East Bayfront

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    • Dzień 7

      safety check take 1

      9 marca 2019, Kanada ⋅ ☀️ 0 °C

      Gleich gehts los zum Safety Check 🎉
      Hoffentlich überstehen wir den nur mit dem bezahlen der Gebühr 🥰🥰🥰🌚🌚🌚
      Viva la canada ❤️

    • Dzień 272

      St. Lawence Market

      24 grudnia 2019, Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      We went to the market trying to get something for free. We taste some wine and cheese and ate a godfather sandwich. We saw those funny shirts, but they were to experience!

    • Dzień 2

      Hop on bus and Blue Jays

      25 lipca 2018, Kanada ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      We slept pretty well. Woke a couple of times in the night but not until about 6am local time was I wide awake. Got dressed and woke uo ids, Ed was awake (though not for long), Tash was fast asleep. Went down to breakfast in teh hotel anout 8, Hotel is a large conference vebue, but decent, Breakfasy was a bugget, with the usual kinds of stuff, including an omelette statio and eggs benedict which I had.

      Went back to room then outr for day via concierge. SHe gave us a map and overview of what to see and sold us some hop on hop off bus tickets, valid for 7 days though we would ony need 3. We walked along the harnour front and found a nice coffee place and had a drink, having neem=n thwarted by the cintactkess vebding machines noit acdeopting our credit cards.

      THe bus tickets inlcuded a 45 minutes boat trip to the nearby Totonot Islands and we caught the first of the day departing at 10.30. It was cooler on tbe boat and interestin to see the ioslands, where about 500 people lived, but it i mainly a big park with no cars on it, accessible only by boat - in froxen wionter only by 1 of the municiap ferrries that can break the ice.

      Lake Ontario the smallest of the great lakes but the deepest. Got some great views of the Toronto skyline, the CN tower and the Rogers centre where baseball would be later.

      Once off the baot we got on the bus tour and stayed oin for almost the whole loop, just under 2 hours. Ed was complaining but it was interesting to see the main poarts the city and heat the commentary. Places we would like to visit included the Distillery area with boutique shops, a couple of markets with stalls and good food outlets and the main shopping mall (especialy for Tash). Also Graffititi Alley with street art and a Banksy exhinbitiojn that is on. In Kensington Market a greatly named Jamaican Italian fusion place was recommended Rasta Pasta!

      We f=got off bus and had some lucnh in an A and W burger place. Then went tot he Blue Jays shop at teh Rogers Centre and got shoirts and caps - Donaldson on the shorts, te star player *though we were warned he may well leave at the end of thisn season).

      It was then about 250 and the stadium was open so we went in. Metal detectors on the way in. Found our block 231 on left side of pitch. Roof was closed at this stage, but as we sat and waited it was opened up, sliding across in different sections. Fortuinately we were sat in the shady side of the satdium.

      Went for drinks - the soads were unlimited refills, I had a beer whcih was not. Game started, Donaldson wasnt playing, think rested as this was the third game of the week. Jays went ahead then fell behind and remained behind until the 8th innings when they scored 3 to make it 6 all, Got exciting at this pooint, they kept the Minnesota TWins (the oposition) to nil but then couldnt score themsleves in the 9th so we went to extra innings, I had saidat the start of 8the game had abouyt 15 minutes loeft, an hour later wwe were still wathcing, but it was keepong everyone interested. The music played to keept the crows going and the quirks of the game we slowly got to grips with. Had hot dogs (Ed chicjen nuggets) duting game.

      10th innings was also no score then in the 11th a chnage of pitcher led to lots of balls bowled and him being taken off after he walked someone for the third tine with the bases loaded. This didn;t help and we left when another 3 rusn were scored making it 10-6. They continued to get 2 more to 12-6, the final score. A disapointing loss.

      We walked back to the hotel, about 15 minutes having all enjoyed it even though the game was over 4 hours. KIds decied tey were hungry so ordewred room service puzza.

      Up early tomorrow for Tahs and me to do the Edgewalk up the CN Tower.
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