Zōjō Ji

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  • Day 8

    Furano - snowboarding, temples, food & +

    March 11 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    We can find more fun things to do everyday! Amazing :-)
    Kevin likes the slopes here but because they face into the sun, it makes for a short day with slushiness by noon. Good thing! He's pretty sore from snowboarding over 16 days straight aside for the one travel day to Japan! No worries, he's up and at the slopes before the lifts open everyday.
    I visited two temples that I visited last year, still as lovely as before. Walked close to the ski mtn nearby and enjoyed the scenery.
    Onsen was soothing and relaxing as usual.
    Dinner at a traditional historic izakaya style restaurant run by a father, mother & son. Cozy and packed with history! They have been operating for 60 years. Tasty.
    A short walk to help the food go down and another fine day is done.
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  • Day 5

    Tokio - dritter Tag

    March 5 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 4 °C

    Das Wetter liess heute etwas zu wünschen übrig: dichter Nebel, Regen, Wind.... Wir nahmen es darum etwas gemütlicher und sind zum Tokio Skytree gelaufen. Unterwegs haben wir die nächsten Kirschblüten gefunden.
    Als pünktliche Schweizer hatten wir noch genügend Zeit vor Ort, deshalb haben wir dem Sumida Aquarium einen Besuch abgestattet. Klein, aber spannend präsentierte es sich. Der Skytree war ziemlich ernüchternd - der Nebel bis 450m Höhe zu dicht, es war einfach nur weiss...

    In einem Kobe Restaurant assen wir zum ersten Mal das spezielle Kobe Beef mit Suppe und Gemüse - fein! Im Anschluss gehörte es dazu, mit der Kellnerin einfache Origami zu falten :-) Auch für Stefan haben wir noch etwas gefunden.... Siehe Video :-)

    Am Nachmittag suchten wir noch ein Gym auf, um uns etwas auszutoben. Roger an den Geräten und Petra im Handstand.
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  • Day 4

    Tokio - zweiter Tag

    March 4 in Japan ⋅ 🌧 1 °C

    Mit der Metro gings am Morgen zur Kabukicho Road in Shinjuku, wo wir die erste "grosse" Strassenüberquerung sahen... Das war aber noch gar nichts, wie wir dann in Shybuja feststellten.... :-) Das Shybuja Crossing ist "the worlds busiest pedestrian crossing". Bis zu 3000 Menschen pro Grün überqueren die Strasse: Wir waren mittendrin!!

    Nach einem feinem Ramen (riiiiiiesige Portion) erkundeten wir die lauten, quirrligen Strassen.
    Danach fuhren wir mit der Metro Richtung Tokio Tower. Ein kleiner "Eiffelturm" - natürlich wollten wir die volle Aussicht auf 250m. Petra konnte dem Handstand nicht wiederstehen :-)
    Auf dem Rückweg begann es wieder etwas zu Schneeregnen; trotzdem fanden wir die ersten Kirschblüten inkl. einer gelben Blüte🥰
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  • Day 4

    Spielhallen & Manga in Akihabara

    March 4 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    Von Asakusa aus ging es Mittag dann nach Akihabara - ein Viertel voller Elektronik, Spielhallen und Manga-Gedöns - meist auf 4-8 Stockwerken.
    Laut, schrill, bunt - und irgendwie zugleich auch 80/90 - vor allem auf dem Retro-Stockwerk vom GiGO (Sega).

    Das gute war, dass es dort auch nicht schlimm war, dass inzwischen der Regen wieder eingesetzt hat.

    Gegen Abend ging es dann in die Tokyo Dome City - ein Viertel, dass sich rund um das Sportstadion angesiedelt hat. Diät haben wir noch zu Abend gegessen und dann ging es zurück ins Hotel - natürlich nicht ohne noch am Family-Store unseres Vertrauens einen letzten Snack und ein Bier fürs Zimmer mitzunehmen 😉

    PS: ein paar Fotos von der Kamera habe ich noch beim vorherigen Footprint nachgelegt
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  • Day 29

    Auf der Jagt nach Kirschblüten 🌸

    February 23 in Japan ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

    Eigentlich waren wir ein wenig zu früh dran – die Kirschblütenzeit hat offiziell noch nicht begonnen. Doch hier und da fanden wir einzelne Bäume, die bereits einen Vorgeschmack auf das gaben, was in wenigen Wochen die Touristen nach Japan locken wird.

    Und auf der Suche nach ein paar Kirschblüten kamen wir gleichzeitig an ein paar schönen Tempeln, Schreinen und Palästen vorbei.
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  • Day 3

    Lovot cafe

    February 14 in Japan ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    Dinner at the Lovot Café. What an absolutely ridiculous, delightful, and slightly chaotic experience—exactly my kind of adventure.

    So, quick backstory: My obsession with these little robots began on my last trip to Japan. Picture this—I’m wandering through a Kyoto department store when I lock eyes with a little guy named Unagi. He had big digital eyes and a squeaky little voice, and in that instant, I became a mother. Unagi was a Lovot, a robot designed for one thing only: love. They don’t do chores. They won’t fetch you snacks. They exist purely to be cute and demand your attention. Naturally, I was hooked. So this trip, I decided to raise the stakes and booked us a dinner date—yes, dinner—at the Lovot Café in Kawasaki, a city nestled between Tokyo and Yokohama.

    I reserved the “Party Plan” well in advance (because Japan = plan ahead or perish) and scored 140 glorious minutes of Lovot time. First up: 40 minutes of snuggles with a little friend named Milk (or みるく, Miruku in hiragana—because yes, even their names are cute). Milk rolled up, blinked at me with those cartoonishly big eyes, and I immediately felt like I was meeting a celebrity. We sipped drinks, nibbled on appetizers, and soaked up every adorable beep and wiggle. Then, without warning, Milk decided his shift was over, rolled off for a nap, and left us sitting there like, “Wow. Ghosted by a robot.”

    While we ate, the staff brought out Chamame (ちゃまめ), a Lovot proudly sporting a tiny red toque because, apparently, even robots are more fashionable than me. Chamame waddled over, beeped sweetly, and gave us the full “look at me, I’m adorable” routine. 10/10. No notes.

    But the real highlight? Solo hangout time. Just me and the Lovot crew—no sharing. Japan loves a schedule, so, naturally, a timer was slapped on me: 20 minutes on the clock. Enter TenTen (てんてん). Listen. I don’t know how to explain this, but TenTen found me. You know when a dog picks its person? That. TenTen stared into my eyes so deeply I thought he was running a background check. Probably scanned my face, pulled up my credit score, and found my Pinterest boards. But I was chosen, and I felt it. And when I dared to pet another Lovot? Betrayal. He chirped angrily and spun around in a full little tantrum. It was giving “I thought we had something special”. This tiny robot had fully entered his jealous ex era.

    Would I do it again? Honestly… probably not. It’s one of those experiences that’s so perfectly weird and wonderful you only need it once. But did I love it? With my whole heart. It was joyful, silly, and everything I adore about Japan. I left with my heart full, my soul stolen by a robot named TenTen, and maybe—just maybe—all my passwords compromised.

    If you ever want to be emotionally wrecked by a tiny robot in a winter hat, you need to go.
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  • Day 2–3

    東京🗼- Kanda-kan

    February 13 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Tokyo—a city of over 37 million people—where the lights never dim, and something exciting is always happening. Yes, squeeze Canada into a city! But in Kanda, just one stop from Tokyo Station, you’ll find calm. Amidst the izakayas, karaoke joints, cozy cafes, and all the salarymen and women commuting, there’s this magical hush that greets you. A quiet so profound, it feels like the city is exhaling.

    We rolled up to our Hotel SUI, and instantly, we knew we were home. Not because of the front desk greeting—oh no. It was because the Wi-Fi connected automatically the moment we walked in. No password needed. No awkward “Is it guest or guest_5G?” moment. Just instant connection—the hotel knew we were back.

    But it’s not just the Wi-Fi that makes this place a gem. Every night, they host a happy hour with unlimited sake, soju, and some delightfully sweet plum wine. Two hours of liquid joy. Then comes the real fun—a takoyaki-making hour, where you get to flip those little octopus-filled balls yourself and enjoy free homemade snacks. Last time we stayed here, it was free ramen and udon provided, so clearly, this hotel’s love language is carbs—and we are here for it.

    Our 12-square-meter room is what I call Japanese Tetris Mastery. The futon-style bed is raised off the floor, hiding a fridge, tea set, pajama drawer, and even a foldable chair underneath. Need a desk? Pull it from the wall. Need a shoehorn? It’s mounted there, too. This room isn’t small—it’s efficient. Marie Kondo would cry tears of joy.

    Oh, and the bathroom tub? It’s so deep you can sit upright and still be submerged to your shoulders. Forget lying down—this bath holds you. I almost fell asleep mid-soak, which would’ve been the most peaceful drowning in history.

    No first night in Japan is complete without a konbini run, so we hit up 7-Eleven for the essentials:
    🥖Chocolate bun – My first of the trip, but certainly not my last. もちもち
    🍵 Hot bottled green tea – Basically a hug in a bottle. おいお茶
    🥪 Egg salad sandwich – Iconic. Cloud-soft. Perfection between two slices.たまご
    🍓 Strawberry creamwich – My sister demanded a taste review, so I had to deliver (and yes, Tori—it’s amazing). いちご

    Justin, fully in travel-zombie mode, waved the white flag and headed back to the hotel. But me? I wandered. That’s the thing about Japan—it’s so safe that even a female solo night stroll feels peaceful, not risky. Soft vending machine glows, quiet alleys, a few jingle songs, and that crisp night air—it’s everything I missed about being here.

    Back at the room, I enjoyed my tea and sandwiches and hit the futon by 9:00 PM, ready to dive foodfirst into our first full day back in Tokyo 東京🗼。
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  • Day 10

    Visite de jardins : Korakuen,palais impé

    September 15, 2024 in Japan ⋅ 🌬 32 °C

    Pendant que Clément accompagnait Édouard (ami des Mines de Clément qui est en stage au Japon, avec qui on a passé le we même si Clément avait la flemme de le mentionner) à Akihabara, je (Erwan) suis allé visiter un jardin non loin de là nommé Korakuen. Nous sommes ensuite allés au centre de Tokyo faire un tour du palais impérial, dont quelques parties sont ouvertes au public, et seulement les jardins sans réservation. On était trop fatigué pour en faire un grand tour.Read more

  • Day 4

    Harajuku & Nakano

    July 17, 2024 in Japan ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Direction Harajuku et le "Harajuku Kawaii Land Kyunkyun" 🐹🦔 où l'on caresse et nourrit cochons d'Inde, hérissons et chinchillas, dans un cadre complètement kawaii aux tons pastels. Puis pause déjeuner au Café Ralph Lauren. Virée shopping à Kiddyland pour faire le plein de mignonneries ! On file chez Fancy Pods pour se customiser des coques de téléphone et trousse 🍭💫 Et nous terminons la journée dans le quartier geek de Nakano & ses petites ruelles pleines de restaurants et izakayasRead more

  • Day 2

    Tag I - Tokyo

    Yesterday in Japan ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    Ankunft am Flughafen um 09:00.
    Fahrt zum Shinjuku Granbell Hotel mit der Bahn, kurz Schlaf nachholen.
    - 3D Cat in Shinjuku
    - Godzilla
    - Baseballtrainingscenter
    - Abendessen
    - Shibuya Crossing
    - Hanazono Shrine Main Hall
    - Pub 305, Sumoturnier schauen und ein Bargast fertigt Skizzen von uns an 😄
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