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  • Day 6

    Betanzos to Hospital de Bruma: +-27km

    October 1, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Started early again, but not until we had a cup of coffee from the local Cafe downstairs from our pension. It should be said that I'm not normally a coffee drinker but I'm open to new ideas. Then off around the corner as dawn arrived with stall holders setting up in the plaza of the cathedral.

    I'm not going to sugar coat it: today was a very challenging day. It was spitting all morning but solid rain set in around lunch time. My shoes and socks were soaked and I developed a blister under my little toe. My rain suit worked well, no complaints there.

    The trail itself was beautiful, and uphill most of the way, with much walking through forests and country lanes, and yet one more scenic diversion thanks to Brierley, which was very off the beaten track. How lucky are we to enjoy his legacy, keeping the original Camino tracks alive, that have been wandered for hundreds of years. Sadly John Brierley passed away 2 years ago. His daughter is continuing his work by keeping his guides updated.

    We are so surprised at how green everything still is, we were expecting a lot more autumn colours; we have seen very limited evidence of autumn or winter so far. It is a joy to walk through the forests though, the paths are lined with many beautiful trees, including chestnut trees. Currently they are dropping their bounty with hundreds of thousands of chestnuts lining the paths. We have also seen a few fungi today, we suspect because the area has seen some rain over the last couple of weeks.

    We walked through a few tiny hamlets today and stumbled into one delightful Camino themed cafe around lunchtime. We had already had our picnic lunch by then, but enjoyed a glass of Coke which supplied a much needed caffeine boost for a brutal uphill section just after. I'll post the Relive video and you can clearly see how we had to turn around at some point, back to the cafe, to retrieve our walking poles 🙄

    The rain slowed us down and we arrived much later than expected at our accommodation. The town Hospital de Bruma was named for the first pilgrim hospital on the Camino. It is a beautiful stone building that is now used as the public albergue. Hospital de Bruma means Hospital in the Mist. Very apt name, especially today!

    I am thankful today (and every day) to have Mariette with me. She is such a calming presence and so easy to talk to. Together we figure out solutions to any issues that arise, and it is so comforting to have her with me, especially when trying to follow Brierley's trials and getting lost along the way.

    Dinner was great. The little restaurant in this tiny village has a set menu each day: today was a delicious vegetable soup and bread for starters, chicken (or pork) and potatoes main meal and ice cream for dessert. And a full bottle of wine between the 2 of us for 18 Euro per person, for the lot.
    At last, real food!

    Here's our Relive:
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  • Day 5

    Pontedeume to Betanzos: +-23km

    September 30, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    BIG day with lots of uphill and downhill walking. Our feet are starting to feel the impact of the daily grind.

    We had a cool day with lots of drizzle. Perfect for walking. A bit of mud here and there, expecting more in the two days to come as there is 100% chance of rain predicted for the next 2 days.

    We were walking on the main 'official' trail today and saw lots of Camino pilgrims. People are very friendly, but we didn't chat too much as the walk was a bit challenging.

    Again beautiful scenery; we feel so privileged and blessed to experience it for ourselves. A highlight was a Camino rest area for walkers with tables outside, a tiny Cafe with tea, coffee and snacks. It took me way too long to order 'one tea with milk and black coffee' in Spanish. 😄 It was great to get out of the rain a bit and hear happy chatter in different languages.

    We arrived in Betanzos about 4pm, and struggled a bit with Google maps taking us to 3 different places before we finally managed to arrive at our pension. Right next to the Cathedral on the square. We should have known! We took great care in planning to stay very near the Camino, even if it means we pay a little bit more.

    We were a bit more successful with food today. We had breakfast at our hostel, lunch on the way, and dinner at a little restaurant across the square.

    The Spaniards eat much later in the evening, around 9pm. So we have to take what we can get. Tonight it was Spanish omelette - omelette with potatoes. Sounds boring but was surprisingly, very enjoyable. With of course, a glass of wine.

    The next stage of our walk has very limited dining opportunities, and we bought a sandwich, yoghurt, cheese and an apple for lunch to take with us tomorrow.

    Stunning day, but very tired.

    Here's our Relive:
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  • Day 78–79

    Day 78 - Betanzos to O Meson do Vento

    July 8, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    After a decent breakfast in the anti room where we watched the Pamplona bull run on Spanish breakfast TV, we made our way back onto our own challenges!
    It wasn’t long til we hit a big hill and that set the pattern for the day- challenging and hilly.
    We had managed the equivalent 116 flights of stairs by the end of it.
    You need a good heart to cope with these things which unfortunately the Plodicus doesn’t have towards his fellow pilgrims! Because (in his opinion) they always stop at the bottom of hills and play chase!! He had said at the beginning of the day he wasn’t on for rushing- however this changed as the day progressed!!
    We went up lots of hills, meadows of wild flowers, much asphalt and eucalyptus woods.
    We were able to keep a downward count due to ongoing route markers.
    We are both quite stiff after this walk and got allocated the disabled room today - so no problem when we seize up on the loo- photo to follow 😂
    Very well organised hotel - we had to download app to order lunch but at least it was in English! Our washing got whisked away - then they informed us we had to collect it from behind the bar at 9.30 tonight!! Usually we are in bed by then.
    Simon is praying that all the pilgrims washing didn’t go into one wash and we have a fight to claim our belongings at 9.30 😳 a rugby scrum comes to mind!!
    It made a change from rushing to the launderette but Simon is getting withdrawal symptoms from not watching his washing go around.
    He is also missing his new found love for Pastis - thanks Andy and Colin! He hasn’t found this in Spain and as the brandy is hit and Miss has become whiskey head 🙄
    He now recommends J&B, Cutty Sark and Jamesons.
    Tomorrow is another long walk so we hope to be off by 9 - as long as our laundry scrum goes ok 🤞
    The area we are in is known as the house of wind 💨 when we arrived it was like Wuthering Heights with the wind moaning across the window. Simon is hoping this continues through the night - whoooo 💨
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  • Day 15

    Betanzos Rest Day

    September 27, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Life is wonderful for lucky Brucee

    Today was a scheduled Rest Day.... tomorrow is 21Km uphill ending in Bruma. But as of late yesterday and early this morning I had 2 logistical problems. There were no vacancies for me at tomorrow's destination. Following from that I had no destination to Transfer my heavy BackPack.

    In walks the Albergue Manager, "Begoña".  With ease and a smile she phoned an Albergue in Bruma and bingo my Camino Angel solved my 2 stressful problems with a smile. 
    The thought behind me writing this is to share some of the magic that I receive travelling solo, and thereby the welcoming and joy of the Spanish and BMCS extend to me. I tell myself just jump in and Camino magic happens 🙏🥰
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  • Day 14

    Betanzos Camino Inglés

    September 26, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    I'm in a typical Spanish Bar... arrived 6:55pm, no food until 8pm, but good Vino Tinto 😆
    Today was only 10.24Ks but v hilly. Went better than expected, got booked into an Albergue ... liked it so much, I extended my nights to 2. Betanzos has history and the following challenge consists of a huge climb Plus accommodations which are Booked out !!!!
    I wish you were here.. a young mother and her partner announced their 2 YO son was soon to have a sibling 🥰 All Spanish Family Fun 🥳
    Lastly I'm walking through landscapes in good Sunshine with a range of Galicia Greens to die for. 🥰 64.24 Ks to SdC 🥳
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  • Day 16

    Heading home

    July 19, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Leaving the hostel and walking off to the bus station, I wondered how long it would be before I reached Santiago de Compostela again. The journey home was long, but a good way to make sure my weakened knee was rested. Flixbus bus from Santiago to Bordeaux (11:35 - 01:50), I'd reserved the front seat to enjoy the views as we drove along the northern shores of Spain and then the west of France. I was surprised when we headed up to A Coruna first, a place that is on the Camino Inglés. From Bordeaux another bus took me to Rennes (2:50 - 9:40) where I was met by Richard. A quick coffee and then drove home, arriving roughly 24 hours after I'd left Santiago de Compostela. I wonder when I'll be back? Mmm, plans already turning in my mind.........Read more

  • Day 115

    Ufem Weg nach Xove

    July 26, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Dr letst Tag in Vigo heimer mit ufruume packe und ihruume verbracht. Mir hei dr Wassertank amne Brunne chönne uffülle, das isch toll, wüu dä ni nach Chlor stinkt.
    Nachemne gmüetleche Zmittag mit em Päärli wo oberhalb vo Elena und Pancho wohnt, simer de los gfahre richtig Xove, zu Elenas Eltere. Da mer beidi ni di mega schnelle Auto's hei, simer haut de ziemlech spät ersch acho😅 d Fotos si vor dr Abfahrt u dert womer eh pouse gmacht hei.Read more

  • Day 11–12


    July 22, 2024 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    Wunderschöner Weg mit vielen magischen Wäldern und tollen Wegen. Zusammen mit zwei Deutschen bin ich früh gestartet, da es heute sehr heiß werden soll. Wir haben früh ein Kaffee gefunden und die gute Laune war immer mit dabei. Nach 27 km haben wir die Stadt erreicht und man trifft immer wieder die gleichen Leute von der gestrigen Übernachtung. Jetzt ist es nur noch eine Etappe und dann bin ich in Santiago. Wahnsinn!
    Allerdings war es auch der Tag an dem ich in Sandalen mit Socken ein Stück gelaufen bin, irgendwann ist einem hier echt alles egal ☺️
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  • Day 9–10


    July 20, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Was ein Scheißtag! Schnupfen und Husten und obendrauf noch Regen und ein wenig schöner Weg.... Eine schöne Begegnungen hatte ich mit einer Gruppe Italiener die alle gejoggt sind und 3 Kinder mit einer körperlichen Einschränkungen im Buggy geschoben haben!

    Erkenntnis des Tages: Meine Pläne im Kopf sind halt nicht immer durchsetzbar....
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  • Day 77–78

    Day 77 - Pontedeume to Betanzos

    July 7, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We awoke early after a reasonable night - breakfast was as expected ‘toast and coffee’ very good coffee 😊
    We set off on day 2 of Camino Inglis with the sun shining and a bit of a breeze 🙌👣👣
    We traversed paths, woodlands, minor roads and met lots of other pilgrims- where we chased each other up many hills, hissing breathless ‘olas’’ in Simon’s case and ‘ buen Camino’ in Mary’s case.
    We went up many hills, and flattened out at a golf course- missed all the balls, then went up more hills.
    We passed through numerous villages- some offered stamps for the credentials, some had honesty stalls of Camino memorabilia.
    Each time we approached a hill more pilgrims appeared to bother Simon , making him believe they were aliens from outer space.
    In the town of Mino we replenished our fruit supplies and saw lovely coastal views.
    However upon leaving the village we were quickly onto more hills to climb.
    We are however walking well and managing about 5km per hour on a good road.
    Today we did 20km in 4 hours and hit town in need of a good lunch. We found a good restaurant, but they took forever to serve us. Then it filled up big time so we gave up the idea of pudding and coffee and got out - even that took 20 mins !!
    We headed up to hotel that allowed us to check in early 🙌🙌
    Room is grand and we chilled and recovered.
    We found that most places are closed on a Sunday and after much google searching found a carrefour express still open 2km away. So sorted ourselves out and are now back in the room hoping for a peaceful sleep.
    Big walk tomorrow!!
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