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    • Day 291


      July 16 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Výběr zvěře z Watertonu – tedy aspoň to, co jsme stihli vyfotit... Potkali jsme:
      - jeleny, srny i koloušky, 🦌
      - hromadu svišťů, kteří musí mít pod kempem kilometry chodeb,
      - medvědy, 🐻
      - orly a další neidentifikované dravce, 🦅
      - chipmunky a různé druhy veverek, 🐿️
      - lišku (očividně hladovou), 🦊
      - koně (osedlané), 🐴
      - miliardy komárů, much běžných i kousavých a dalšího hmyzu. 🦟🪰🐝

      Jídlo a vše voňavé (nádobí, hygienu atd.) je nutno na noc zamčít do auta, bear lockeru nebo pověsit v dostatečné vzdálenosti na strom. My jsme naštěstí do kempu přilákali jen srnku (na vodu od těstovin...), sousedovi se ale u stanu procházela medvědice s mládětem. A to měl všechno schované! 😯
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    • Day 283

      Cowboy Trail

      July 8 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Cowboy Trail, neboli Highway 22, vede zhruba od Edmontonu až na jih Alberty a je to příjemná alternativa k dálnici Edmonton-Calgary. Ze severu projíždíte prériemi, míjíte ropné vrty, ranče a saloony; na jihu se krajina začíná vlnit a všude vidíte pasoucí se dobytek. Dokonce jsme viděli tři opravdový kovboje na koni a v klobouku, jak shání stádo krav!

      Nás Cowboy Trail dovedl na víkendové kempování u Twin Lakes, do bývalé obchodní stanice s kožešinami Rocky Mountain House, přenocování na tajném lesním místě s krásným výhledem na kopce a alpské kytičky a nakonec až do národního parku Waterton Lakes u hranice s Montanou 🇺🇲
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    • Day 5–6

      Prince of Wales Hotel, Waterton, AB, Can

      June 5 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 57 °F

      A drive through big sky country today. Beautiful vistas of the front range of the Bob Marshall Wilderness and lots of waiting in road construction for pilot cars. A friend from from Montana used to say there were 2 seasons, winter and road construction and he was right!

      We stopped at the Montana Dinosaur Center in Bynum. Bossy was napping so her new friend Ducky, the Crested Duck-billed Dinosaur showed us around. This part of Montana has one of the six locations in the world where Dinosaur nests have been found. The nesting dinosaurs here were hydrosaurs or duck-billed types. Phil and I stopped here 5 years ago when the baby first went on display. The baby changed how we think of dinosaurs as more bird like instead of lizard like. This location has active dinosaur digs you can participate in and a big lab to watch the preservation work.

      We fought the wind all day but finally made it to the Canadian border. We saw a red fox while eating a sandwich lunch near the Belly River Trailhead. About 13 years ago, Phil and I did a back country hike into the Belly River for 5 days, so it all felt familiar.

      At the border, we were quizzed on guns, tobacco, alcohol and pepper spray. We told the agent about our summer plans and she gave us some tips on more road construction for tomorrow. Seems Montana and Alberta have a lot of similar thinking.

      Tonight, we are at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton National Park. That's the Canadian side of Glacier National Park. We didn't realize that there is a whole town of AirBNB's and other lodging, but it is still fun to be in the historic hotel. We are in a "budget" room, which means the 5th floor where the workers used to stay. Elevator goes only to the 4th floor. The room is still nice and spacious, but with views of the parking lot. Great bathroom and killer shower.

      Tomorrow we are heading to Banff for 2 nights.
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    • Day 151

      Waterton Lakes National Park

      October 13, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Diesen Park darf man nicht auslassen! Er ist einfach wunderschön!
      2017 wütete ein schreckliches Feuer, dessen Spuren überall zu sehen sind. Aber fireweed, das Weidenröschen, hat schon alles wieder begrünt und auch die Bäume wachsen nach.Read more

    • Day 54

      Crypt Lake

      September 17, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Sat 17th Sept. Finally get to finish the triple crown challenge, with a hike National Geographic rates as one of the World's 20 most thrilling Trails - Crypt Lake. And it was an absolutely beautiful day to do it too, after an extremely windy night, woke up to a blue sky and sun and very little wind and more importantly very little smoke haze. Firstly have to take a 15 min boat ride, leaving the wharf at 9 am, when we got there at 8.30 there was already lots of hikers, so many they decided to do 2 trips, (heard they actually ended up doing 3 trips) so we got on the first boat of 48 passengers at 8.45. And because we hate hiking in a procession, quickly got off the boat and on the trail. It was a fairly gentle climb up most of the way. And then about 2/3s of the way as we were going around a switchback corner we heard a bit of a rock fall, looking over to the right on a rocky hillside next to a waterfall, we saw a brown bear and then further down the hill a larger whiter bear - mama grizzly and cub - so exciting watching mama get back to her baby who was busy digging causing loose rocks to go tumbling. We then carried on up to the exciting bit of the hike - the ledge, ladder and tunnel. The ledge is a narrow exposed path that leads to a 3 m ladder, which takes you to the 20m tunnel through the rock and out to another narrow ledge which has a cable to help you along. Then it is just a short way to the pristine alpine lake - Crypt Lake at 1980 m, that apparently has icebergs in until July and the fourth and most difficult challenge if you dare, a bomb into the deep blue water of the ledge of the trail that circumnavigates the lake. I don't know if it was because I did a bomb and went a lot lower than I have in other lakes but it was absolutely freezing and a little bit of panic going deep in such cold water. It was then time to head back down through the tunnel, ladder and ledge taking the detour near the bottom to go via Hell Roaring Falls, and although we were warned there wasn't much water flowing down it was still very pretty especially with the upper Waterton Lake in the background. We arrived at the jetty about 3.15 pm and at 3.45pm the ferry came for its first pickup. Hike stats: 20.52km, active time 5 hrs, elevation gain 1127 m. With the sun shining and feeling wonderful after our week in Waterton stopped at the liquor store and found the nearest things so far to Black Russians - Joe Stiffs (vodka, coffee and cola) not as good but still went down with BBQ chips while I wrote this. Then into the village for pizza. Was going to a talk up at the Prince of Wales Hotel but after finishing the pizza only had 8 minutes to get up there so gave it a miss. Steps D / V 37180Read more

    • Day 51

      Afternoon trip to USA

      September 14, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Wed 14th Sept. The weather forecast for today was 60% chance of rain and thunderstorms, and because we have had a couple of big days decided to have an easy day. But after a relaxing morning and freshly made Sultana scones, and no sign of rain we decided to take a walk to Montana USA, along Waterton lakeside trail. It was a pleasant trail, although a bit more undulating than we thought but after about 7.8 kms we reached the USA border. There was a guy waiting there for someone to take his photo at the border - he had just finished a 5 month (less one day), 2900 miles walk from Mexico to Canada - so Doug got that honor of commemorating the end of this trip for him. We then both swam from Canada to USA, it wasn't any warmer in America. Then carried along the track for about 500 m and came along a lovely stream with some deep clear blue water pools. It then started to drizzle, so we turned around and headed back to Waterton, luckily the rain didn't develop and we got back dry. Not far from Waterton came around a corner of the track and there was a family of deer (mum, dad and 2 young ones) happily grazing. Hike stats: 15.73 kms, 3 hrs 07, elevation gain 604 m. Steps VRead more

    • Day 49


      September 12, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Mon 12th Sept. First of the triple crown hikes on the agenda today however it is a one way walk, from Cameron Lake back to Waterton village. There is a hikers shuttle to take you to the beginning, or you can save the $20 each person and bike the 16km road like us. In total from the campground the bike stats are: 17.24 km, time 1 hr 14, elevation loss 47 m, gain 409 m. Had a quick look at Cameron Lake, it's still quite a smokey haze here which doesn't bode well for good Mountain photos. Found somewhere to lock the bikes up - hopefully they will be there tomorrow when we go and pick them up, and started on the hike climbing up through the burnt forest. 20,329 hectares of Waterton Lake National Park was burnt in a major forest fire in September 2017, that started by a lightning strike on the nearby Kenow Mountain B.C. In total 38,000 hectares was burnt. So the landscape has drastically changed and the hiking tracks have only recently been opened again. Anyway back to our hike, it was a fairly easy climb up initially with long gentle switchbacks, then after going past Summit Lake, the climbing got a bit steeper up the side of a Ridge to the top of our highest spot at 2352 m. Great views including looking towards Montana USA with the border just a stones throw away. After having our peanut butter and jam sandwiches up the top, we set off knowing the hard work had been done. Coming down off the top we soon got views of the Carthew Lakes (top two) and Alderson lake. This view was really spectacular, especially with the colored rocks. Walked past the lakes and continued down to Waterton village. Hike stats: 21.05 km, active time 5 hrs 00, elevation gain 780 m. We have heard quite a few woodpeckers on our hikes the past 6 weeks but always struggled to get photos - normally to high in the trees looking into the sun, however we did past 2 today and got a few snaps. Also saw some elk or Mountain Goats - we can't agree on what they are - will have to ask the park staff to settle that debate. And after struggling with sore little toes during my hikes, and considering going up half a size in my shoes, I magically got an ad on my Facebook, selling Toe socks, which made me wonder if they would help, so while in Calgary brought a pair and tried them out today and happy to report that my "little piggy no long goes wee wee wee all the way home", now just have to find a big enough town soon, to buy some more. Steps V 35766Read more

    • Day 24

      Waterton Day 3 - Sunset Cruise

      July 10 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      I spent the afternoon hanging around town, a short bike ride - and at the parking there was a bear! A big black bear was crossing a stream, then the road, then making his way up at steep slope. Pictures on my other camera. In the evening, I take the sunset cruise around Upper Waterton Lake before finishing with a nice dinner, and the restaurant has WiFi…Read more

    • Day 88

      -2- Waterton 🚍👩‍👧‍👦

      September 1, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Donderdag 1 september - zaterdag 3 september

      Camping: Crooked Creek Campground

      2 nachtjes bij Waterton park gekampeerd! Wat een mooi nationaal park is dit zeg. Het is het eerste peace park tussen Canada en de USA. Dit betekend dat de conservatie van het park samen wordt gedaan. Prachtige kampeerplek met uitzicht op de bergen. En hier was geen kampvuurban, dus een fikkie gestoken. Ruben en ik misten wel onze firemaster Aaron. Maar we hebben ons best gedaan. In de ochtend hebben Ruben en ik een korte hike gedaan: Bear’s hump. 2.4 km heen en terug maar wel redelijk stijl omhoog tot het uitzichtpunt. Prachtig!! Daarna een boottocht gemaakt over het meer, Upper Waterton lake. Met de boot zijn we dan zelfs de USA in gevaren! Toen nog naar Cameron lake gereden en hier gezwommen (Ruben en ik) en een middagtukkie gedaan in de zon. Terug naar het stadje een tussenstop bij de Cameron waterval, hier stonden ook lekker hertjes te grazen. En in de avond in het stadje gegeten. Lekkere spareribs uit een smoker!! Klein ijsje achteraf met uitzicht op het water en de dag eindigen bij een warm kampvuurtje.Read more

    • Day 50

      Akamina Ridge

      September 13, 2022 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Tue 13th Sept. Second of the triple crown hikes today. Firstly we drove to Cameron Lake and picked up the bikes that we left there yesterday. Today's hike started about 1 km back up the road from Cameron Lake. About 2 kms in you come to a "Welcome to British Columbia" sign as the hike is in their territory. And shortly after that you branch of to the left to take the track to Forum Lake. After the lake the track starts zig zagging up, going past some good bushes of Huckleberries. The track then came up to a Pass, where you could see over to Wall Lake. From there it was scrambling/rockclimbing up to the top of the Ridge between the two lakes. The temperature was definitely lower up there, with a cold wind blowing, so it was time for another layer or two. The track then continues along up and down the Ridge for about 5 kms. The views would had been superb especially looking towards Glacier National Park in USA but the haze again made the mountains very indistinct. Coming down the ridge, we missed a turning which was marked by a small cairn, and carried on straight - on a still distinguish path, but about 300m on it didn't feel right, but there was still a track going down so we hesitantly continued, after about another 300 m the track stopped (I think we were illegal immigrants in America now), and decided to backtracked, and eventually found the right track going down by the cairn. On our little side excursion to America we did see fresh sign of bear activity but didn't sight any. So once on the right track, it was downwards to Wall Lake, and then a fairly flattish walk out to the intersection with Forum Lake track, and then back down to the van. Hike stats: 20 km, 5 hr 14, elevation gain 1181 m, highest altitude 2569 m. Steps D 31005 / V 33514.Read more

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