San Andres y Providencia

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Top 10 Travel Destinations San Andres y Providencia
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    • Day 175

      🇨🇴 San Andrés - COLOMBIE

      July 30, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 30 °C

      - S A N A N D R E S -

      Maintenant place aux Caraïbes 🇨🇴

      En plein cœur de l'océan, nous voilà sur une petite île pas très très accueillante au premier regard 😂

      À notre arrivée, à peine sorti de l'aéroport un groupe de vieux sur leur chaise plastique qui picolait nous on dit d'appeler un taxi, même pour 10 minutes de marche seulement ! On ne les a évidemment pas écoutés parce qu'on est têtu et on a eu de la chance ! Mais oui, au cas où on l'avait pas compris : nous sommes en Colombie et la sécurité n'est pas une garantie, loin de là !

      Bref on arrive à l'hôtel, très sympa on s'installe et on part dans le centre ville (centre-île, ya qu'une ville) et là grosse déception, comme dirait thomas "tout ressemble à une station service ici" ! Mais on se laisse pas abattre, on réserve une activité bateau sur les îlots alentour et là, gros coup de cœur !

      La beauté de San Andrés est sa barrière de corail GEANTE, ses eaux aux 7 nuances de bleu, ses raies et autres poissons ! Cette excursion a sauvé notre vision de cette île et tant mieux parce que c'était quand même 3h d'avion depuis Bogota 😂

      Je vous laisse avec les photos, petit bonus on a fait le tour de l'île en scooter et trouvé un étang avec quelques Caïmans, super beaux 🇨🇴

      Biz à tout le monde ✌️
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    • Day 118

      San Andrés

      February 28, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      mir sind im paradis gstrandet. 🌴🐚🌞
      san andrés köhrt nuch zu kolumbiä au wänns eigentli nächer an nicaragua isch.
      überall chasch golfwägeli miete zum uf dr inslä umä fahre.
      d inslä hetmä in 1.5 stund umrundet. mir hend gfunde warum nur eimal machemr doch gad zweimal. schnorchlä chasch überall. fisch gsehsch uhni as under wasser bisch, so klar ischs.
      plant isch mal gsi as mir mitem segelboot vu kolumbiä nach panama segled, aber das isch nöd würgli öppis für spontanreisendi. alles witvorus usbuäched.
      zum glück hemmer aber e wunderbari alternative empfolä überchu. vor me als 35 jahr isch min papi uf san andrés gsi und het nur vu da gschwärmt. also hemmer gfundä das mömmer au gseh. 😁
      und mir sind au hin und weg. dankä senior. 💪
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    • Day 73

      Isole caraibiche 🏝️

      March 12, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Non ci crederete ma viaggiare e cambiare luogo ogni 2-3 giorni alla lunga è stancante 🤪. Pertanto decidiamo di prenderci qualche giorno di puro relax su un’isola Caraibica🏝️
      Eccoci quindi arrivati a Providencia, ci aspetta un mare trasparente con distese di sabbia bianca 🤩 e pesce 🎣 fresco ogni giorno. Da leccarsi i baffi 😋. L’isola è molto piccola, per girarla tutta ci vuole appena mezz’ora in scooter. Il popolo di appena 8 mila abitanti è molto cordiale e disponibile. Ci prendiamo una giornata per fare un giro in barca tra i vari isolotti, mascherina e canna e via ad ammirare coralli e diverse varietà di pesci 🪸 . Possiamo dire di aver trovato un piccolo angolo di paradiso. Gli ultimi due giorni facciamo visita a St. Andrea l’isola principale🏝️ Per raggiungerla dobbiamo prendere un volo ✈️ di ben 18 minuti, wow che grande viaggio 😂.
      Molto bella anche quest’ultima isola 🏝️ ma per i nostri gusti troppo turistica.
      Prossimo step Cartagena guys.

      ℹ️ Curiosità:

      🌪️ 2020 l’isola di Providencia è stata colpita da un violento uragano che ha distrutto-danneggiato il 98% delle strutture

      🗣️ La lingua ufficiale é lo spagnolo, ma la popolazione comunica in creolo e inglese poiché in precedenza fu colonizzata da i Britannici

      🐙 Le fermate del bus sono tutte a tema acquatico

      🐟 Puoi mangiare piattoni di pesce fresco sulla spiaggia per 10 fr a testa

      🏝️ Le isole di San Andres e Providencia distano solo 90 km l’una dall’altra

      💰 Ottima destinazione se volete scappare dalle realtà troppo affollate per un ottimo prezzo
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    • Day 21

      Tauchen und geniessen in San Andrés

      March 24, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      Mit etwas Verspätung die letzten Footprints.

      Die kleine Insel San Andrés hat uns sehr gefallen. Das Meer war so klar und zeigte sich in wunderschönen Farben.

      Am Freitag Abend geht es zurück zum Start nach Bogotá.Read more

    • Day 73

      San Andrés

      March 24, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Soo d Zit verflügt unglaublich schnell. Üsi Zit do nöchered sich am Endi, hüt Obig gots zruck uf Bogota. Mir hend 2 super Tauchgäng gmacht, miteme Haibegleiter wo nümm vo üsere Site gwiche isch und für mi als Highlight mit Flying Fish wo chli wie Schmetterling usgseh hend. Gest hemmer den no d Insle mitem Roller unsicher gmacht und sind a sehr schöni Stränd cho😍Hüt chillemos no am Pool bevors am Obig richtig Flughafe goht.Read more

    • Day 21


      February 4, 2020 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Have you ever wondered what it would be like to harpoon a fish and eat it for lunch? Well I got to do that today...and it was delicious.

      Today’s adventure involves taking a boat into the Caribbean sea and trying to catch a fish by harpooning it. Our guide Josh showed us how it was done and caught 4 fish for our lunch. While my dad helped Josh catch the fish by scaring them in his direction, my mum and I went snorkelling in the ocean together 🤿. We saw some lovely fish but were startled by a giant sting ray!

      When Josh caught each fish, Captain Arnold made sure he brought the boat quickly near him because any blood from the fish in the water would attract sharks (Hammer heads, Tiger sharks and Nurse sharks) very quickly from miles away.

      Captain said Josh was new at catching fish with a harpoon so he kept making fun on Josh when he missed a harpoon so Captain said : “ Ay Josh! Are you a Fisherman or a Housewife? ”, because if he didn’t manage to catch any fish he would have to buy some from the shop!

      Then we found a secluded beach and grilled the fish in the firewood he found. Josh and I went to get some mangos and they were super sweet but very small! We snorkelled around the bay and we saw tons of tiny fish! I followed a long silver fish with a funny smile for a while and my dad said it was a Barracuda. Woahhh😳😬🐟.
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    • Day 12

      Dia 11 vuelo a San Andres

      September 21, 2019 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nos levantamos bien temprano, fuimos al aeropuerto y volamos a San Andres, una isla colombiana a hoar y pico de vuelo desde Cartagena. Llegamos al hotel Cocoplum beach, muy bonito y colorido. Estábamos dando un paseo por la playa, ya era casi la hora de almorzar , cuando nos detuvimos a charlar con un local que nos ofreció llevarnos de excursión. Luego de las típicas negociaciones subimos a la barca y , tras detenernos en el hotel por agua y la cámara, zarpamos . Primero fuimos al manglar donde nos mostraron unas medusas, luego al medio Del Mar donde vimos estrellas de Mar enormes y gusanos de mar, y de allí a ver peces tropicales y darles pan, luego una visita por un sitio con mantarrayas y por último el acuario, que es otro lugar en medio Del Mar para ver peces donde nos tomamos un coco loco y disfrutamos Del Mar y caminamos a otra isla. Terminamos exhaustos! A la noche visitamos la ciudad.
      Las fotos de la excursión fueron sacadas con otras cámaras y no puedo bajar las fotos hasta que llegue a casa.
      El mar acá tiene un color y transparencia increíble.
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    • Day 13

      Dia 12 descanso en San Andres

      September 22, 2019 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Hoy evaluamos algunas excursiones pero al final decidimos caminar al barco hundido. Estuvimos toda la mañana explorando el barco, viendo peces de colores y disfrutando como chicos. Por la tarde nos relajamos en la playa y a la noche fuimos a ver una fiesta de locales en la playa pero lo único que hacían era tomar, fumar y escuchar música a todo volumen . Habrá más fotos cuando las baje de las otras cámaras.Read more

    • Day 19

      Isla San Andrés

      March 22, 2023 in Colombia ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Seit Mittwoch geniessen wir die wunderschöne Insel San Andrés. Das "Hostel" ist mehr wie Hotel, sehr schön!

      Hier wird gesagt, dass das Meer 7 Farben hat, es ist wirklich wunderschön in welch verschiedenen Farben das Meer zu sehen ist.

      Gestern haben wir einen Roller gemietet und sind um die Insel gefahren - wunderschön!

      Heute geniessen wir noch den letzten Tag an der Wärme, bevor es zurück nach Bogotá geht.
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    • Day 20


      February 3, 2020 in Colombia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      I DROVE A CAR!!!

      Well not really a car but a buggy that goes a max speed of 25 mph and 31mph going down a hill. My mum gave me lessons and I drove on the road with other drivers and it was EPIC! I drove my parents all around the island and we stopped at multiple beaches along the way. The place we went to watch the sunset had loads of super friendly dogs and there were tree swings and the sand was the softest sand I had ever felt in my life!

      Yesterday we took a mini plane from San Andres ( where we stopped for like 2 hrs from Cartagena) and the plane was so small that there was only one row of seats on each side and the isle in the middle just about big enough for me to fit through. It was quite scary at first because we took off smoothly but as soon as we started going through clouds it felt like we were falling all the way to the ground! But it was a very fun 22 mins apart from that.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Providencia y Santa Catalina, Departamento de Archipiélago de San Andrés, Departamento de Archipielago de San Andres, San Andres y Providencia, San Andrés y Providencia

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