Day 6: on to manuel antonio national par

We departed the very special Rafiki safari lodge this morning and headed for the ocean. Before leaving the area, we stopped at the home of one of the bartenders from Rafiki to learn about his smallRead more
We departed the very special Rafiki safari lodge this morning and headed for the ocean. Before leaving the area, we stopped at the home of one of the bartenders from Rafiki to learn about his smallRead more
Heute hieß es früh aufstehen! Um 05:30 Uhr klingelte mein Wecker, denn ich wollte pünktlich zu meiner ersten geführten Tour im Nationalpark Manuel Antonio sein. Nach einer kurzen Fahrt stellte ichRead more
Plötzlich um 2 Uhr nachts – ein lautes Prasseln auf das Metalldach meines Hostels. Der Regen kam in Strömen herunter, so laut, dass ich mir meine Silent-Kopfhörer aufsetzen musste, um überhauptRead more
Hit the coast early, within an hour it went from 18 degrees to 35. Beautiful views along the first part of the drive but very happy to be on a regular road eventually. Made it to Manuel Antonio aroundRead more
Saturday and Sunday were beach days. Walking, enjoying the 83 degree, mostly calm water, eating seafood and a few drinks. No cooking beyond some oatmeal for breakfast.
The beach at Manuel AntonioRead more
A lot of people may not know this but when I was about 13 years old, I made my first bucket list. For some reason the first thing I wrote is eat a mango in CR. 10 years later I did.
My stay inRead more
Manuel Antonio ist ein kleiner, aber sehr begehrter Küstenort in Costa Rica, bekannt für seinen gleichnamigen Nationalpark. Wir waren dort, haben zwei Nächte in Manuel Antonio verbracht und fürRead more
The past few days have been nothing short of serene. I’ve spent my time unwinding by the beach, catching a few waves, and napping in the shade of the trees. One particular tree above me had a slothRead more
Oggi ci siamo alzati alle 6 per andare a fare un bel tour in catamarano con cocktail, pranzo, snorkeling e kayak.
C'era un bellissimo sole da ustione... E infatti....
Poi siamo andati a mangiare alRead more
Stamattina ci siamo svegliati nella nostra casetta in mezzo alla foresta e appena usciti per vederla con la luce del giorno vediamo subito una nuova specie di scimmie: le squirrel monkeys (sono piùRead more
Traveler nice variety all in one day.