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  • Day 3

    Silvestertörn von Madeira nach Teneriffa

    December 30, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    Eigentlich wollten wir den Jahreswechsel in Funchal verbringen. Doch der angekündigte SE-Wind (das wäre genau gegenan) lässt uns die Pläne andern. Am 30.12. werden morgens noch die Obstvorräte in der Markthalle aufgestockt, dann heisst es "Leinen los".
    Ein letztes Pastel de Nata nach dem Ablegen, dann liegen 2 Tage 2 Nächte und 1 Stunde sportliches Segeln bis Teneriffa vor uns. Zu Silvester gibt es statt Feuerwerk eine zauberhaft sternenklare Nacht, und kurz vor den Kanaren einen wundeschönen Sonnenaufgang.
    Am 1..1. um 4.00 Uhr morgens dreht der Wind wie erwartet auf Südost und frischt auf 6 bft auf. Wir haben gut vorgehalten, und stark gerefft geht's mit flottem Halbwindkurs Richtung Santa Cruz.
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  • Unterwegs in Funchal

    November 29, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Nach einem süßen Frühstück im Cafe Golden Gate in der Fußgängerzone nah beim Hafen gönnen wir uns zwei touristische Highlights.
    Hoch mit der Seilbahn und mit einer traditionellen Schlittenfahrt wieder runter.
    Mit dem Bus Nr. 22 geht's dann nochmal hoch zur Bergstation der Seilbahn. Denn von hier aus startet eine schöne kleine Wanderung, durch die Schlucht und entlang alter Wasserläufe zurück in die Stadt.
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  • Day 11

    Christmas Day in Germany

    December 25, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    We had breakfast at Viersen Dulken and once again Monika made us a few Christmas breakfast traditions. A bread in shape of man called weckmann bread and then christstollen, a sweet fruit bread with a ribbon of marzipan through it and of course, boiled eggs. We were lucky to be able to share Christmas with friends. After breakfast we drove back to our apartment and we opened our presents. Then we spent the afternoon playing family games using our phones and had lots of laughs but it's still strange to think it's Christmas Day. For our Christmas tea I cooked chicken involtini and apple crumble. All turned out well considering I had to remember the chicken recipe and finding the same ingredients over here. We are now fat and full so I suppose that's about the usual for Christmas Day. It was a drizzly day here and reached about 9 degrees. We did miss you all, but wouldn't change the experience we had.

    Photo 1 - Breakfast
    Photo 2 - Our Christmas tree
    Photo 3 - Brodie handing out the presents
    Photo 4 - Opening presents
    Photo 5 - Christmas tea
    Photo 6 - Dessert
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  • Day 10

    It was the day before Christmas

    December 24, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    It is 7am over here and we are up having a coffee. Dave reading the papers back in Australia. You have to love technology. Today we are here until about 2.30pm then we head off to Viersen Dulken to spend Christmas Eve with Bernhard & Monika. We will be staying the night and returning after breakfast to spend Christmas day here. We will be going to their church, which is the largest in their area. They are Catholic churches over here. Monika will be singing in the choir. It will go for about 2hrs so it will be an interesting 2hrs not understanding anything. I haven't told the kids how long it goes for so when they read this there will be some squawks. Hopefully we can sign into their wifi to send Christmas messages otherwise it will have to be on our Christmas Day here.
    I am cooking the kids favourite meal on Christmas day. In the apartment we have a fully functional kitchen which is good. We did forget to buy a little Christmas tree from the markets. Will have to see what's around here.
    Will be thinking of you all on Christmas Day. ♡♡♡♡

    Photo 1 - Our Christmas socks we bought at the market
    Photo 2 - French Nouget from the markets (something to take to Monika & Bernhard on Christmas Eve)
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  • Day 9

    Essen Christmas Markets

    December 23, 2016 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

    After a late night, we are all a bit slow this morning. Another stroll to the bakery to pick up rolls for breakfast and a chat to the guy who has been serving us every morning.
    We caught the train into Essen which takes about 30 minutes. Once again a heavy police presence at the entrances of the markets. The Essen Christmas Markets is represented by a lot of different countries. Even though Brodie couldn't see the point of going to another market when you just see the same things. Once again we tried a few different foods. There was always a line up for Heisser Kartoffelte which was bolognaise meat wrapped in a potato pastry then deep fried and a tomato sauce with cheese in it then poured over. Served with a salad which was nice but have no idea what it was. We shared one just to have a taste.
    For dessert we had a Bratapfel (baked apple with custard). Once again we shared one, that was a hit with everyone. We would like to stay until night to see the christmas lights, but we are always too tired. We started to head back to the train station and I found another Christmas Market much to Brodie's disgust. Most of the markets finish today but Dortmund continues after Christmas so we plan to go on the 26th, so he is really enthused about that.

    Photo 1 - Apple strudel
    Photo 2 - Heisser Kartoffelte
    Photo 3 - Bratapfel
    Photo 4 - Brodie enjoying the Christmas Markets
    Photo 5 & 6 Christmas Markets
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  • Day 9

    Afternoon with friends

    December 23, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    We drove to Viersen Dulken which is 1 hour away from us. Stressful drive for me, Germany has a very different style of driving. Dave does really well, we are thankful for the sat-nav we couldn't image trying to navigate through the autobahns with a paper map. I know I would spit the dummy and be on the side of the road. We did get done with the speed camera again! The Germans don't obey speed signs if there is any but they do know where the speed cameras are and then they slow down, us australian dumb bunnies don't. Lesson learnt: if all of sudden they aren't flying past you there is a camera coming up.
    It was lovely to catch up with the family, we walked in and it was like we had never left. We had good German coffee and Monika had baked their traditional Christmas biscuits. Which the kids want the recipes for. Kellie went off with Magdalena to her friend's house where they did their Kris Kringle, played games and ate biscuits. They have an American exchange student at the school. So Kellie had someone who spoke English and translated for her. They all learn and speak limited English but often the translation gets a bit confusing. With Magdelena I forget that you have to speak in simple terms not our slang. She didn't understand 'there were people rocking up'. I had to rephrase and say people arriving. The three girls went to an outdoor skating rink where they taught Kellie to ice skate. They had lots of fun and Kellie had a few falls but did get the hang of it.
    Brodie went to a clip and climb with Julian and then on to Laser tag. Both places did an English version of the instructions for him. He worked up a bit of a sweat at both places. He really enjoyed the laser tag.
    We sat and chatted with Bernhard and Monika and found out we won't be able to catch up with Mr & Mrs Kunz as their daughter is in hospital. After we picked up the boys we had soup and fresh rolls. Monika made her family soup recipe, leek and cheese with mincemeat through it. It was delicious, I would like that recipe too. Bernhard took Dave & I down to a small pub to sample the Traditional Christmas drink 'Gluwein'. A spiced warm red wine. It certainly warms you up. A stroll back then off to pick the girls up. Then we drove back to Gelsenkirchen-Horst. It was a lovely day catching up and sampling some of their Christmas traditions.
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  • Day 8

    Damp morning in Gelsenkirchen-Horst

    December 22, 2016 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

    It is a damp day today, thankful for our rain jackets as we walked down to the bakery to get our breakfast rolls. We were lucky again to get the same lad who speaks a bit of English as he spent some time in America. He did point out that our Australian English is different.
    We are having a quiet morning resting up. We were going to go for a walk around here but it started raining again, although with the rain it isn't as cold.
    We are going to Viersen Dulken this afternoon to see Bernhard, Monika, Magdalena & Julian. Kellie is going to a party with Magdelena and then going ice skating outdoors tonight. Brodie is going to some climbing thing with Julian. We will be driving there so another stressful hour.
    Photo of Zuckerkuchen-Sugar cake. Texture & lightness of a sponge cake but it was a yeast cake.
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  • Day 7

    Brass Monkey Weather

    December 21, 2016 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 4 °C

    We awoke to a very frosty morning. Dave & I walked down to the bakery to pick up some fresh rolls for breakfast. You really can't beat Germany's bakeries; their fresh breakfast rolls are delicious. We decided to head to Dusseldorf to look at their Christmas Markets. We caught a train as it's easier than finding a park. The forecast was for rain or snow. Well it did neither but it was so so cold, by far our coldest day. Well every second stall was either food or Gluwein. There was 7 Christmas markets around the town. I think we did a pretty good job of seeing all of them. Well my feet think we did. There was a very strong police presence around the markets. Dave had his photo taken with a couple of them.
    We were going to call into the Essen Christmas Markets but we were too tired and cold.
    We are still struggling with the time zone. It is dark by 5pm and your body is telling you it is 9pm. Then it is so dark in the morning you just don't have any concept of time. I will never whinge about our time zone or daylight savings again.

    Photo 1 - Ice on our car
    Photo 2 - Ice at the train stop
    Photo 3 - Reibekuchen (deep fried potato cakes served with apple sauce or garlic sauce)
    Photo 4 - kids happy they found dunkin donuts
    Photo 5 - shop front of a bakery
    Photo 6 - Duesseldorf
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  • Day 6

    Christmas in Germany

    December 20, 2016 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    We had a great 2hr train ride from Amsterdam to Duisberg.
    You know its cold when there is still frost in the paddocks at 2pm. The countryside is always beautiful along the way.
    We picked up our hire car and drove to a town near Essen (Gelsenkirchen-Horst). Once again we were welcomed by warm host and very warm apartment.
    As always, we turned the heating right down. We walked down to the shops to buy something for tea. We needed some home cooked wholesome food. It will be a early night as it was a very early morning.
    A photo to show we don't just eat pankcakes and apple pie!
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  • Day 6

    Farewell Amsterdam

    December 20, 2016 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

    Early rise with Kellie waking us up with her ATAR results. We didn't go back to sleep. We packed up and headed to the train station via the Red Light District. We were a bit early to see the girls but we did see the booths. Brodie's comment "at least they have heaters". That was all: a stool and a heater. This morning was the coldest at 3 but weather zone said it felt like -4 and we would agree.
    On the train there is still frost in the paddocks an its the afternoon.
    A few things about Amsterdam:
    Pedestrians have no rights, even on a footpath. Even though there is dedicated bike paths they still go on footpaths along with scooters, cars & trucks.
    They carry anything on the bikes, nothing is too big, small or wide. Funniest thing yesterday, a guy riding a bike while dragging a rolling suitcase.
    Dutch children are the cutest kids ever. Miss getting my photo of them on bikes with their parents.
    I'm putting this in a more polite way than Kellie did. She is coming back to find a husband to have dutch babies. I picked out a nice guy working behind the bar that I thought would make good babies.
    You do not see any obese dutch people only us tourists. The reason for this is the mode of transport is pushbike and all buildings have stairs and the dutch are into organic food.
    Dogs are allowed everywhere even in eating places.
    Photo 1 - Morning tea, yes food again!
    Photo 2 - Cold foggy Amsterdam at 11.30am
    Photo 3 - Our train
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