Costa Rica
Punta Quepos

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  • Day 6

    Day 6: on to manuel antonio national par

    February 28 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

    We departed the very special Rafiki safari lodge this morning and headed for the ocean. Before leaving the area, we stopped at the home of one of the bartenders from Rafiki to learn about his small vanilla bean farm. He showed us the plants that are now about 3 years old and explained how four family members produce the vanilla, including hand pollinating flowers. He works with the vanilla plants every morning for about 5 hours before turning to his bartending gig. We then visited the small nearby town of El Silencia. While we were learning about its history, a palm tree worker who happened to be walking by gave us a demonstration of cutting the tops off palm trees to make palm oil. He is 60 years old and makes about $25 for a day’s work, and plans to retire in 5 years. We went to a restaurant set in an airplane tied to the Iran-contra affair (movie American Made), where we also saw a mother sloth resting in a nearby tree, with her baby tucked at her belly.
    On to our hotel next to the Manuel Antonio National Park. This area is pretty built up and busy, especially in comparison the Rafiki Lodge. A local expert on squirrel monkeys talked to us about the efforts being made to protect these relatively small (12”) monkeys. We saw monkeys jumping in the trees right next to the hotel.
    The weather these last few days has been hot and very humid.
    The food has been pretty good, albeit not terribly exciting. Lots of fresh fruit (watermelon, pineapple and papaya), chicken, pork, fish, and rice/beans. The water is safe to drink from the tap.
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  • Day 4

    Mein Tag im Manuel Antonio Nationalpark

    February 20 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Heute hieß es früh aufstehen! Um 05:30 Uhr klingelte mein Wecker, denn ich wollte pünktlich zu meiner ersten geführten Tour im Nationalpark Manuel Antonio sein. Nach einer kurzen Fahrt stellte ich mein Auto auf einem bewachten Parkplatz ab und traf meinen Guide. Um 07:00 Uhr ging es los – bewusst hatte ich die früheste Tour gebucht, um den Menschenmassen zu entkommen. Doch schon nach wenigen Metern wurde mir klar: Hier ist nichts mit Einsamkeit. Meine Gruppe bestand aus 13 Personen, und überall waren weitere Gruppen, die sich dicht an dicht durch den Park bewegten.

    Trotz des Trubels war die Tour informativ. Mein Guide erklärte viel zur Flora und Fauna, und ohne ihn hätte ich definitiv nicht so viele Tiere entdeckt. Die besten Fotos entstanden übrigens durch sein Teleskop – alle Nahaufnahmen stammen von ihm. Mein Highlight der Tour? Ganz klar die Tierbegegnungen! Ich habe einen Nasenbär ganz nah gesehen, Faultiere hoch oben in den Bäumen entdeckt und eine Gruppe Totenkopfäffchen beobachtet, die durch die Äste huschten.

    Nach drei Stunden war die Tour vorbei, und ich konnte es kaum erwarten, ins Wasser zu springen. Ein kurzes Bad im Meer half mir, mich zu akklimatisieren und dem Trubel ein wenig zu entkommen. Danach entschied ich mich, den Park auf eigene Faust zu erkunden – eine der besten Entscheidungen des Tages. Ohne die Gruppen fühlte sich der Regenwald viel ursprünglicher an, und dann begann es auch noch zu regnen. Ein tropischer Schauer, der nicht mehr aufhörte. Während viele Besucher den Park verließen, genoss ich die Stille und das Gefühl, endlich wirklich in der Natur angekommen zu sein.

    Am Nachmittag machte ich mich auf den Weg nach Uvita, wo ich für zwei Nächte bleiben werde. Morgen steht ein echtes Highlight an: Ich hoffe, Buckelwale zu sehen! Also drückt mir die Daumen.
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  • Day 3

    Tropennacht, Wellen und ein Hausschwein

    February 19 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Plötzlich um 2 Uhr nachts – ein lautes Prasseln auf das Metalldach meines Hostels. Der Regen kam in Strömen herunter, so laut, dass ich mir meine Silent-Kopfhörer aufsetzen musste, um überhaupt weiterschlafen zu können.

    Der Morgen begann noch mit leichtem Regen, aber entspannt – eine Yogaeinheit in meinem Zimmer brachte mich in den Tag. Danach frühstückte ich direkt am Strand mit Blick auf die Wellen, Surfer und Pelikane. Besonders unerwartet: Ein dickes Hausschwein, das scheinbar zum Restaurant gehörte, trottete zwischen den Tischen herum.

    Nach dem Essen machte ich einen ausgiebigen Strandspaziergang. Hier in Playa Hermosa ist es fast menschenleer, das Meer wild mit starken Strömungen und hohen Wellen. Perfekt, um viel schwimmen zu gehen und einfach den Tag am Strand zu genießen.

    Am Nachmittag machte ich mich auf den Weg nach Quepos. Dort kam ich gerade noch rechtzeitig an, um die letzten Sonnenstrahlen am Jachthafen zu erleben. Zum Abendessen gab es frisches Ceviche mit Garnelen.
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  • Day 7

    Here comes the sun

    January 26 in Costa Rica ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Hit the coast early, within an hour it went from 18 degrees to 35. Beautiful views along the first part of the drive but very happy to be on a regular road eventually. Made it to Manuel Antonio around 1 and walked the beach. We saw some pretty cool critters on a night walk .Read more

  • Day 12

    A day (or more) at the beach and ....

    January 11 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

    Saturday and Sunday were beach days. Walking, enjoying the 83 degree, mostly calm water, eating seafood and a few drinks. No cooking beyond some oatmeal for breakfast.

    The beach at Manuel Antonio was great, the skies were blue, and the sunsets beautiful. Lots of families picnicking and enjoying the beach, especially on Saturday. There was a fairly constant stream of para sailing, with as many as 4 or 5 visible at times. We saw 35+ women from Florida in long, colorful dress celebrating life on a women's retreat. There was a wedding celebration with a DJ.

    On Monday, we got up and went for one more walk along the beach and one last dip in the ocean. After packing up, we headed back to Grecia. Along the way, we stopped at Carara National Park and hiked a couple miles. A short piece down the road from the park we stopped at "Crocodile Bridge" to view crocodiles swimming and sunbathing below the bridge.

    By 4:00pm, we were back in Grecia returning the rental car. A great few days in Manuel Antonio, but now it was time to shop and cook dinner.
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  • Day 63–71

    Quepos/Manuel Antonio

    January 8 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

    A lot of people may not know this but when I was about 13 years old, I made my first bucket list. For some reason the first thing I wrote is eat a mango in CR. 10 years later I did.
    My stay in Quepos/Manuel Antonio is coming to an end. I stayed in a Hotel/Bed and Breakfast in the jungle and my rooms name was „cava“. It describes it quite well since its literally a little cave. There is an outside kitchen, a little pool and loads of wildlife! An older group of friends (french canadian and north american), that get together here every year, kind of adopted me. They fed me delicious food and took me to the Nauyaca waterfalls. I also befriended a Tico (costa rican expression for locals) who not only took me to amazing hidden waterfalls, but also taught me how to surf! Isn‘t that amazing?! There‘s a reason why Pura Vida is the most often used expression here.
    After exploring the Pacific coast, freeing baby turtles in isla damas, seeing beautiful beaches, waterfalls, monkeys, iguanas, tucanes, parrots, sloths and more, I am off to the carribean coast. I am excited for the raggea as well as for rice and beans.
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  • Day 41–43

    Manuel Antonio (Nationalpark)

    December 16, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Manuel Antonio ist ein kleiner, aber sehr begehrter Küstenort in Costa Rica, bekannt für seinen gleichnamigen Nationalpark. Wir waren dort, haben zwei Nächte in Manuel Antonio verbracht und für die zweite Nacht ein Upgrade auf ein kleines Apartment für gleiches Geld wie die Dorms vom Besitzer erhalten 😉So waren wir an einem Tag vormittags in Quepos unterwegs und am Nachmittag haben wir unser Apartment mit perfektem Meerblick und Sonnenuntergang genutzt. Und weil man nicht zu viele Nationalparks haben kann, waren wir am anderen Tag im Manuel Antonio Nationalpark. Sehr schön dort aber auch super touristisch. Aber Affen und viele andere Tiere haben wir trotzdem zu Gesicht bekommen. 😇Read more

  • Day 33

    Sleepy as a Sloth

    December 7, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    The past few days have been nothing short of serene. I’ve spent my time unwinding by the beach, catching a few waves, and napping in the shade of the trees. One particular tree above me had a sloth lounging on its branches, sharing in the lazy rhythm of the days.

    It’s been a peaceful interlude, a chance to soak up the sounds of the waves and the warmth of the sun. While I kept my eyes open, the colorful macaws and elusive toucans didn’t make an appearance. That’s a small regret, but there’s plenty more to look forward to.

    Now, I’m heading north, ready to discover a new side of Costa Rica and whatever adventures lie ahead.
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  • Day 14

    Tour in catamarano e arrivo a San José

    December 5, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Oggi ci siamo alzati alle 6 per andare a fare un bel tour in catamarano con cocktail, pranzo, snorkeling e kayak.

    C'era un bellissimo sole da ustione... E infatti....

    Poi siamo andati a mangiare al paesino di Jaco dove mi sono fatta fregare ad un ristorante e ho pagato 36€ un risottino con pesce..... Capita anche ai migliori....

    Dopo la pelata siamo partiti alla volta della capitale, San José, dove passeremo le prossime due notti prima della partenza.

    Di passaggio, abbiamo attraversato il ponte dei coccodrilli e abbiamo fatto un paio di foto.

    Solo per entrare a San José ci abbiamo messo 40 minuti per fare 7 km.... Si sentono solo i rumori del traffico e dei clacson, ci mancano già i suoni della foresta e dell'oceano...
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  • Day 13

    Parco Manuel Antonio

    December 4, 2024 in Costa Rica ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

    Stamattina ci siamo svegliati nella nostra casetta in mezzo alla foresta e appena usciti per vederla con la luce del giorno vediamo subito una nuova specie di scimmie: le squirrel monkeys (sono più piccole e gialline)

    Ci prepariamo e andiamo verso uni dei parchi più famosi e grandi: Manuel Antonio.
    Il buon Danilo aveva anche preso una guida alle 7:30 così abbiamo più chance di vedere animali (abbiamo il cannocchiale e il binocolo).

    All'interno del parco non sono ammesse bottiglie di plastica e qualsiasi tipo di cibo, perquisiscono addirittura gli zaini all'entrata... Indovinate perché?
    Per colpa delle scimmie cappuccino che hanno imparato come aprire gli zaini e rubare di tutto (le chiamano Mafia!)
    Ci ritroviamo così senza cibo e acqua 🥲

    Iniziamo il nostro tour e ci fermiamo ogni mezzo metro, ci sono davvero tantissimi animali! Farfalle, lucertole, ragni...
    E poi... Succede!
    Vediamo un bellissimo bradipo con piccolo al seguito che se la passa sull'albero, gli scatti perfetti!

    Continuiamo e ne vediamo un altro che sta scendendo dall'albero per fare i suoi bisogni per circa 5 minuti e risalire l'albero una volta finito.

    E poi ne vediamo un terzo vicino alla spiaggia che dorme profondamente e faccia in giù.

    Ci sono due specie di bradipi qui: quelli a pelo corto e grigi che hanno 3 artigli anteriori e 3 posteriori. Quelli a pelo lungo e un po' più rossastri che hanno 2 artigli anteriori e 3 posteriori. Siamo riusciti a vedere entrambi!

    Salutiamo la guida e andiamo nell'unico Cafè del parco a divorarci un panino e bere i nostri succhini al mango per poi tornare verso la spiaggia a rilassarci un po'. Veniamo entrambi punti da una medusina e decidiamo che è il momento di passare oltre... Iniziamo così un trekking nei sentieri del parco.

    Vediamo un cerbiatto (sì un cerbiatto!) (la versione tropicale) e la terza e ultima specie di scimmie in questa parte di Costa Rica: le scimmie urlatrici (howling monkeys).

    Per la gioia di Danilo, niente serpenti oggi!
    Usciamo alle 16, alla chiusura del parco, e andiamo nel paesino vicino a berci una birretta mentre guardiamo il tramonto... Che bella la Costa Rica!

    Andiamo a mangiarci un altro paninazzo (ormai le nostre cene sono alle 6 di pomeriggio), vediamo una banda locale preparasi per il concerto natalizio in paese, e rientriamo in hotel.
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