Banff, night 1

A pretty easy drive today, minus two idiots with campers (one from Texas and the other from Florida) who nearly cut us off and made Phil screech on the brakes.
We really enjoyed the Prince of WalesRead more
A pretty easy drive today, minus two idiots with campers (one from Texas and the other from Florida) who nearly cut us off and made Phil screech on the brakes.
We really enjoyed the Prince of WalesRead more
Heute Morgen ging es mit dem Auto weiter in den Ferienort Banff.
Unterwegs hielten wir planmäßig am Johnston Canyon und nutzen die gut präparierten Wege für eine ausführliche Wanderung durchRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Pilot Pond
Traveler I hope you are enjoying your time in the mountains and I hope you make it to Lake Louise, one of my favorite places! 😊
Traveler May go by, but it is $30 now to go up to the lake. We love Many Glacier at the US side of Glacier National Park and could not get a campsite there and also now they have a timed entry. A victim of its own success...