Kampong Thom

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    • Tag 5–7

      Angkor Wat

      21. März in Kambodscha ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Went to Angkor Wat + surrounding temples
      earpy this morning, by chance caught it during the spring solstice or equinox which only happens two days a year - when the sun rises directly above the middle tower, lots of connections to the sun throughout the temple. Capture some pretty nice pics, although meant it was rammed with photographers at sun rise!

      Had a very helpful guide (he lost his arm as his mother was pregnant with him and was hurt whilst escaping the genocide) and he took us through three huge temples and talked through the history of how they were built and the different meanings behind to them. He also knew all the good spots to avoid most of the tourists. Super friendly guy (like pretty much everyone in Cambodia!). When we tipped him, he spent it on ice tea for us straight away. He was keen on photography hence some of couples pictures that I wouldn't otherwise have taken..

      Now off to Phnom Penh to visit killing fields

    • Tag 51

      Last Hash of 2019

      29. Dezember 2019 in Kambodscha ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Aloha!! So ending 2019 with the Phnom Penh Hash house harriers 1500th run!! Cambodia was dry! So we met up at noon down by the waterfront to load up onto some boats with plenty of ice, beer, food and shenanigan friendly hashers for an hour ride up river to an island. The runners set off on a 12 kilometer trail but yours truly loves the falsies so I ended up with an extra 1.69 kilometers!! wink wink! So the trail was mostly flat and dry. So dry at one point I was stepping in so much dust I felt like I was walking on the moon...or these are the thoughts I get while running lol....At one point I had to jump into some prickers as a cow with some big horns came charging at me!! Lesson learned is to walk by things with horns!! It was a very flat trail and the runners found little trouble making their way to the ice cold beer at the end. The walkers however ended up doing 9 kilometers (suppose to be 7) and were lost on the other side of the island!! A few tuk tuks later and some very grumpy people made their way to the beer and food where the frowns were turned upside down. What is a hash without a little drama! So a boat ride back and some hummus and soju makes a very excellent day!! ON on


      Tomorrow we are flying to Saipan! Where more adventure awaits in 2020!!
      Happy New Year Everyone!!

    • Tag 757

      Kampong Thom

      1. August in Kambodscha ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Weiter in Richtung Siem Reap über die Fernverkehrsstrasse. Nicht wirklich so toll und die Abwechslung hält sich in Grenzen. Eine sinnvolle Ausweichroute gibt es nicht. Die Alternative wäre das Schnellboot gewesen, welches über den Tonle Sap fährt. Dieses war allerdings bei meiner letzten Reise durch Kambodscha in einem schlechten technischen Zustand, dass ich für mich entschieden habe einmal reicht. Meine Etappenziele geben die Unterkünfte vor. In Kampong Thom gibt es Gasthäuser und Hotels. Ich komme für 7 Dollar unter. Kurz vor der Stadt hatte ich noch die Gelegenheit ein paar Fischern zuzuschauen. Es sah sehr gekonnt aus. Gefangen haben sie allerdings während ich da war nichts.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 26

      Tag 26 + 27- Siem Reap

      19. August in Kambodscha ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      Hallo zusammen,
      heute Morgen sind wir mit dem Bus nach Siem Reap gefahren. Die letzte Station in Kambodscha, bevor es in 2 Tagen nach Bangkok geht.
      Auf dem Weg nach Siem Reap hielten wir an einem Insektenmarkt. Dort konnten wir Würmer, Spinnen, Kakerlake und vieles mehr probieren.
      Danach haben wir bei einem Familienbetrieb angehalten, der uns gezeigt hat, wie Seide hergestellt wird.
      Als wir in Siem Reap angekommen sind, haben wir den Abend am Pool verbracht. Nach der Poolparty und vielen Drinks sind wir um 4:30 Uhr morgens zum berühmten Angkor Wat Tempel gegangen um den Sonnenaufgang zu sehen.
      Da wir alle zu wenig Schlaf hatten, haben wir den nächsten Tag am Pool verbracht und ich habe mir wieder meine Nägel machen lassen. Abends haben wir dann noch einheimisches Essen gegessen. Morgen geht es weiter nach Babgkok, wo die Gruppenreise für mich endet. Danach werde ich noch eine Woche in Thailand verbringen.
      Grüße Gina ♥️

    • Tag 7


      12. März 2017 in Kambodscha ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Today we left our lovely hotel and Siem Reap, which was a sad depart having loved the city so much. Our next stop was our homestay which would be a true local experience of a Cambodian.

      On the way we stopped at the floating villages. These buildings and the way of life around the river was incredible. Some people living on floating houses year in and year out. Located here are some of the poorest people and it's so eye opening having an insight to their personal lives. I feel almost silly about the worries I have in life. Here, putting 3 meals on the table and feeding your children is a big worry for these families as where this is a given for me, my biggest worries ranging from whether the spot on my forehead is gone or if I moisturised my face that morning.

      I can't quite put into words how much I admire these people and they deserve so much more credit than they get. If I think about how they live in comparison to me, although it amazes me it saddens me at the same time. Having said this, all I do is see these people smile, making me question what's necessary to make someone happy and it's not always the latest iPhone or newest shoes that do this.

      Before our homestay we visited another set of temples with a lovely tour guide who did a super job. On to our homestay, which was with a delightful family who had spent the majority of the day cleaning their house and preparing our dinner in order to welcome us. They cooked up a masterpiece and I've never had a meal so tasty. Breakfast was the same, indulging in typical local treats.

      One thing I have to say about this place is I adore the kindness in people's hearts and willingness to please. Everything is always presented with a smile on their faces no matter how much they have to offer. I feel as though I'm the luckiest person being able to experience the generosity of these people, yet they act as though they are lucky to have us, which I guess makes the whole experience all the more touching.

    • Tag 8

      Auf dem Weg nach Siem Reap

      17. November 2018 in Kambodscha ⋅ 🌧 32 °C

      Auf dem Weg machen wir halt an einem Markt auf dem ländliche Produkte angeboten werden. Da in Kambodscha viele arme Menschen leben, deshalb wird ALLES eiweißhaltige gegessen, was gefangen werden kann.... ich hab mich sogar an Maden gewagt. Schmeckt gar nicht so schlecht!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 184

      Travelversary - Ein Jahr auf Reisen

      5. Dezember 2018 in Kambodscha ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      December 5, 2017: We flew from Cologne to Milan! Now, one year later we are still traveling.

      Distance traveled: Around 77,000km
      Country's visited: Italy, Greece, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, VAE, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Mongolia, China, Macao, Hong Kong, Vietnam & Cambodia

      What was the place we liked most on this trip so far?
      Markus: Petra, Jordan - even though we were there very short only it was amazing to see!
      Janine: Tokashiki Island, Japan: perfect beach, Nemo's everywhere in the water and a whale jumping out of the water in front of our boat.

      The worst experience we had on our trip:
      Markus: Traveling within China was the worst. Really don't like the behavior of Chinese people.
      Janine: The tiger mosquitoes in Sri Lanka - they are huge and it really hurts if they bite you.

      Favourite country we traveled:
      Markus: Japan! Just a perfect country to travel around. I never saw so friendly and helpful people before.
      Janine: Thailand: very easy travel, great food, amazing landscapes and nature!

      The biggest fails on our way:
      1. Ordering chicken feet in Korea without knowing it. The whole restaurant made fun of us and we didn't know why until we got the food.
      2. Don't go on a snorkeling trip with your cellphone in your pocket.
      3. Traveling in Taiwan: Traveling is not as fast as it is in Japan. We thought 2 weeks will be enough to travel around the island, but no, it wasn't.

      The future:
      Good news: There is still money left! We will fly to Perth, Australia on April 9, 2018. Till then we will travel through Cambodia, Laos, northern Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and Singapore.

      5. Dezember 2017: Vom Flughafen Köln/Bonn geht es nach Mailand und von dort aus weiter nach Genua zu unserem Kreuzfahrtschiff. Es ist der Anfang unsere bis heute andauernden Flitterwochen. Grund genug einmal zurück zu blicken.

      Zurückgelegte Strecke: ca. 77.000km mit Flugzeug, Schiff, Bus, Bahn, Auto und Motorrad.
      Besuchte Länder: Italien, Griechenland, Jordanien, Oman, Qatar, VAE, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Spanien, Portugal, Dänemark, Schweden, Finnland, Estland, Russland, Mongolei, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Vietnam & Kambodscha

      Was war unser Lieblingsort auf der Reise?
      Markus: Die Felsenstadt Petra in Jordanien. Auch wenn wir nur einen Tag hier waren, war es mein absolutes Highlight der Reise.
      Janine: Tokashiki Island auf Okinawa in Japan: perfekter Strand, traumhaft klares Wasser, Nemo's überall im Wasser und zum krönenden Abschluss ein Blauwal der vor unserem Boot komplett aus dem Wasser springt.

      Die schlechteste Erfahrung bisher:
      Markus: Das Verhalten von Chinesen im eigenen Land. Rücksichtslos, ekelhaft, unfreundlich und laut! Das macht vor allem das Reisen im Land zu einer Tortur.
      Janine: Die Tigermücken in Sri Lanka, gigantisch groß und wenn sie stechen tut es richtig weh.

      Unser Lieblingsland:
      Markus: Japan! Es ist ein perfektes Land zum Reisen. Großartige Natur, Städte und super freundliche Menschen.
      Janine: Thailand: sehr einfaches Reisen, super leckeres Essen, relativ günstig und beeindruckende Natur

      Unsere größten "Pannen":
      1. Hühnerfüße als Abendessen in Korea. Wenn man die Karte nicht lesen kann und das ganze Restaurant lacht bei der Bestellung ist es kein gutes Zeichen. Naja wir haben sie gegessen aber lecker war es nicht. Am Ende hat uns immerhin ein Koreaner gratuliert, dass wir es tatsächlich gegessen haben.
      2. Mit dem Smartphone schnorcheln gehen ist keine gute Idee. Ergebnis: Handy kaputt!
      3. Reisen in Taiwan ist nicht so schnell wie in Japan. Luftlinie 70km über die Berge bedeutet 9h Zugfahrt entlang der Küste. Sollte man einplanen wenn man nur begrenzt Zeit hat.. Wir haben es nicht erwartet und müssen wohl nochmal zurück kommen.

      Wie geht es weiter?
      Gute Nachricht: Unser Budget war für ein Jahr kalkuliert, aber wir haben es uns gut eingeteilt von daher geht es erstmal so weiter. Unsere Pläne entwickeln sich immer sehr kurzfristig, aber der nächste Fixpunkt ist ein Flug von Singapur nach Perth, Australien am 9. April 2019. Bis dahin stehen erstmal noch Kambodscha, Laos, Nord-Thailand, Myanmar und Malaysia auf dem Programm. Aber wann und wie wissen wir noch nicht.

      In dem Sinne aufs ins zweite Jahr der Flitterwochen!

    • Tag 16

      Tour nach Siem Riep

      6. Dezember 2019 in Kambodscha ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Eigentlich wären wir heute mit einem Boot den Mekong River hinaufgefahren. Nur leider ist das zweite Jahr in Folge nicht genug Wasser im Fluss, weswegen wir auf zwei Minibusse umsteigen mussten. Morgen endet die Fundriding Tour mit dem Besuch von Angkor Wat. Danach trennen sich unsere Wege und jeder Fundrider setzt seine Reise individuell fort. Ich bleibe bis zum 13.12. in Bangkok und stürze mich dann in die Weihnachtszeit in Deutschland 😊Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      Treak School Week 2 (Part 1)

      26. Juni 2023 in Kambodscha ⋅ ☁️ 33 °C

      Week two has been equally as jam packed as the first week; and the action-packed living has been equally exhausting and profound (keeping me from posting more regularly). Monday morning began with plastic brick making at Treak Community School. This is yet another initiative that Salin has created. Plastic is collected from the community, reducing the significant plastic pollution in the area that accumulates because no waste collection services exist. It is then heated and shrunk, chopped into small pieces, and used as aggregate for bricks. In our three hours, we made 155 bricks. It was hard, dirty, hot work! Then it was into the classrooms for the remainder of the day. Our dinner that evening was hosted at the home of Michael and Salin, which is always a wonderful privilege. Their garden is something to behold! Tuesday afternoon, after teaching for the morning, we visited Safe Haven, an NGO that works with children with a disability and their families to make a significant difference in their lives. Wednesday was then a full day in the school. By this time of the week, everyone's energy was flagging, but big days were ahead, so an early night Wednesday was vastly appreciated!Weiterlesen

    • Tag 15

      Treak School Week 2 (Part 2)

      29. Juni 2023 in Kambodscha ⋅ 🌩️ 31 °C

      Thursday morning our students led a morning of professional development for the teachers at Treak Community School. They presented four sessions on fun with phonics, push and pull concepts in Science, how to teach public speaking, and visual art. It was a wonderful morning and so enjoyable, with lots of hands-on learning. The week then ended with a bang, with "Australia Day"; a day full of fun activities for the students at Treak which our UniSQ students created and ran. The activities were damper cooking, the great Aussie Thong Toss, tunnel ball and other ball games, dancing and singing Australian songs, and art activities using crayon resist and a colour wash. The day was so wonderful, but gruelling, with high heat (made all the more challenging when cooking damper over an open coal fire under a tin roof, or playing games in the hot sun). At 2pm a huge storm came over and that put an end to the outdoor activities, so our students had to think fast and flexibly to continue the final 2 hours of the school day in the small classrooms (which they managed to do admirably).Weiterlesen

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