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10 лучших туристических направлений Saskatchewan
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    • День 361

      Cudworth, Karis’s boerderij 🐮

      1 июня 2023 г., Канада ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Donderdag 1 juni

      Een dag bij Karis op haar boerderij! Haar ouders hebben een koeienboerderij in Cudworth, Sasketchewan. Naar een kleine quad rit naar de koeien zijn we door het platteland gereden bij 2 kerken langs en 2 nieuwe geochaches. Daarnaa de stad Sasketoon gereden en een rondje gedaan. In de avond hamburger gegeten en kaartspelletjes gedaan! De volgende ochtend op tijd afscheid genomen van Karis en door Manitoba naar Toronto.Читать далее

    • День 18

      Roadtrip back to Montreal | Saskatchewan

      8 августа 2023 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Nach British Columbia und Alberta haben wir heute die 3 Provinz erreicht während meinem Trip. Heute morgen ging es los auf die Heimreise Richtung Montreal, 3500km bis zum Flugzeug✈️

      Da wir heute sehr gut voran gekommen sind und schon 700km gemacht haben, sind wir nun in der Provinz Saskatchewan für eine Nacht. Morgen geht es weiter👍🏻

      Nachdem die Berge in Alberta immer weniger wurden kam gegen Ende von Alberta und dann in Saskatchewan nur noch trockene Landschaft mit jede Menge getrocknetem Gras.
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    • День 11

      Saskatoon SK

      13 марта, Канада ⋅ ☁️ 27 °F

      I slept very well, and almost slept past breakfast, but I made it in just before they closed. I didn't take a picture, but I ordered the exact same thing as yesterday, so just scroll back.

      We are now in the prairies so the scenery is not that interesting. Just flat fields of snow covered corn stubble as far as the eye can see.

      We had a brief stop at Saskatoon. They warned us that the platform was extremely icy, but nonetheless one of the passengers (not me!) took a spill. Nothing broken but some painful bruises, from what I heard.
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    • День 11

      Melville, SK

      13 марта, Канада ⋅ ☁️ 34 °F

      Our next stop was Melville. This was a very brief stop, so we were cautioned (ordered?) to not leave the platform. It appears that a local retailer was determined to lure passengers to their shop with a giant SNACKS sign.Читать далее

    • День 26

      Weites Land

      26 июля 2019 г., Канада ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Heute morgen ging es endlich weiter. Ziel ist Saskatoon.
      Dabei kamen wir durch Drumheller. Ein Ort welcher durch Fossilienfunde / Dinosaurier sehr bekannt ist.
      Auf unserer Etappe wechselten wir auch den Bundesstaat von Alberta nach Saskatchewa. Auch hier ist es relativ eben, die Größen der Felder sind kaum beschreibbar. So weit man 👀kann, Äcker mit Raps, Gerste und Bohnen. Gelegentlich auch ein wenig 🐂. Gegen abend haben wir unser Ziel erreicht💪

      Kerstin schreibt:

      Kilometer, Dinosaurier und Langhornrinder

      Um die letzten Tage etwas aufzuholen hatten wir uns heute eine etwas größere Etappe vorgenommen 620 km 😁. Auf dem Weg sahen wir, wie Hans schon beschrieben hat Dinosaurier, viel weites Land und Langhornrinder.
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    • День 28

      Back auf dem TCAT

      28 июля 2019 г., Канада ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern die Verbindungsetappe gut hinter uns gebracht haben, ging es heute auf dem TCAT weiter.
      Zuerst noch durch die Ebene, danach über breite Forststrassen und auch schmale Waldwege.
      Auf über 100 km trafen wir nur vier Autos. Am Abend kamen wir nach Nipawin. Dort gingen wir auf einen RV Campingplatz. Der Besitzer war laut ein paar Camper auf einem Geburtstag. Während wir unser Zelt aufstellten wurden wir von Ihnen zum Essen eingeladen. Welch eine Gastfreundschaft👍
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    • День 28


      28 июля 2019 г., Канада ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Wie es sich gestern Abend bereits abgezeichnet hat, wurde das Wetter über Nacht beschi.....!👎👎👎👎👎
      So haben wir beschlossen heute mal wieder zu waschen und einen auf gemütlich zu machen. Als wir Nachmittags auf einem Kaffee waren kam ein gewaltiger Regenguss und der Sturm machte unser Zelt platt.
      Shit happens!
      Morgen gehts dann weiter.

      Kerstin schreibt:
      WIR haben gewaschen....Hans hat geschlafen (ihm ist aufgefallen, dass er schon seit Wochen keinen Mittagsschlaf mehr hatte😴) und ich war in der Laundry, hab gewaschen und Smalltalk gehalten.😇
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    • День 29

      Hudson Bay

      29 июля 2019 г., Канада ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Nach einer etwas kalten Nacht nach dem "Thunderstorm" (❄4+)
      ging es am Morgen weiter. Zuerst ging es an den Tobin Lake. Hier hatten wir unser erstes Highlight.
      Ein Canadier lies sein Boot zu Wasser mit Oma und Hund an Bord. Als er vom Auto ausstieg war das Boot soweit abgetrieben, dass die Fangleine zu kurz war. Da half nur noch ein Hechtsprung hinterher. Ausspruch der Frau: It's the wrong time, to teach grandma , handle a boot!😜
      Hosa ra, T shirt ra, und nei ins kalt Wasser👍 um das Boot, Oma und Hund zurück ans Ufer zu bringen.
      Danach ging es über Schotter- und zugewachsene Schlammwege nach Hudson Bay. Hier fanden wir einen top Campinplatz wo wir Feuer machten und grillen konnten. Ein genialer Tag.
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    • День 1

      First impressions

      11 апреля 2016 г., Канада ⋅ ☁️ -1 °C

      Just the drive up to PA from Saskatoon was already confirming - I'm not home anymore! People say the prairies are flat, but boy they weren't kidding! Ottawa doesn't have the biggest hills or any mountains really, but it has enough to make it look textured, or the illusion of rolling hills... But here, flat. Flat, flat, flat. A speed bump would be a welcomed change in altitude! Since it's post-winter, the fields are endless views of yellow. Nothing interesting, nothing growing, just lots of yellow. Our bus from Saskatoon to PA would stop in these miniature towns along the way, not picking up anyone really...

      Arriving in PA was a bit of shocker - its a city. It's a small city, but it's a city. Not a single building over 3 floors high, yet bigger town then we expected. The roads, much like my dad warned, are all 4 lanes wide despite the lack of any cars on them, it just makes it longer to walk. The parking lots go on for miles in front of stores, despite them being empty. This is definitely a driving town. But still - everything we need is a short walk away! I would say about 80-85% of the vehicles are either SUVs or pickup trucks. Pickup trucks being most of those.

      We had a training today for non violent intervention with violent patients, and at one point we had to act out scenarios. Long story short - one of the women there, probably the most typically small town lady I've seen yet (curly mullet and over sized t-shirt) was repeating "I want to go home" over and over again. When she was finally asked why she responded "I miss my cows". And that ladies and gents and in between, is how you know you've exited the city.

      Small towns also brings on small town sensitivity training, or lack thereof. During the training today Jack kept having to bite her tongue at moments such as the presenter saying "like if you don't want negative attention, don't wear tight scrubs pants, or low cut shirts, and watch how you bend over". Talk about victim blaming. I had more trouble with the lack of inclusiveness of the presenter. I mean, I'm in the room - he's got a pretty clear clue that he needs to be inclusive and yet at one point he turned to the one cis-man in the room and asked if he had kids, to which the cis-man says no. The presenter goes on to say that means he's the only one in the room who would understand how it is to feel hopeless watching your wife deliver a baby. I almost wished I had kids in that moment. Almost.

      That being said, my first 24 hours here has been great! I haven't felt judged at all, haven't felt threatened. We have a roommate in our apartment who happens to be Muslim from Somalia and she's fantastic! It could have gone much worse. Super friendly, we had drinks together, she has a wonderful laugh. Tonight she even said our relationship (Jack and I) reminded her of her relationship with her husband (currently in Kenya). That to me means she's acknowledging the relationship and is ok with it enough to compare it to her own. This is great!

      The apartment is 2 bedrooms plus a TV room plus sunroom. It's actually massive. Living and dining room. Fully equipped kitchen. We have a huge master bedroom with walk in closet and personal washroom. 15 min walk to work. And the cherry on top - there's an indoor pool and sauna and hot tub. Booya! We're actually having 4 friends over for a pool party tonight! We made friends!

      Granted, this is a 24 hour impression - but so far, no intimidation! The people I met at the training, or the people I'm crossing paths with, or Gwen who showed us the apartment, have all been really nice. Friendly smiles, no awkward looks. So far, so good. Not even the typical "don't worry, I'm not homophobic" conversations, just nothing. No issues. That's 24 hours in.

      I'm excited for this bit of time - starting in the emergency Thursday. Plenty of things to do. Making friends already. This is good!
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    • День 11

      I'm failing at this!

      21 апреля 2016 г., Канада ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      I guess I'm not doing as good as I was in Africa... Turns out, there isn't that much to write about around here!

      Last Saturday (I know I'm late), we got a ride with Jenn and her boyfriend Jeff into Saskatoon, about an hour and a half drive. Jenn is the other contract nurse working in emerg - in case you lost tract. The drive up was the same as our bus ride - flat and uneventful. But the company was nice!

      Saskatoon is this really cute town! And by that, I mean the 2 main "downtown" streets and along the river front were beautiful, with so much charm. Everything else was just typical town of wide roads with little traffic and big plain concrete buildings... The downtown had all these cute shops; we had lunch on the patio of a vegetarian café, and then walked to the waterfront. It was a gorgeous day, sun shining.

      Jack saw an add for a tattoo convention that happened to be now, so why not! Took a taxi over, and walked back the 45 minutes inside this rich fancy neighbourhood of houses along the water. In which, I found my future home! All along the river itself was what seemed to be all new art and statues or designs in the ground, all representing Saskatoon's history. Of course Jack had to play around with the statues, or jump on the ground that stated Prince Albert.

      The tattoo convention was a first for me! Rows and rows of portfolios to look through, artists to chat with, or watch them at work! I fell in with one of them but she's base in Edmonton (I think...), so maybe there's a road trip in my future! It was nice to be amongst people you know enjoy similar art. If only I had all the money in the world, I felt like telling some of them "here's a ton of money, now cancel your other appointments and let's talk sleeve!". Soon I hope, soon.

      As for our time in Prince Albert, almost too easy... Nothing to write about! No stares. No name calling. No awkward looks. Many people at work seem to be avoiding conversations revolving around Jack and I, but no comments. I find I haven't been asked the typical "how long have you been together" or "where did you meet", which is the only hint towards discomfort.

      Not even any comments on how I look. I made a joke about me looking boyish the other day and I got crickets... Lol. So again, I feel like there's discomfort in the air, but who knows! Maybe my jokes just aren't funny!

      My approach has been to just be super nice to everyone. Walking into Shoppers the other day, these two sketchy looking men were outside, and one asked for a cigarette. With a huge smile I responded that I didn't smoke. His reply - "alright, I like your hair man!" Which made me confused as to which gender he was associating to me. On my way back out of Shoppers, from the same gentleman I got "hey, Rihanna!". Lmao! There's a first!

      Small town differences - sitting on our balcony we saw a guy arrive at his friends place via 4-wheeler. We saw one of those farming golf cart kind of things crossing the highway. Special mention again for all the darn pickups on the street. A co-worker just bought a house and said "it's JUST 2 acres". According to our boss, our building is the only building with an indoor pool in PA - score! A co-worker was telling me about their regulars, or frequent flyers as we call them, and everybody sees them around town. They can tell you who's brother with who and who's mother was in last week...

      That's that folks! Not too much to rapport. Jack had herself a great day volunteering at the local SPCA and walked/played with dogs all day. She wouldn't stop talking about it and telling me all about Mia the beagle. I just finished working 2 nights and she's about to start 3 nights. Our schedules don't exactly match up, but that's ok. I'll be trying to entertain myself in the next couple days...
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    Вам может быть известно это место также под этими именами:

    Saskatchewan, SK, ساسكاتشوان, ܣܐܣܩܐܬܫܘܐܢ, Saskaçevan, Саскачеван, Правінцыя Саскачэван, Σασκάτσουαν, Saskaĉevano, Saskatchewani provints, ساسکاچوان, Saskatchewan-sén, ססקצואן, Սասկաչևան, サスカチュワン州, სასკაჩევანი, 서스캐처원 주, Saskačevanas, Saskačevana, सास्काचेवान, ဆက်စကက်ချီဝမ်နယ်, ਸਸਕਾਚਵਾਨ, ساسکٹچیوان, Sascachevão, Saskatchewan pruwinsya, Saskačevans, சஸ்காச்சுவான், รัฐซัสแคตเชวัน, Saskachéwan, ساسکچیوان, Saskachevan, Sascatchewane, סאסקאטשעווען, 沙士加芝灣, 薩斯喀徹溫

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