Museo dell'Opera del Duomo

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  • Day 16

    The tower was definitely leaning

    January 18 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Took a day trip to Pisa and saw the tower! Their cathedral was also super cool to look at. It felt like a mini-Firenze. Same shops, river, and tourist vibes but it was just smaller. One thing that was different was their homes. They actually had separation between homes, and they had front and back yards. In Firenze you have to go out of the city to find homes like that.Read more

  • Day 15


    January 17 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Went to Lucca!! It was such a nice fresh break from the busy busy beautiful Florence lifestyle. In Lucca they live the slow Italian lifestyle we all hear about. Siesta time in the afternoon is real here and it was fabulous. This cities roman walls are still in tact and that includes tunnels that go underneath them. We were able to walk through them and explore the cities many many manyyyyyyyy churches. This is a must see spot!Read more

  • Day 5

    Der schiefe Turm von….

    December 31, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Na ihr wisst schon 😉.
    Hier sitzen wir nun in der Sonne und genießen ein Tomatenbrot mit vielen Kräutern. Die Leute um uns rum haben die wildesten Ideen den Schiefen Turm und sich auf einem Bild zu verwirklichen, festhalten, umkippen, umtreten, anlehnen, davor dehnen, sportübungen davor auszuführen.Read more

  • Day 35


    November 15, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Je prends un café à l’auberge et je fais mon check out à 10h. Aujourd’hui j’avais prévu d’aller à Pise et une fille de ma chambre s’est joint à moi pour la journée. Fiorella, une péruvienne. On prend le train de 10h30 et on arrive vers 11h30. On va à mon auberge pour poser mon sac, puis direction la fameuse tour de Pise. Très étonnamment, c’est plein de touristes… On prend des photos. Boh bah voilà rien de très ouf, on a vu la tour de Pise. Comme vous à la télé, pareil. Il y a aussi la cathédrale juste à côté qui est jolie mais on décide de ne pas payer la visite.
    On va se poser dans un petit parc pour manger puis on se balade dans la ville. C’est fou comme les touristes viennent vraiment que pour la tour. Il n’y a pas grand monde ailleurs. C’est mignon, les maisons sont colorées. On va sur les rives de la rivière. On trouve un petit marché avec des stand de chocolats, d’autres de bijoux ou de fromages. On va ensuite prendre une glace qu’on mange à côté de la rivière, et on retourne à la tour car les couleurs du coucher de soleil commencent à apparaître et on se dit que ça va être super joli ! En effet, c’était beau. Il y a un petit marché de souvenirs à côté, on y fait un tour, puis 18h c’est l’heure de se quitter. Fiorella va à la gare et moi au supermarché. Je rentre à l’auberge, je prends ma douche et j’y passe la soirée.
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  • Day 5


    November 11, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Nach dem Frühstück machten wir uns bei strahlendem Wetter mit dem Fahrrad auf den Weg ins Zentrum von Pisa. Die Fahrt durch die charmanten Straßen der Stadt führte uns direkt zu einem der berühmtesten Orte der Welt – dem Schiefen Turm von Pisa. Der Turm, ein freistehender Glockenturm der Kathedrale, ist bekannt für seine markante Neigung, die durch ein instabiles Fundament verursacht wurde. Trotz seiner Schieflage, die ihm seinen weltweiten Ruhm eingebracht hat, strahlt der Turm eine majestätische Eleganz aus. Mit seinen weißen Marmorsäulen und kunstvollen Bögen ist er ein beeindruckendes Beispiel mittelalterlicher Baukunst.
    Rund um den Turm liegt die Piazza dei Miracoli, ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Hier befinden sich der prächtige Dom von Pisa mit seiner Marmorverzierung und das beeindruckende Baptisterium mit seiner großartigen Akustik.
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  • Day 5–6


    November 1, 2024 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

    So we went to Cinque Terre (5 towns on the cliffs) and we couldn’t get a place to stay. So we went to Pisa instead. It is crowded here but this is how we navigated the crowds. We went to a modern grocery store, Lidl, parked and did our shopping, then walked to the leaning tower of Pisa 20 min+ away. We grew up hearing about this famous place. Then, when my father passed, I found pictures of him having gone to all the famous places while in the military. He had never shown them to us kids. So we went and took a picture from same spot. Some buildings not there anymore and open green area now.
    After, we walked back through the crowds and found our camping spot on the marina of Pisa. We went for a bike ride on the cycling path here, to unwind. So many people out walking and biking. It is the weekend here and people are flocking here to vacation! We are so lucky to have the space we have because they don’t have it here. Everything very old no modern buildings to be seen except for back in Monaco or the Lidl grocery store😃. Great prices by the way!
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  • Day 7


    September 22, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    First stop cemetery to see graves of Jacko's great grand parents. Then to Valdottova to see Giovanna (distant relative to Guazzelli's). She is 90 and amazing. She walked us down to her local Cafe and insisted on buying coffee for us. Not being coffee drinkers Filip & Nicolo had a coke, Jacko had a beer and I had a wine. Mind you this was 10.20am! We reluctantly left her for Lucca. After lunch in the main Piazza of the walled city, we visited the Torture Museum. Sadistic goings on back then. Next stop the Devils Bridge. See photos. Final stop Pisa and the Leaning Tower. What a structure. We climbed the 251 steps to the top. Took some doing! View awesome again. Booked into accommodation. Walked 1km to have tea in recommended restaurant. Good choice. Back by 9pm. Bed time.Read more

  • Day 2

    Tag 2: deutlich weniger Problemchen 😉

    September 21, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Also heut war es deutlich entspannter.... war schon 9.00 Uhr bis es los ging...😉 und dann gleich Vogelwildstrecke 1: einfach in die Felswand eine Straße gesprengt...🫣😅 mega!
    Der Teil von Trentino hat echt 1000 Kurven... aber keine Tankstellen 😳war knapp!! Und Msne pumpt Reifen auf.... Aber so seine ganz eigene Art dafür 🤣🤣 Dann Richtung Idro See und von dort Richtung Gardasee... Vogelwild Strecke 2: MEGA!! Einziges Problem: ist nach 28 km gesperrt... ohne Vorwarnung😎 also.... alles wieder zurück - wieder 1 Stunde länger 🙈Read more

  • Day 3


    September 17, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    No tole je pa v živo kr impresivno 😳

    Parkirala sva zastonj 🤭 in se sprehodila do stolpa na Piazza del Duomo.
    Na tem trgu so poleg stolpa se Duomo (stolnica - leto nastanka 1063), krstilnica in Camposanto Monumentale (pokopališče).

    Poševni stolp (Torre di Pisa) je samostojeci zvonik stolnice sva. Marije Vnebovzete, ki stoji poleg njega.

    Začetek gradnje: 1173
    Konec gradnje: 1372
    Višina: 55.86m
    Število stopnic: 296
    Nagib: 3.9m od navpicnice

    Nagibati se je začel že 5let po začetku gradnje, ko so prišli do drugega nadstropja, pa so ga vseeno zgradili do konca. Skozi leta so potekale sanacije in 2008 naj bi ga toliko stabilizirali, da naj se nebi več nagibal (za vsaj naslednjih 200let)
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  • Day 6

    Pisa Day Trip

    September 15, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 66 °F

    We started our day going to the Cathedral de San Martino to get our credentials for our walk that we will begin on Tuesday. Credentials are books that one can get stamps from hotels, cafes, and churches along the way to aide as a momento of one's trip and to prove that you walked the required distance to get a certificate of completion. We wanted to get them in advance so we can begin walking early on Tuesday.

    From there we took the train to Pisa. The train system in Europe makes getting around so easy. We walked from the train station and took in sights that Rick Steves pointed out in his walking tour. We stopped along the way and had our first gelato of the trip.

    Soon we reached the Field of Miracles. That is where the leaning tower of Pisa is as well as a duomo (church), baptistry, museum and cemetery. We toured the baptistry, the duomo, and the cemetery. We also climbed the 250+ steps to the top of the tower. As soon as we walked in the tower we could feel the lean of the building. The tower, and many buildings in the city, lean because they are built on a silt foundation which shifts easily. If you look closely, the baptistry also leans. When the tower was being built, someone said, "Is it me or is the building leaning?", but they kept building anyway. The tower is hollow and the stairs are thin and cylindrical. Once at the top, we had views of the city including a local soccer game. There are 7 bells in the tower. They don't ring anymore so as not to put more stress on the building as they are very heavy, but a recording of the bells is played for church services. We got to hear the recording for the evening service. On the ground, it was fun watching so many people taking the famous picture of someone pushing the tower back up. Given the number of people "pushing", the tower should be back to normal in no time.

    It was a short train ride back to Lucca and the walled part of the city. We walked part of the way around on the wall top which has been widened into a walking/bike path before descending into the narrow street town. For dinner we went to the grocery store for fresh bagette, cheese, grapes and wine and picnicked in the garden of our hotel.
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