The tower was definitely leaning

Took a day trip to Pisa and saw the tower! Their cathedral was also super cool to look at. It felt like a mini-Firenze. Same shops, river, and tourist vibes but it was just smaller. One thing that wasRead more
Took a day trip to Pisa and saw the tower! Their cathedral was also super cool to look at. It felt like a mini-Firenze. Same shops, river, and tourist vibes but it was just smaller. One thing that wasRead more
Na ihr wisst schon 😉.
Hier sitzen wir nun in der Sonne und genießen ein Tomatenbrot mit vielen Kräutern. Die Leute um uns rum haben die wildesten Ideen den Schiefen Turm und sich auf einem BildRead more
First stop cemetery to see graves of Jacko's great grand parents. Then to Valdottova to see Giovanna (distant relative to Guazzelli's). She is 90 and amazing. She walked us down to her local Cafe andRead more
Also heut war es deutlich entspannter.... war schon 9.00 Uhr bis es los ging...😉 und dann gleich Vogelwildstrecke 1: einfach in die Felswand eine Straße gesprengt...🫣😅 mega!
Der Teil vonRead more
We started our day going to the Cathedral de San Martino to get our credentials for our walk that we will begin on Tuesday. Credentials are books that one can get stamps from hotels, cafes, andRead more
this photo is stunning
what an amazing little day trip!!
Traveler I know right woohoooooo