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    • Día 9

      Aswan & Elephantine Island

      28 de febrero, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Up for early breakfast and bused to the Philae Temple. The Philae Temple was really nice.... up high, surrounded by water and not overly busy. It's definitely one of my favorites.
      We then drove over the old British dam built in the 1980's to get to Lake Nasser and Aswan High Dam. Quite the interesting story.
      Back to the boat for lunch, and then we walked down the harbor walkway to a waiting Felucca. The ride to the Nubian Village was really nice through marshes to a spot where we had to change to a tour boat with a motor.
      Once we had power, we could go through the cataracts... easy to see why ships of the early Egyptians could not traverse them!!
      We arrived at the Nubian Village and had tea in a "typical" home. It was interesting and we learned a little bit of their way of life.
      The shopping that we had been told would not be aggressive was awful. They were extremely aggressive and got pissed of when we said no. We did stop at a vendor with a nice shop who had signs everywhere saying no bargaining! What a relief, and we actually bought 2 small limestone figurines.
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    • Día 9

      Return to Luxor

      28 de febrero, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      On the Nile for another day. It was very windy so no cards.
      We went through the locks and docked at Edfu.
      We went to Kom Ombo late afternoon. It was very crowded, which was unfortunate as it was a neat temple. The crocodile museum was cool though again did have to go fast.Leer más

    • Día 9

      Beach Day in Soma Bay

      28 de febrero, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      I went snorkeling for a couple of hours. It was wonderful.... had a bit of issue with the waves, so I ended up hanging onto a float with our guide, Hussein. Amazing reefs and fish. Second stop was Column Reefs, which were really neat. Many colours and types of fish and coral. So happy I went.
      Lots of beach time. Went shopping with Caroline and Judy to the market down the way.
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    • Día 9

      Relax by the Red Sea

      28 de febrero, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Awesome day! Walked to the sand spit, long diving dock and to the beach.
      Swam in the Sea...amazing with all the salt (36 percent ish). Don't need to paddle to stay upright... just float. Awesome.
      Bought stone statue of Isis with wings and a bathing suit cover.
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    • Día 7

      Cruise of the Nile

      26 de febrero, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ -2 °C

      Up super early today to get to the airport to fly to Luxor. There was not much traffic at 5, which made for a quick ride. Great flight, nice airport, and on the bus by 10 ish.
      Our first stop was the Karnak Temple Complex. Incredible!! It was busy but not crazy. Mahal gets so excited to show us particular spots she tends to move fast. It was so amazing and so much to see... I wish we had the day ( and no problem walking 😢).
      We went directly to the Luxor Temple and Courtyard, which is dedicated to the god Amun-Re. It is so amazing to walk among these gigantic columns and temples to the god... it is totally amazing that so many of the carvings even have colour still totally visible after all this time.
      The 74 columbed Courtyard of Ramses II is actually the outer parts of the temple featuring colossal statues of himself.
      Amenhotep's III's 14 columned Collonade (where I get to do Supernatural) was pretty impressive all on its own.
      We did not walk the 2 mile long Avenue of Sphinxes, though I would have loved to.
      While it's great having Mahal to give us all the information, I would love to have wondered on our own for a few minutes. She gave us half an hour which is what it took to get back to the bus.
      We went next to Blue Shadow II riverboat, which is to be our "home" for the next week. It is nice and our room is quite cozy but has a huge beautiful window overlooking the river.
      Lunch was good and we are now o the upper deck on deck chair soaking up some rays. Peter is sleeping and I am writing.
      There is no light show for me tonight .... my leg is not happy (again), and I need to rest for Valley of the Kings and Queens tomorrow.
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    • Día 3

      Adventures in Walmart Camping

      30 de agosto de 2023, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Not willing to risk exorbitant parking fines in Orillia, we spent two nights here at the Walmart. There were a few other overnight travelers, and no hassles with staying over night.

      I spent some time working on bird toys in the parking lot. Having their toys on the curtain rod is just not working through the day.

      Husband met up with us here, and we left the van all day while at the Pirate Party.
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    • Día 89

      Farmers’ Market

      26 de agosto de 2023, Canadá ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Whenever we can, we search out and attend farmers markets. We’ve had some success, but none like the fantastic Orillia farmers market today.

      It was held outside, and there were 50 or so vendors, selling everything from honey, to fresh corn, to fresh vegetables, and hand painted linen shirts. Wasps crawled over Coronation grapes, while a long-haired guitarist busked for change.

      We are in the heart of cottage country and the produce could not be any fresher or sweeter. The corn here is challenging their Taber rivals.

      It was a quintessential farmers market, and it will be hard to top in the month we have left before returning to our own farmers market in Lethbridge.
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    • Día 9

      Bass Lake Provincial

      1 de agosto de 2019, Canadá ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Have you ever thought to yourself..."Man I'm tired of planning all the little details. Let's just wing it and go with the'll all work out"?

      We had one weekend left of camping before arriving at our final destination, Charleston Lake Provincial Park for 12 days of camping with family. During our planning phase we had decided that for this weekend we would just drive along our route and find some fun or cute places to camp along the way. We could watch for signs or talk to the locals...there'd be so many options! Turns out...we never realized it was the long weekend. #fail

      After realizing it was the long weekend, we knew we had to try to actually book something to make sure we had a home for the weekend. We had an Adventure Eco Tour planned for the Saturday in a town a few hours from our destination so we wanted to book something near that location. There were about six or so provincial parks in the area that could have worked and a handful of private campgrounds as a back up option.

      We phoned the first campground, asking for availability for the entire weekend and with a bit of giggle/sound of amusement, they professionally responded with "Um, no sorry. We are booked solid." It was then I realized how silly we sounded trying to book a campsite for a long weekend the day of. I called the second park and received the exact same response. We called all the other provincial parks and most of the private campgrounds and EVERY single park was booked solid for the entire weekend EXCEPT for Bass Lake Provincial Park which had availability for Thursday and Friday night only. We had no idea where this park was, but we knew it was a home for two nights..we could stay there and figure something else out for the next two.

      We arrived at the park late...around 9 PM when the sun had already set. We checked in at the office and trying not to sound too desperate, we politely asked the parks employee if there was anything available for the rest of the weekend. In a quiet/almost hushed tone she told us that tomorrow morning there would be two sites opening up that would be available for the entire weekend. She also informed us that we needed to be there early as there were only two and she already knew of a handful of people coming in to try to reserve them. As soon as she told us this, we immediately made the game plan to be up at 5:00 a.m. the next morning and at the park office, lined up, for 5:30.

      After this we found our campsite. Since it was so late, we were stuck using our headlamps and the truck lights which ended up working great. Trying to not wake up the neighbors and not hurt ourselves in the process, we eventually had the tent set up. We had a nice little fire and a place to call least for a bit.

      5:00 a.m. and the alarm is ringing. We jump out of bed. Mom grabs her book, headlamp, chair and off she goes to the office to line up. I roll over and sleep in until 12...just kidding. I put on the coffee and tea and filled up our thermoses and Charlie and I went to meet grandma at the office. It's 5:30 a.m. and there is absolutely no one lined up except for us..and we're sitting in the dark. Eventually six thirty rolls around and another car pulls up. I quickly scramble out of the truck, and go sit in my lawn chair right in front of the office. The man in the car gives a little chuckle and politely laughs saying he figured he would have been first but oh well. We make awkward small talk until the third person arrives. This guy is a little surprised (and clearly bothered) to already see 3 others waiting in line. We all sit down and make polite small talk. Over the next half hour two other groups arrive and we are all waiting for the 2 available sites left. The office eventually opens and in we all go. Mom and I ended up getting the site we wanted out of the 2 choices (woo!!), the second guy ended up getting the second available site and somehow the third guy lucked out and got his too! Unfortunately the two groups behind us were given a list of private campgrounds in the area that they could try for. We realized how lucky we were and made a mental note to never again wing it when camping on a long weekend.

      We found our new site, set up camp and were thankful to have a home for the entire weekend. The next day we were off to our Adventure Eco Tour in the town of Blue Mountains.
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    • Día 5

      Orillia Pirate Party

      1 de septiembre de 2023, Canadá ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Having enjoyed the Ontario Pirate Festival so much, we changed plans from another festival to attend the Orillia Pirate Party. What an utter disappointment. While well thought out and planned on paper, it seemed to be an odd hodge-podge of festival activities and reenactors, rather than a pirate festival. It felt more like the War of 1812 (which was awesome) reenactors tried to convert to pirate life, and a poor job was done all around. Add to that the stress of being in Orillia with their weird parking fees and bylaws, and we just weren't feeling it.

      We only stayed for one day, and didn't even take any photos.
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