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  • Day 11

    Slugs, Frogs and Worms

    October 3, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

    Hello from Worms (Tuesday night)
    On Saturday morning , in Strasbourg, my bike crashed to the ground when we were getting it off the parkade bike storage rack and the “weird” sounds got worse. Luckily, we found a bike shop with a nice young guy who moved our bikes up his list of repairs and had us on our way in an hour after replacing some very stripped brake pads - the major source of the screeching noises. We’ll save the receipt for our grumpy bike rental guy, but I’m not holding my breath.
    Our ride from Strasbourg up the French side of the Rhine to Roppenheim was very pleasant and we enjoyed a feast at the restaurant L’Auberge de L’Agneau - which had been a main haunt of the Baden officers when I was there. We enjoyed escargot, cuisse de grenouilles (frogs legs) provençale. Some might argue the point of these dishes is less about the snails and frogs legs, and more about the delicious garlic sauces. (Right Sharon?) We also had delicious steaks, frites and salad. Everything, including the decor, was the same as the late-70’s except the price!$$
    Sunday we crossed the Rhine, leaving France behind. First we biked past the airfield near Baden which had been my home, briefly, and the home to 3 Canadian fighter squadrons. All ghosts of the past. The only plane that landed when we were in the area was a Ryan Air flight. Not as exciting - or nearly as noisy - as a fighter jet screaming by. Then we went through the farm fields of Hugelsheim that grow the most famous “ weisser spargel” or white asparagus - which is grown without sunlight. I had always detested asparagus growing up until I was taken to Hugelsheim and treated to the white asparagus - admittedly smothered in rich hollandaise sauce. Evidently, many famous people go to Hugelshem to have spargel. But it is not spargel season right now so we only saw the growing fields on the way by…. Next time list.
    On Sunday we headed to Karlsruhe - named for Carl William - a Prince of the Baden area. The term Karlsruhe means Carl’s peace . Rumour has it that he was building the palace in Karlsruhe as a summer place to get a rest - or peace -from his wife. Let me tell you, if that’s true it’s one hell of a man cave. Picture enclosed. Karlsruhe, the city, is an elegant city formed in a traditional star pattern emanating from the palace. Mike and I stayed right in the core , near the palace and main squares. Lovely gardens and buildings - mostly rebuilt after a devastating destruction during the war. The only problem with our location was an energetic carillonneur in the main church tower across the road. Every quarter hour this musician would let loose.
    On Monday morning we picked up Helen from the main station in Karlsruhe. She staggered off the intra-city having managed her heavy bike and panniers from Frankfurt. Together, we knocked off 55 km and pitched up in lovely Speyer, home to a huge basilica that dominates the downtown. The coolest thing that I saw in Speyer was a Lufthansa 747 mounted on a platform . Evidently, it’s part of the local aviation museum and the story of how they got it relocated from Frankfurt airport to this location is amazing. It looked like a plane was crashing into the town as we approached, but fortunately not.
    Today is Tuesday and it was a tough biking slog because we took a detour to Heidelberg. Helen had never seen Heidelberg so e decided to head there for a coffee. Very nice shopping strasse ( street). The most interesting thing we saw on the ride today was the massive (10x10 km site ) of the BASF chemical company site- perhaps the largest chemical company in the world. We biked by it in Mannheim for literally half an hour. It’s so large that they have internal buses, and people get around by bike.
    Today the weather changes and we had a steady head wind. My ebike battery is rather weak, even when running on low (Ecco) power, so I was literally running on fumes for the last bit of the 75km ride. Now in fairness, Mike offered me his battery if mine conked out . Bringing to mind the bible verse….
    “ Greater love hath no man than a man who would lay down his e-battery for his wife”……..
    Fortunately - for Mike - it never came to that so we won’t know how that story ended.
    Our last 30 minutes into Worms tonight was very rainy and we arrived soaked to the skin to our hotel. I wasn’t smart enough to have my wet weather gear handy so bikes through the rain and arrived drenched. Hmm.
    Tomorrow we continue our ride north.
    That’s the news for now, Helen and Mike send love / hellos
    Love Heather/ Mom
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  • Day 17

    Bad Gandersheim - Worms

    June 22, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Aus unsere geplante Ostsee Reise wird eine Nordsee Reise in Errinerung bleiben weil wir schon im retour fahren sind… manchmal kommt nicht alles wie geplant und wir haben auf dieser Reise sehr schöne Orte endteckt und schönen momente gehabt und am ende ist es nicht tragisch so lange das man gesund ist 👍👍wärend dem Abend Spaziergang in Bad Gandersheim habe ich noch ein paar föteli abgeknips und auch einen Tip zum sein Mühlcontainer recycle 🤭👍 Nach viele km sogar der Tacho sagt ist zeit zum pause 🤪 auf der Autobahn sind wir in Worms angekommen und werden auch da Übernachten…die Zufahrt nach Worms führt durch den Nibelungenturm… mega schön… die Stadtbesichtigung führt uns durch diverse Brunnen und Denkmäler und Blumen PärkeRead more

  • Day 323


    November 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Today we take the 40min train ride to Worms. A very old city that even pre dates the Romans. Religiously important for the Jewish faith as one of 3 x Shum cities in Germany. It is also the city where Martin Luther was finally excommunicated by the Catholic Church.Read more

  • Day 56

    Miramar Erlebnisbad

    September 26, 2024 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

    Da heute Regen angesagt entscheiden wir uns für das Miramar Erlebnisbad mit Kristaltherme und Saunalandschaft.

    Zum Abendessen sind wir bei Fabians Eltern eingeladen inklusive Großeltern. Es gibt Typisch pfälzisch. Sehr lecker 😋Read more

  • Kirchheim - Frankenthal - Kirchheim

    June 18, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Heute zeigte sich der Himmel im puren Blau. Für den ganzen Tag hat meine Wetter-App keinen Regen angezeigt. Also auf das Rad und los geht es. Über Radwege - abseits der Landstraßen sind wird nach Frankenthal gefahren. Auch über den schönen Echbach-Mühlenwanderweg. Er verbindet vom Pfälzerwald über die Rebenhügel an der Deutschen Weinstraße bis an den Rand der Rheinebene neun Ortsgemeinden, die noch 23 teilweise restaurierte Mühlen aufweisen – von ursprünglich 35.

    In Frankenthal haben wir einen kleinen Einkaufsbummel gemacht und uns dann mit unseren Freunden, Gabi und Hartmut, beim Griechen zum Essen verabredet. Danach sind wir den Rückweg über andere Radwege bis Dirmstein gefahren, um dort bei Gabi und Hartmut noch einen Kaffee zu trinken und ein Abschliedsfoto zu schießen.
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  • Day 1

    Alles neu

    May 3, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Wir haben pünktlich um 13.30 h mit der Abholung unseres Leih-Womos gestartet, wurden in alle Besonderheiten eingewiesen und nach knapp 45 min. starten wir Richtung nach Hause, um unser Hotel auf Rädern zu beladen.

    Kaum 1 km entfernt, ging eine Kontrolllampe an und teilte uns mit, wir sollten das rechte Bremslicht kontrollieren, also noch mal zurück zum Händler.

    Dort wurde ein Kabel ausgetauscht, Bremslicht geht wieder, Lampe leuchtet aber weiter, wir sollen uns davon nicht beirren lassen.

    Wir starten mit 1,5 Stunden Verspätung nach Hause, um alles ein und aufzuladen, was wir brauchen. Wahrscheinlich haben wir viel zu viel dabei, aber es ist der erste Urlaub mit Womo und wir reisen in Europa und nicht in Asien, da reichen wenige leichte Klamotten, 1 paar Turnschuhe und 1 paar Flipflops für 4 Wochen.

    Wir starten um 19 h, machen noch einen Zwischenstopp bei Freunden, um den 60. Geburtstag mitzufeiern.

    Um ca. 23 Uhr sind wir vom Geburtstag los und haben 260 km geschafft und sind dann müde in unsere Betten.

    Ich habe recht gut geschlafen.
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  • Day 1


    December 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 3 °C

    Die Pfadfinder haben ein Lagerfeuer mit Stockbrot veranstaltet. Unser Apotheker hat heißen Kakao ausgeschenkt - für Kinder und Erwachsene. Letzterer mit einem Schuss Amaretto. Dazu natürlich Musik vom Musikcorps der Einhäuser Feuerwehr (dürfte Jan noch bekannt sein)Read more

  • Day 1

    Eselsranch Einhausen

    December 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 8 °C

    Beim Spaziergang haben wir südlich vom Weidenhof Hühner entdeckt. Als wir näher kamen, sahen wir dort auch Laufenten, Gänse, Ziegen, Pferde und Esel. Wir haben dann festgestellt, dass offensichtlich die Eselsranch von Gernsheim nach Einhausen gezogen ist.Read more

  • Day 12

    My last day in Germany

    November 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    Well, here we are, my last day in Germany. I walked around Worms today and ended up at the zoo and toured a cathedral in Worms. It was rainy, but I was prepared this time. I want a little over seven miles and enjoyed every minute of it.

    I came back to the apartment and went through my bags to make sure I'm prepared for tomorrow and Customs.

    It was a magnificent trip. However, I am looking forward to being home now.
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  • Day 11

    I'm not a Monster...

    November 20, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    This morning, I had to leave my beautiful apartment in Lowenstein. I am driving to Worms, Germany.

    On the way, I stopped by Frankenstein's Castle. The restaurant closed last week so I was unable to go in. However, I was able to see most of the outside walls.

    The Watertower of Worms is amazing. Here is the link for some history:

    I will be here for my last two days. I plan to walk around the city tomorrow. It has so much history.

    I'm now enjoying a dark German beer and bratwurst at the Brauhaus Zwolf Apostel. Then off to bed.

    PS a few wild mushrooms for my good friend, Torie🍄
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