
So, as we walk around Leipzig I get to keep track of the car, take the Selfies and catch Connie being the best tourist out there 😂😂😂 but seriously, what would the blog be without all herRead more
So, as we walk around Leipzig I get to keep track of the car, take the Selfies and catch Connie being the best tourist out there 😂😂😂 but seriously, what would the blog be without all herRead more
So what would a trip to a new city be without a visit to the local Harley dealer… so many road closures we almost gave up on finding the driveway then ‘bam’ we found the tiny street to get inRead more
Schon lange freuen sich unsere Kinder auf diesen Besuch. Und wir uns auch. Bereits als Kind habe ich die Sendung, Elefanten, Tiger und co im Fernseher verfolgt. So wie jetzt auch unsere Kinder ab undRead more
Formal Dinner - I had the honour of carrying the Australian flag as part of the opening ceremony. Followed by presentations to some amazing people that are doing extraordinary things for theirRead more
Vi tog morgenfærgen over til Stahlbrode på fastlandet. Der var mange traner på markerne, nogle steder store flokke andre steder bare et par stykker. Det er stadig varmt, op mod 30 grader, men friskRead more
An early start for me with breakfast before the Annual Business Meeting! How long can this drag out?? I think with 20 bylaw proposals we will run over…yep - over by an hour and the hotel wants toRead more
Nach einem sehr verregneten Tag gestern haben wir uns entschlossen heute Richtung Beelitz zu fahren. Am gestrigen Morgen besuchten wir die Rappbodetalsperre, aufgrund der riesigen MenschenansammlungenRead more
Pegamos la vuelta a lo de Vik y ya empezamos a prepararnos para el viaje en Motorhome!
Esta escapada a Berlín fue genial, caminamos un montón y nos divertimos muchos. Ya estamos más acomodados alRead more
Traveler The concentration is real 🤣
Traveler Of course the Harley store 🤣 um what does the sign say ? 🤔
Traveler Something about level 2 & blah blah blah… google translate couldn’t cope.