Carl's Brauhaus

We were so hungry!! We had only eaten a bagel, a small bag of trail mix, and a British digestive biscuit all day. When we finally arrived at the city center, we ate at Carl's Brauhaus, which servesEn savoir plus
We were so hungry!! We had only eaten a bagel, a small bag of trail mix, and a British digestive biscuit all day. When we finally arrived at the city center, we ate at Carl's Brauhaus, which servesEn savoir plus
We had a smooth arrival in Stuttgart. We cleared Customs quickly and within 3 minutes of arriving at baggage claim, we retrieved both of our suitcases. Yay! We walked 4 minutes to our airport hotelEn savoir plus
Heute stehen wieder gut 23 km auf dem Plan. Nach einem kurzen Stopp in Klein-Venedig geht es weiter in Richtung Stuttgarter Zoo und dies in Regenvollmontur 😏☔️.
Trotz Regen, Fieber und HustenEn savoir plus
Der erste Velotag empfängt uns mit Nebel und kalten 6 Grad 🥶. Hallo Winter 🤔. Es werden also gleich alle Kappen und Handschuhe montiert. Matteo und Nino sind motiviert und so nehmen wir dieEn savoir plus
So, nachdem hier so viel aus allen Herren Ländern erzählt wird, dachte ich, dass ich mal einen homereport mache😁.
Nachdem wir heute ungewöhnlich lange (bis 9.00 Uhr) geschlafen haben, habe ichEn savoir plus
Estuvimos en la Bogeda Campillo en una visita guiada con una guía que tenía muy mala leche y un poco mal educada. La Bodega Campillo pertenece al grupo Faustino, que es una de las mas grandesEn savoir plus
We made our sprint from Heidelberg to Stuttgart today. We had planned on hitting both Porsche & Mercedes Benz museums, the latter being the better overall due to its rich general automobile history inEn savoir plus
Yesterday we flew to Munich, rented a car and drove to a suburb of Stuttgart to spend a few days with an old friend! Gerhard and Davor met when they were students at the Technical University of MunichEn savoir plus
Unser letzter Tag in Deutschland, unserer bisherigen Heimat, ist angebrochen. Die Backpacks sind gepackt, die Wohnung ist ausgeräumt und nun kann das große Abenteuer losgehen. Bevor es dann am AbendEn savoir plus
Goodbye Denise and Koblenz and hello Munich for 36 hours.
Good experience on the train system - 2 hour train delay then once finally on the thing it stopped at a random station and announced it hadEn savoir plus
I wonder how the 4 legged guests do with the alcohol drinks?? haha
Looks amazing!
Richard (H.), we found your long lost bro'!
Voyageur HAHAHAHA!! Richard thought this guy had too much gray in his hair...but I think he's pretty close!!