolls. He had what I think was Elsa and was spinning her around - he had little kid seats set up in front of the show. Odd.
      We found this beautiful fountain place and decided to stay and have a drink in the cafe close by.
      It has big signs saying you can't go swimming because it's treated water.
      Some grubby looking kids were going in at the edges and getting coins out though.
      At one point a security guard went sprinting full charge around the pond in the direction and the 10 of them scattered. It was amusing to watch, the guard was just not fast enough. It was like a scene from a movie.
      We then went walking around, we found heaps of places that had awesome street art! I enjoyed this aspect more than Will.
      We also found a central Perk cafe (Friends) but we had just had a drink so we didn't go in :(
      We also saw the biggest dog - it was like a bear!!
      We found ourselves back at the resturant from last night which serves traditional Bulgarian food.
      Will actually had a vegetable. Amazing.
      He had a Caesar salad and really enjoyed it because they used garlic sauce.
      We also got a hot pot type thing with meat and vegetable which I enjoyed.
      We are now back at the hostel now and people are playing the guitar.
      Nothing makes me cringe more.
      Nothing is more gay.
      Nothing makes me more embarrassed for someone.
      No I do not want to hear you play the only cord you know with your crappy voice. No one asked you to sing, please stop.
      At least this is the hostels guitar, they haven't lugged it around Europe like some people do.
      Those people I can't be friends with. We will never see eye to eye. I honestly can't deal.
      God I hate 'jam' seshes in public spaces.
      Go to your garage.
      Rant done.
      However over the course of our trip I do expect to meet a lot of hipster fruity people who don't shave their underarms, have dreadlocks, nose piercings, surf, are vegan, meditate, and don't use plastic.
      Not keen.

      It's now silent. Bless my ears.

      The owner made a shopska salad and offered everyone Rakia*
      Funnily enough I'm writing this a day late because I only got half way through writing 'Rakia' before I got distracted by the night.

      I refused at first but everyone was having shot after shot so I thought maybe it was a weaker brew... nope.
      I had 2 shots though so I'm proud of my achievements.
      I've learned everyone names now.
      Patrick is the weirdo Asian
      Jacob is the guy that looks like a lumberjack from America
      Nick is the nice Australian Pilates instructor
      Ilana is the histerical American
      Then there is another odd Aussie who's eyes are too close together and another man who has been sleeping the last 48 hours so I don't know who he is.
      Patrick was off his face. He is so smiley it's strange and was fascinated by Jacobs big beard and kept touching it. Jacob was not overly impressed.
      Jacob is hilarious. He is like a easy going guy that appears bored by everything.
      Patrick was like "we should hang out more"
      Jacobs response *shakes head and looks at floor* "noooo" *awkward laugh.
      Me and Ilana peed ourselves hahah
      It's won't ever be funny reading it but his deliveries make things very funny.
      We spent the night outside just hanging out with everyone.
      Everyone is very different but we had A LOT of fun and I spend a long time laughing.
      Patrick kept drinking and fell asleep at the table.
      We all went to bed about 1am.
      Me and Will asked if we could move rooms because the double bed in the lower dorm became available so we jumped at it - its on the floor and doesn't have barricades so he fits woo!
      Only problem is that one of the main slates of the bed is missing so there is an awkward dip in the middle of your back.
      Once you find the right placement it's ok though.
      The bed wasn't squeaky so I slept brilliantly.
      Read more

    • Day 15


      July 16, 2022 in Bulgaria ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Back to Bulgaria and its oldest inhabited town, on the rolling Thracian plains below the blue distant Rhodope mountains..Thracian then Macedonian (Alexander's dad liked it so much he named it after himself: Phillipopolis), Bulgarian, Ottoman, briefly even French, finally back to the Bulgars...Huge scale Roman remains and a picturesque 19th century old merchant town quarter (our fabulous hostel was one of these houses), plus a buzzing fairy-lit artists' quarter of bars, cafes, restaurants..a delightRead more

    • Day 3

      Città vecchia

      March 3, 2019 in Bulgaria ⋅ 🌫 6 °C

      Mi ricordo tante cose della città vecchia: le case storiche, i dervisci (che non abbiamo visto: toccava prenotare), i gatti, le chiese ortodosse. Eppure questo cortile privato, con queste "figure" non me le scorderò mai. Marionette di bronzo che il vento faceva parlare...Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Dzhambaz Tepe, Джамбаз тепе

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