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    • Tag 252


      8. September in Chile ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C


      Ascension 453m / descente 540m
      Temps actif 3h10 sur temps total 4h50
      Vitesse moyenne 14km/h
      Température moyenne 14C

      Nous sommes restés 2 nuits et 1 journée complète chez notre hôte Marco. Alors que j’essaie de comprendre l’origine du frottement de mon garde boue sur ma roue arrière, qui a commencé quand j’ai descendu un trottoir et que le vélo a fait un bruit genre « SKUNK »…. Finalement c’est
      Le porte-bagage qui a brisé… Après les 3 vis qui se sont brisées, visiblement j’aurais dû prêter plus d’attention au porte-bagage qui n’était pas monté adéquatement… au moins, je suis capable de remettre la tige brisée dans son embout, et ça tiendra jusqu’à ce que je change le porte-bagage. Jérémie dit que je mène désormais en termes de bris…

      Marco nous invite à faire un asado et invite une amie, Lily, en plus de sa fille Amalia. La viande qu’il fait sur le barbecue au charbon de bois est l’une des meilleures que nous ayons mangée! Toute la soirée, il nous sert un Fernet-coca, une boisson alcoolisée apparemment populaire en Argentine dont ils sont tous les deux friands. La soirée se prolonge tard!

      Quand nous partons le lendemain, il est assez tard… à cause du fernet, mais aussi du changement d’heure. Le Chili passe à l’heure d’été, il fera donc jour une heure plus tard le soir. Tant mieux pour nous!

      Le temps est magnifique, gros soleil avec quelques nuages. Nous sommes d’excellente humeur. C’est fou comment une journée ensoleillée change la donne en terme de motivation.

      Le programme est modeste, petite journée pour arriver à Coñaripe. Nous avons booké deux nuits car on annonce un déluge. Il fait si beau que nous en profitons pour laver les vélos en arrivant, ils sont couverts de boue depuis que avons quitté Temuco, entre la ride à travers le Parque Conguillio dans la neige et les journées de pluie, surtout avec le détour de 15km dans une route boueuse avant d’arriver à Villarica.

      Finalement il fait beau pour notre journée de repos… et le déluge annoncé aura lieu demain. Fuck!

    • Tag 5

      Lago Calafquen

      22. Oktober 2022 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      "IT" is wonderful but after breakdown of i-phone we are down from 3 to one - and zero on google mail, who wants double-ID. Lots of time and mental energy needed on this yesterday. We start by 13:30 from Villarrica in a landscape dominated by the volcano. There is lots of identified Mapuche activity! We camp next to the beautiful lake Calafquen. First foreign campers since COVID, we are told...Weiterlesen

    • Tag 123

      Road Trip

      30. März 2016 in Chile ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      So today we hired a car for the first time since we left home, and even though they drive on the opposite side of the road here it wasnt strange as its so long since i drove in the uk, the only hard thing was having the gear stick on the opposite side. The first place we went to wanted 45 quid for the day , but after shopping around we managed to get a Suzuki Alto for 25 quid. The car was a bit clapped out, but would do us the job of getting us to the thermal springs. We drove out of Pucon and headed for Villaricca and onto Licanray where we stopped to have a restbite and a sit on the beach. The sand here is all black as its volcanic but the view at the lake was beautiful. Back to the car for the hardest part of the journey as once we arrived to Conaripe we had a 16km drive up a dirt track. When i say dirt track it is the remnents of the volcanos erution from last year with loose gravel everywhere and the steering on the car left much to be desired as it was. As we were driving up ther were a number of distractions, the first being a group of piglets literally just wandering along the verge. The next was a herd of goats and then a bloody great big bull, the question was what could beat that, there was bearly enough room for our little car. We passe the first thermas and i could quite literally have stopped there as the bone shaker was doing my old body no good, but we persisted on for the next 5km and finally arrived at the therma geometrica. We were really shocked as the trip in town was 35,000 chilean peso the equivalent roughly of 35 pound which we thought was really expensive, but when we got to the thermas it was 24,000 so the transfer was only a tenner and we had spent 25 quid hiring the car, but the beauty was we got to stop as and where we wanted along the way. Arriving at the thermas you get allocated a locker , a towel and away you go. There are over 15 ools all of varying shapes sizes and temperatures so you can take your pick on the one most comfartable for you. We make our way up to the top trying each pool along the way, and at the top is a huge waterfall with contrasting freezing cold water. This place is definitely therpeutic and the 45 degree pool is hotter than any bath i have had and i like my baths hot. We while away a good 3 hors before heading inside for some hommade chicken broth and a coffee. The drive back doesnt seem to take so long and we head down to the lake to watch the sunset. It drops an amazing reflection onto the water and we drink an ice cold beer to enjot this beautifl view. It has been a day of pampering and we agre that we might as well finish off with having dinner out tonight. Mark orders a caesar sanwich and i opt for the steak. When it arrives it looks amazing, even the presentation is nice. I can honestly say this is the best steak i have ever eaten and when igive mark a taste hes so impressed he says we will come here again tomorrow. The meal is finished off with a couple of cocktails . When we arrive back to the hostel we have no keys but lucky enough the guy is just about to leave and lets us in another wonderful day .Weiterlesen

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    Coñaripe, Conaripe

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