Bahía Suroeste

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    • Day 73

      Isole caraibiche 🏝️

      March 12, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Non ci crederete ma viaggiare e cambiare luogo ogni 2-3 giorni alla lunga è stancante 🤪. Pertanto decidiamo di prenderci qualche giorno di puro relax su un’isola Caraibica🏝️
      Eccoci quindi arrivati a Providencia, ci aspetta un mare trasparente con distese di sabbia bianca 🤩 e pesce 🎣 fresco ogni giorno. Da leccarsi i baffi 😋. L’isola è molto piccola, per girarla tutta ci vuole appena mezz’ora in scooter. Il popolo di appena 8 mila abitanti è molto cordiale e disponibile. Ci prendiamo una giornata per fare un giro in barca tra i vari isolotti, mascherina e canna e via ad ammirare coralli e diverse varietà di pesci 🪸 . Possiamo dire di aver trovato un piccolo angolo di paradiso. Gli ultimi due giorni facciamo visita a St. Andrea l’isola principale🏝️ Per raggiungerla dobbiamo prendere un volo ✈️ di ben 18 minuti, wow che grande viaggio 😂.
      Molto bella anche quest’ultima isola 🏝️ ma per i nostri gusti troppo turistica.
      Prossimo step Cartagena guys.

      ℹ️ Curiosità:

      🌪️ 2020 l’isola di Providencia è stata colpita da un violento uragano che ha distrutto-danneggiato il 98% delle strutture

      🗣️ La lingua ufficiale é lo spagnolo, ma la popolazione comunica in creolo e inglese poiché in precedenza fu colonizzata da i Britannici

      🐙 Le fermate del bus sono tutte a tema acquatico

      🐟 Puoi mangiare piattoni di pesce fresco sulla spiaggia per 10 fr a testa

      🏝️ Le isole di San Andres e Providencia distano solo 90 km l’una dall’altra

      💰 Ottima destinazione se volete scappare dalle realtà troppo affollate per un ottimo prezzo
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    • Day 23

      Bad news

      February 6, 2020 in Colombia ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      We have just had some very bad news. My grandad has just passed away extremely unexpectedly so we will be heading back to England. I’ll stop the blog now until we decide what to do about this family adventure.

      Thank you for reading my blog and posting such lovely comments!! It makes me feel like I’m sharing my journey with so many friends. My grandad, Keith, really enjoyed reading my blog and used to post lots of comments. Look out for his comments!! (Keith Chadwick).

      I love you Grandad Chad. And I will miss you ❤️😘
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    • Day 6

      Providencia - Day 2

      April 2, 2018 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Happy Easter! After fuelling ourselves with a Colombian staple called arepa, (a type of food made of ground maize dough, served with cheese, cuajada etc.), we were all set to start our day.

      On our walk to Manzanillo Bay, it was very easy to see that the infrastructure is not well-maintained here. For instance, we’d be walking on the sidewalk, when out of nowhere it would come to an abrupt end and continue on the other side of the street, so we kept zigzagging back and forth. We also saw several unfinished buildings on our short 40 mins. walk to the beach. Of course the extreme heat and historical lack of investment play a role here. It’s not easy to get to, which on the one hand is why large-scale tourism has never taken root, but at the same time it’s also what allows Providencia to retain its astounding beauty and state of preservation.

      In addition to the copious amounts of bright blue lizards that we saw on our walk to the beach, there were also tons of hens and chicks clucking along the roadside. I should also mention that Sean was a bit like Snow White, if there was a stray dog around it was sure to be following him. One even cozied up to us and found shade under our loungers on the beach.

      We were completely off the grid. We claimed our beach space and enjoyed the better part of the afternoon soaking up the sun. The sand here was as soft as icing sugar (if you didn’t already know I like to bake, then I’m sure my sugary sweet reference was a dead give away). Sean also taught me how to play chess, which reminds me that we’ll have to play again soon so I can solidly the rules/kick his butt!

      As there wasn’t much night life here, we too adopted the slow-pace lifestyle of this rural paradise. We had a seafood dinner at a restaurant down the road from where we were staying (which we walked to there and back in complete darkness), and then we spent the rest of our night in playing rummy 500. - KK
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    • Day 15

      La terza barriera corallina del mondo

      August 14, 2022 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Giro in barca con Sonia e Matteo per visitare la terza barriera corallina più grande del mondo. Snorkeling 🤿 e spiagge in una natura quasi incontaminata, impossibile da immaginare se non ci si trova qui.


      Contavo molto su Providencia, e ha soddisfatto, se non superato, tutte le mie aspettative! É un’isola stupenda, verdissima, con un mare che non avevo mai visto in vita mia così bello! Eravamo anche in ottima compagnia di due ragazzi italiani, Sonia e Matteo, che hanno trascorso con noi entrambe le giornate! Ciliegina sulla torta: non é un posto turistico….! Anche la nostra stanza era molto bella, affacciava sul mare, e il nostro host a colazione ci deliziava con caffè e papaya del suo orto.

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    • Day 61


      March 21 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bahía Suroeste, Bahia Suroeste

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