Wartburg Christmas Market

Finally, right? Isn't this trip supposed to be about Christmas Markets?
Well, not entirely. But here it is. It was a nice market. Some interesting food choices and vendors. Some cos-players, someRead more
Finally, right? Isn't this trip supposed to be about Christmas Markets?
Well, not entirely. But here it is. It was a nice market. Some interesting food choices and vendors. Some cos-players, someRead more
Maybe I'm easy to impress, but I loved this room. It was difficult for me to pick only twenty photos. Lots of weird shots of decorative details, but this room... There was a woman doing aRead more
Just a few more, then back to Eisenach.
After I finally got dragged out of the Festsaal... No, they were going to do a puppet show next and I don't like puppets, so I left voluntarily. Next, we wentRead more
After an early swim in Biggersee I went cross country to Eisenach. Lots of sleepy, immaculate villages on the way. Walked a 5 km forest trail up to Wartburg Castle and appreciated the dragon drinkingRead more
Es isch zwor momentan no arschchalt🥶, aber es isch eifach herrlich bi dem Froschgequake dussä en Kaffi z'trinke😊. Momentan werded d'Frösch aber vom Vogelgezwitscher es bitz übertönt🤭. IRead more
12 Stunden Flugzeit, fast 24h wach und so gut wie die ganze Zeit gesessen - wer mich kennt "mein absoluter Albtraum", aber manchmal ist das halt so.
Das Gefühl wieder hier zu sein: absoluterRead more
The Georgenkirche was built by Ludwig III, of the Ludovigian Dynasty when they ruled the area. The church is associated with several important historical people and events, beginning with Elizabeth ofRead more
Der Beginn der Herbstreise in Eisenach war perfekt: Haus Hainstein mit Blick auf die Wartburg als Unterkunft, herbstliche Sonne 🌞 beim Weg zur Burg, eine intensive Führung durch die alten GemäuerRead more
Traveler Wel... the title is "MOSTLY ... Christmas markets " so a side deviation is appropriate
Traveler I'm having more fun at the historic deviations...
Traveler I can relate