Phumĭ Kôki

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    • Hari 51

      Last Hash of 2019

      29 Desember 2019, Kamboja ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Aloha!! So ending 2019 with the Phnom Penh Hash house harriers 1500th run!! Cambodia was dry! So we met up at noon down by the waterfront to load up onto some boats with plenty of ice, beer, food and shenanigan friendly hashers for an hour ride up river to an island. The runners set off on a 12 kilometer trail but yours truly loves the falsies so I ended up with an extra 1.69 kilometers!! wink wink! So the trail was mostly flat and dry. So dry at one point I was stepping in so much dust I felt like I was walking on the moon...or these are the thoughts I get while running lol....At one point I had to jump into some prickers as a cow with some big horns came charging at me!! Lesson learned is to walk by things with horns!! It was a very flat trail and the runners found little trouble making their way to the ice cold beer at the end. The walkers however ended up doing 9 kilometers (suppose to be 7) and were lost on the other side of the island!! A few tuk tuks later and some very grumpy people made their way to the beer and food where the frowns were turned upside down. What is a hash without a little drama! So a boat ride back and some hummus and soju makes a very excellent day!! ON on


      Tomorrow we are flying to Saipan! Where more adventure awaits in 2020!!
      Happy New Year Everyone!!
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    • Hari 15

      Treak School Week 2 (Part 2)

      29 Juni 2023, Kamboja ⋅ 🌩️ 31 °C

      Thursday morning our students led a morning of professional development for the teachers at Treak Community School. They presented four sessions on fun with phonics, push and pull concepts in Science, how to teach public speaking, and visual art. It was a wonderful morning and so enjoyable, with lots of hands-on learning. The week then ended with a bang, with "Australia Day"; a day full of fun activities for the students at Treak which our UniSQ students created and ran. The activities were damper cooking, the great Aussie Thong Toss, tunnel ball and other ball games, dancing and singing Australian songs, and art activities using crayon resist and a colour wash. The day was so wonderful, but gruelling, with high heat (made all the more challenging when cooking damper over an open coal fire under a tin roof, or playing games in the hot sun). At 2pm a huge storm came over and that put an end to the outdoor activities, so our students had to think fast and flexibly to continue the final 2 hours of the school day in the small classrooms (which they managed to do admirably).Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 12

      Treak School Week 2 (Part 1)

      26 Juni 2023, Kamboja ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Week two has been equally as jam packed as the first week; and the action-packed living has been equally exhausting and profound (keeping me from posting more regularly). Monday morning began with plastic brick making at Treak Community School. This is yet another initiative that Salin has created. Plastic is collected from the community, reducing the significant plastic pollution in the area that accumulates because no waste collection services exist. It is then heated and shrunk, chopped into small pieces, and used as aggregate for bricks. In our three hours, we made 155 bricks. It was hard, dirty, hot work! Then it was into the classrooms for the remainder of the day. Our dinner that evening was hosted at the home of Michael and Salin, which is always a wonderful privilege. Their garden is something to behold! Tuesday afternoon, after teaching for the morning, we visited Safe Haven, an NGO that works with children with a disability and their families to make a significant difference in their lives. Wednesday was then a full day in the school. By this time of the week, everyone's energy was flagging, but big days were ahead, so an early night Wednesday was vastly appreciated!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      Koh Kong

      22 November 2018, Kamboja ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Woke up this morning to the creepy mangrove trees outside. The hotel is a bit odd. Think tropical honeymoon meets Fawlty Towers. First trip of the day was to a local stupa. It has a legend attached to it and the locals visit it to leave offerings. It's not attributed to any particular spirit according to our guide but I read in our Lonely Planet there is still a lot of Animism locally so perhaps it could be something to do with the water, as it's in the sea and accessible via a platform. Who knows - I'm probably totally wrong. On a similar note our guide also mentioned that the shrines we see outside all houses and shops are actually to do with local gods (nothing at all to do with Buddhism. Which is not a big surprise but interesting). Next, a Buddhist temple including a garden of concrete statues depicting humans being tortured in 'hell'. I felt a little confused by the guide's explanation but I think that it's meant to remind us that we create hell in our own minds by torturing ourselves with the past/future rather than focusing on what is actually happening in the present moment. So it's not hell in the Christian sense of it as there is no such thing in the Buddhist religion. I guess in conclusion humans just like looking at gory shit no matter what they believe in. After hell we got to forget about that for a bit and enjoyed some beach time and a sea swim. Back at the hotel, we went for a walk into the mangroves but all the locals were there as it's bank holiday and it was a bit stressful on tiny wooden platforms battling human traffic in both directions so we didn't last long. Dinner was in the local town,a lot of which has been totally taken over and shut down by the Chinese. We've heard from a few locals now that this is what they're doing in several beach resorts with a mind to turn them into Chinese holiday destinations. I can't imagine how different it will be here in 15 years time.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      Koh Kong

      21 November 2018, Kamboja ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Mostly travelling today but with a few stops. First, a fishing village. The boats look pretty but I was quite shocked by the poverty people live in here. The journey then took us through more rural areas and eventually into the rainforest area which was absolutely amazing! Dense layers of trees and thick bamboo. Elephants migrate through this area but none around today :( The final stop before our hotel was to go and see Ta tai waterfall which we had to travel by small boat to see. No pics because there was torrential rain as we set off so was focusing on keeping my already delicate phone from drowning. Luckily the weather held off for a beautiful ride through the rainforest and the steam coming off the trees in the mountains made it even better. We're staying at a hotel in a mangrove sanctuary tonight so we're in a room on stilts! Arrived when it was dark so can't wait to see the trees in the light (way too terrifying to go out there in the dark 🤤)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 3


      20 November 2018, Kamboja ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Updating retrospectively as there was a power cut at the hotel in Kampot last night so no Wi-Fi. Fascinating day starting with a trip to a salt farm where we saw how the (predominantly female) workers slog away in the boiling heat lugging salt around in two baskets over their shoulders! The farmer told us that last year's salt production was terribly low due to unprecedented rainfall. Although the family own the land they're not allowed by the government to use it for anything else and receive no subsidies. Must be a really terrifying existence for them. Next we travelled through ridiculously muddy roads to see rice farming. Something like 80% of Cambodia's people are rural. Their houses are basic, no real running water and although technically they have access to electricity it's so expensive they don't really use it. A lot of the farms are still ploughed with cows and planted by hand. Next we visited a cave which had a temple within it. Then, Kep, which was an old French colonial resort. Eerie and sad to see rotting shells of once beautiful villas abadoned, but at least there's a thriving market full of fish and tons of restaurants with tasty food (Kep specialises in crab and also has a giant crab statue saying 'welcome to Kep ' submerged in the sea which is exactly as tasteful as it sounds). Finally we saw a pepper plantation which was gorgeous. It grows on vines which I hadn't realiser. You could tell these farmers were a lot better paid than those we had seen the rest of the day.the region is known for producing a great crop. Interestingly the Khmer Rouge destroyed all the pepper plants during the revolution but luckily for all of us the trade is back up and running again. Back at the hotel in Kampot we went for a delicious meal to celebrate being so bloody lucky our livelihood doesn't rely on salt.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 13

      Snack gefällig?

      22 November 2017, Kamboja ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Fast Food gibt es bei den Khmer schon lange. Grüner Bambus wird gefüllt mit Klebreis, Gewürzen, Zucker, Sojabohnen und Kokosmilch. Dann verschlossen und auf den Grill gelegt. Wenn alles gar ist, wird die äußere Schicht vom Bambus runter geschabt. Übrig bleibt eine dünne Hülle, die wie eine Bananenschale abgepellt werden kann. Das gibt es oft am Straßenrand zu kaufen. SEHR lecker 😋Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 2


      19 November 2018, Kamboja ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Started the morning with a bus journey to Phnom Chiso temple. The ride was great as got to see a lot of the countryside en route. The rainy season has just finished here so everything is beautiful - lush greenery, rice in the fields and flowers of every colour. I wanted all of them for my garden! Passing through the villages was interesting and our tour guide told us a lot about the struggles the Cambodian people have been through which puts thing into a bit of context. It's cliche but it does remind you of how lucky you are as a Westerner to have a social safety net and healthcare even though it's a bit shit sometimes. The temple was lovely. Our group had it almost entirely to ourselves which always makes it a bit more atmospheric. Built in the 11th century, the temple was subsequently abandoned but is now worshipped in and well kept. After that we headed to Kampot after a brief interlude when our tyre blew and we had to sit in a service station Amazon cafe. (Who knew they still existed? Finally my 90s childhood goal was realised when I got to go). In Kampot we went for a sunset cruise which was sadly lacking in sunset as the clouds drew in. So no sunset but this was more than made up for by seeing some fireflies, which were like little fairy lights in the trees (please no-one tell me these are just fake ones planted by the boat ride company. Let a bitch live).Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 1

      There is more than Angkor wat

      30 Mei 2016, Kamboja ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Third day in Cambodia. First impression? 'Khmer national kitchen', 'Khmer dance show'- who the hell are khmers?? I new there is Angkor wat in Siem reap, did they opened a new tourist attraction place called khmers? So for yours and mine information, khmers are predominant ethic group in cambodia, accounting for approximately 90% of 15.2 million people of the country. And yes, to confirm the fact - I visited Angkor wat. Secondly - I'm very pessimistic about touristic places but this huge area where Angkor is with all surrounding temples is just beautiful. Also went to khmer dinner show - wanted to touch the base of their national dishes and dances. It was actually basic buffet, nothing special, and the dances didn't impress a lot - repetitiveness in music and some mystical explanation hidden under each dance. In general I feel like a food in Cambodia is a mix between vietnamese, Chinese and local cuisine (actually they mostly add local spices to foreign dishes and call them 'cambodian'). The only truly different dishes I had was lok lak and amok. Both were ok but nothing magical. Siem reap as a town didn't leave the big impression - it's just ok. Still lots of tourists (and it's not the high season!), children begging for money, Pub street for tourists and local girls saying they are not interested in Cambodian boys. What surprised me the most? It seems that there exists just three price groups - 1 dollar (for tuk tuk, basic food and drinks), 3 dollar (bigger main meal) and 15-20 dollar for tourist attractions. And dual money system - dollars go along with Cambodian riel which makes it a bit difficult to understand. Also they all speak amazingly good English. Time to leave Siem reap and start my journey around Cambodia. Yay!

      P.s. I take my word back of saying 'nothing magical' in Cambodian dishes - I had the most amazing fish amok tonight in Battambang, Nary kitchen! Total orgasm.
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    • Hari 13


      22 November 2017, Kamboja ⋅ 0 °C

      Gute deutsche..äh...kambodschanische Wertarbeit. Die Naga Brücke verbindet Angkor Wat mit der Region Pnom Phen...seit mehr als 1000 Jahren. Bis 2001 lief der komplette Verkehr über diese Brücke. Jetzt gibt es die neue Umgehungsstraße.Baca selengkapnya

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