More Canyon riding

Before we left our campsite, we took a last look at one of the Wonder Bridges which was lit up by the rising sun. Then we headed down the small road again to continue our tour through the RhodopeRead more
Before we left our campsite, we took a last look at one of the Wonder Bridges which was lit up by the rising sun. Then we headed down the small road again to continue our tour through the RhodopeRead more
Well rested, both tires still full of air, sun shining, someone comes and opens the church for me so I can fill up with fresh water. It can be so beautiful 😅
Comfortable ride to Madan.
First aRead more
May 24th
The Day of Bulgarian Alphabet, Bulgarian Enlightenment and Culture (Bulgarian: Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянскатаRead more
Devil’s Throat Cave is located in the Western Rhodope mountain, 17 km from the city of Devin. It is among those caves that do not offer dazzlingly exquisite rock formations. What entrances visitorsRead more
"Eagle Eye" Panorama (or "Orlovo oko" in Bulgarian) is one of the most interesting places to visit near the village Iagodina in Bulgaria. It is a unique observation platform rising to over 1500 metersRead more
The first 50km were easy today, mainly downhill on a nice canyon road. We can feel it's late summer now, as it's colder in the mornings and it takes longer for the sun to climb above theRead more
Wir verlassen die Brutalität und gönnen uns etwas Ruhe beim Besichtigen des Klosters in Batschkowo. Ein idyllischer Ort mit wunderbaren Innenhöfen und Bäumen. Wir spazieren etwas herum, streichelnRead more
Von den Wunderbrücken wieder nach unten gefahren und diese großen Skulpturen gesehen, übrigens kaum auf der schmalen welligen Straße zu den Felsbrücken doch tatsächlich ein Reisebus entgegen.Read more
Nach einer durchwachsenen Nacht starteten wir gegen halb sieben in Richtung Griechenland. Da wir aber heute nicht zwingend dort ankommen mussten ließen wir uns Zeit. Zunächst ging es überRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Oblast Smolyan, Смолян
💗Schöner Moment !