Sri Lanka

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  • Day 3


    March 12 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Nachere problemlose Reis bini gester bi strömendem Räge ds Sri Lanka glandet. In March there is no rain, säge sie😉. Isch de hüt o so gsi.
    Mi Plan, eifach nüt z mache, hani voll umgsetzt. I ha zum Bispiel scho z Zmorge verschlafe...
    Nähr bini chli dür d Strasse gspaziert, am Strand ga läse, ga Käfele u später im und am Pool im Hotel gsi. Ds erste Buech hani scho fertig gläse.
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  • Day 96

    Touchdown Sri Lanka

    March 12 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Die gestrige Anreise von Koh Chang nach Colombo hatte es in sich….
    11 Stunden bis zum Abflug müssten locker ausreichen, um den Flug um 20 Uhr zu erwischen, dachte ich 😅

    Der Bus kam pünktlich um 9 Uhr morgens an, klapperte noch ein paar Unterkünfte ab, aber irgendwie waren die Personen nicht dort, wo das Shuttle wartete….
    Also verpassten wir die geplante Fähre von der Insel, davon wusste bis auf den Fahrer zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch niemand was, der Wettlauf gegen die Zeit hatte schon längst begonnen…..

    Der Verkehr wurde immer dichter vor Bangkok, umso später es wurde. Geplant wäre die Ankunft um 16.30 Uhr, in Bangkok allerdings erreichte ich das Ziel erst um 18.00 Uhr.
    Also blieben mir noch 2 Stunden bis Abflug, hätte aber noch einmal quer durch die Stadt mit dem Taxi fahren müssen, unmöglich das zu schaffen.

    Die erst beste Idee, versuch es mit einem Mopedfahrer. Die ersten beiden lehnten ab, wegen meinem Gepäck. Dem dritten Fahrer versicherte ich, dass ich mit dem ganzen Gepäck schon öfter mitgefahren bin, und machte ihm ein Angebot, welches er nicht ablehnen konnte 😃
    Also schlängelten wir uns so durch die rießige Stadt, ein wilder Ritt 😵‍💫

    Eine halbe Stunde bevor das Boarding losging, endlich am Flughafen angekommen.
    An der Sicherheit und Gepäckabgabe überall vorgedrängelt. Im Anschluss konnte ich direkt in den Flieger einsteigen und mich auf meinen Platz setzen, mit so viel Aufregung am letzten Tag in Thailand hätte ich nicht mehr gerechnet.

    Nach 3,5 Stunden Flug landete ich gestern Abend bei Regenwetter in Colambo. Der Fahrer vom Hotel wartete schon und sammelte mich ein. Ab ins Bett und nun kann das Kapitel Sri Lanka losgehen 🤩
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  • Day 12


    March 9 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today was a lazy day. We had no plans until the scheduled turtle watching trip later in the evening.

    We had a lazy start with breakfast after a coffee in the room. After breakfast and a shower we headed out for a bit of a walk, not too far, first left along the beach from the hotel and then back right past the hotel to a small cove.

    It was very hot and so after about an hour we returned to the hotel.

    We spent the rest of the day variously playing cards, having lunch and then late in the afternoon a trip back to the small cove where we'd heard that some turtles were swimming around in the water. We were really lucky and spotted one large, we think leatherback, just around in the shallows in the fading light.

    We then had some food and met the restaurant group at 8:15 for a short bus ride a turtle watching project. We waited around for a short amount of time before we heard that there was a turtle on the beach heading up to lay eggs.

    We were taking with a larger group along the beach and we waited until she had dug her. Once she had done this we were able to watch her first laying eggs and then covering the eggs. Unfortunately she managed to get herself stuck underneath a root and so with some help from the guides she was released.

    She then spent the next hour or so first covering the eggs and then disguising her whole by making another one before she slowly made the journey back to the sea where she disappeared into the waves. It was a pretty special thing to see.

    We arrive back at the hotel at gone 11 and it was time to head to bed.
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  • Day 10

    Tissa Lake and Yala national park

    March 7 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    Yet another early start, this time a 4.30 alarm for a 5am departure to Yala national park.

    The journey to the local town took 30 minutes and then we transferred into 4x4s for another 30 minute ride to the park entrance.

    In contrast to Kumana, Yala is very busy. We were at least the 20th jeep in the queue to get in! Once in, we drove slowly through the park (whilst other jeeps raced past). There were loads of other 4x4s around trying to find animals. It was a far less relaxing experience.

    We saw lots of birds and some crocodiles along with other small mammals but nothing to compare with the sights we'd seen the day before.

    After a couple of hours we headed to a communal area, near the beach to have our packed breakfast consisting of sandwiches, fruit, two cakes and a boiled egg.

    The group had already decided to forego the afternoon safari and so we spent the remainder of the morning driving slowly around the park. Just after leaving the rest stop we followed a trail of other jeeps who had seen some elephants crossing the road. It was a bit of a melee and all felt a bit uncomfortable although these particular elephants didn't seem that perturbed.

    Just around the corner we came across a lone female elephant who sadly had been a bit trapped in by lots of other jeeps. She was not happy and the drivers didn't seem ready to move out of the way to allow her along the road. Eventually through a series of her pushing other Jeeps and gently kicking them and some drivers realising that she needed space a path cleared and she was allowed through. It was really all very sad and despite the fact that this was the closest I ever came to seeing an elephant on this tour it all felt a bit wrong. We were chatting to the tour leader afterwards and he said that they really needed to limit the number of Jeeps they're allowed into the park each day but maybe that's for the future.

    The next 90 minutes or so was spent heading towards the exit and after meeting up with our bus we arrived back at the hotel just after midday.

    We had a relaxing afternoon having a couple of beers playing cards and looking at the view before most of the group met up again to go for an evening boat ride onto lake Tissa.

    We spent about an hour cruising around the lake on a small boat with the driver/skipper pointing out various bird life. We also saw how some locals also use the lake for washing and cleaning!

    Just as we were heading back to the jetty at our hotel the sun set behind some distant clouds!

    After pre dinner drinks we had another buffet meal in the restaurant before heading to our room at 9.30.
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  • Day 8

    Kumana national park (Arugam Bay)

    March 5 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    It was nice to have a lazy start this morning and do after a 'no alarm' wake up at 7.30 ish, a coffee in bed and breakfast in the hotel, after which we left the hotel for a wander.

    It was very warm and we stopped alomg the road for a coffee before crossing and walking down a side street to the beach. Here we saw fishing boats and the long curving bay where in season surfers are attracted.

    We walked along the beach and sadly saw lots of plastic debris. It has certainly made me think about how we use plastic at home and what we buy.

    Next we went back to the hotel and played some cards sat on our balcony until just after 12. We decided that at this point it was time to have a beer so we moved our game down to the bar.

    At 1.30 we all congregated at reception to board the bus to take us to Kumana national park. The journey there took 30 mins and at this point we changed to two safari jeeps. It took around an hour to get to the entrance to the park, partly because the other vehicle had a puncture which needed to be sorted.

    When we arrived at the park, after a quick break, we headed through the gates. The roads were not as bad as in other national parks we've been to, but still pretty bumpy.

    We spent the next few hours driving around the park and were so lucky to see lots of birds, lizards, wild boar, an elephant and a beautiful leopard.

    All too soon it was time to head back as the park closes at 6pm with fines for drivers who arrive at the gates late. We got back with about a minute to spare. The next hour took us back to the bus for the 30 minute drive back to the hotel. Here most of the group met for food and a drink or two before retiring for bed just after 9.15 to get some sleep for our earliest start yet...4am!
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  • Day 7

    Sigiriya (Lion) Rock then Arugam Bay

    March 4 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    We had a very early start with an alarm at 5:00 a.m. and meeting the group at 5.40am. Onto the bus and we were at Sigiriya Rock by 6 am. After collecting our tickets we started the long walk up to the 180m high rock which had a royal palace built in top of it in the 5th century.

    We started walking through the outer gardens and then to the terraces before starting to climb steeply up some original marble stairs. The stairs weren't very wide and were quite steep so it was pretty hard work even at that time of the morning, with the humidity.

    About halfway up, the stairs turned into more modern ones but the going didn't get him easier. The stairs were still narrow and uneven.

    About 2/3 of the way up we got to what used to be a magnificent entrance carved like a lion with its paws outstretched. Much of the lion has disappeared but at least one paw remained.

    Fortunately we had now rounded the rock and there was a cool breeze blowing which helped to take the heat off.

    Final third of the climb was again man-made and this time on metal stairs that clung to the side of the rock face. For the first part, the hand rail was quite low and I was glad that I don't get vertigo that badly! On we went up with a steady stream of people coming the other way. After about 10 minutes we turned the corner and went up some final original steps to the top of the rock and to the remains of the royal palace.

    We spent about 15 minutes exploring the top including the throne and a large bathing pool. They believe that even as far back as it was built they had running water although no one knows how they got the water up there.

    The journey down followed a similar route to about halfway down and then we turned left along the rock face, descending before going up some spiral stairs into a cave where there were remains of elaborate cave paintings. Our guide told us that the whole of the rock face would have originally been covered in frescoes. I don't envy the person who had to paint those originally.

    We carried on down to eventually get to the car park where our bus was waiting and we drove the short journey back to the hotel. By now it was still only 8:30 a.m. we had about an hour and a half before we needed to leave so after breakfast we had a shower and got our stuff ready.

    The journey today we knew was going to be long and so it turned out to be. After about 2 1/2 hours we stopped at a beautiful hotel on the banks of a lake where we had a delicious lunch of Sri Lankan curry.

    We continued the drive through miles and miles of Paddy Fields interspersed with small settlements and larger towns. After another brief stop and we continued on and eventually arrived in Arugam Bay at 6:00 p.m. where we checked into our hotel the Blue Wave.

    After a freshen up we wandered down thinking about going out but bumped into one of our group and ended up having a couple of beers in the hotel bar with them.

    After that we thought we might explore the town... It's out of season at the moment and so pretty quiet everywhere. The Thai hotel with a beerkeller was getting refurbished so we ended up just waking along the main road there, having a pizza in a place opposite and we were back in our room by 9.30pm.

    No early start tomorrow so it'll be a leisurely start!
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  • Day 6

    Habarana national park

    March 3 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

    It was another early start, although not as bad as yesterday with breakfast at 6.30. we left the hotel at 7 to drive about 30 minutes to the village of Habarna where our safari would be starting. This was in Hurulu eco park.

    After decamping to two open topped and sided keep you're vehicles we spent a couple of hours exploring the park. The roads were very bumpy but the results worth it with our first single elephant followed by a small family walking along through the grass.

    During the trip we also came across another lone male elephant eating at a tree and another group of three walking along the tracks. None seemed particularly bothered but our presence.

    There were numerous other sightings of elephants further into the grass along with some bird life!

    We met back up with our minibus at around 10 am for the journey back to the hotel with a quick stop at a batik 'factory'.

    We spent the next few hours first with a walk along the road to a pharmacy for some insect bite medication and then as the sun was past the yardarm, a beer and some cards in the hotel bar overlooking the pool, along with some snacks to tide us over!

    I had a swim in the pool before we both got ready to meet back up with the group for an extra tour to Dambulla.

    The bus collected us at 3pm to take us the 30 mins to the temple at Dambulla. It was still pretty warm when we arrived so we took our time walking up to the cave complex. Our tour leader took us through the 5 spectacularly decorated caves with dozens of Buddha's in and gave is an explanation in each. It was fascinating although as usual I've probably forgotten most of the detail but I do remember that it was started in the second century BC and the workmanship was impressive.

    After walking back down we had a quick stop in Dambulla before driving back to the hotel. The evening was spent relaxing and everyone did their own thing for food. Ed and I had a few beers in the hotel restaurant along with food. My choice was a lovely devilled beef meal with rice .. Sweet and sour and nicely spicy.

    We went back to the room just after 9 to sort out things out for a 5 am start to climb Sigiriya rock before a long drive to our next stop!
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  • Day 4

    Negombo to Willpatu national park.

    March 1 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    An alarm call at 6pm to give us time for a coffee before breakfast in the beachside restaurant. We needed to be ready for 8am when our bus was leaving for Willpatu national park.

    The roads in Sri Lanka are well made but the driving was slow going because of the other road users....tuktuks, people, cyclists, mopeds and stray dogs all jockeying for position.

    We stopped a few times enroute for a coffee, cash and then eventually, after over 4 hours for lunch. Lunch was arranged at a family run place where a buffet had been put on for us. The food was delicious with rice, curry and various salads finished with fresh fruit for dessert.

    After lunch we drove on for another 20 or so minutes to meet the safari drivers. We transferred in to two jeeps and then went in to the national park. The roads became far less smooth and we drove slowly through the park spotting various animals including plenty of deer, jungle fowl, lizards, birds and an elusive sloth bear.

    The roads were very bumpy and it was a bit of a relief that we arrived back at the main entrance after 4 hours! Sadly we hadn't seen any elephants or leopards.

    We then had a short drive to our accommodation, a tented camp. The tents are pretty well equipped with ensuite facilities. But, by now it was dark and so after a quick visit in our room/tent we congregated in the main eating area where we had a delicious meal consisting of a type of deep fried spring roll covered in breadcrumbs, pumpkin soup and BBQ chicken and pork with rice and veg. Pudding was a sweet orange chocolate cake.

    With an early start in the morning everyone headed for bed after food and we found ourselves back in the tent just after 9.
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  • Day 18–21


    February 28 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

    Angekommen in Weligama, nur 15 Minuten entfernt von Mirissa. Das Hotel ist echt sehr schön und 2022 von deiner Deutschen gebaut und seitdem geführt.

    1. Tag: ausschließlich Starkregen 🌧️🌧️🌧️ sodass ein Besuch im Spa und ein ordentliches Workout auf der Dachterrasse anstand.

    2. Tag: Surfing Lesson 🏄, chillen im Hotel, Lisa Sunburned 🏜️, Michi allein im "The Doctor's House"

    3. Tag: Massage, Starkregen & Gewitter mit Stromausfall ⛈️, Sport Session, Essens Chaos
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  • Day 2

    Der erste Tag

    February 26 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Wir wurden vom Geräusch eines Traktors geweckt (wahrscheinlich war es nur ein Tuktuk, aber es hörte sich nach schwerem Gerät an😃). Ein Blick auf die Uhr sagte 7Uhr - ich war ganz kurz etwas empört über den Lärm am frühen Morgen, bis mir aufging dass mein Handy noch nicht auf die lokale Uhrzeit umgestellt hatte - joa es war dann eigentlich doch schon 12.30Uhr😅👌🏼
    Die Sonne strahlte und ich sprang aus dem Bett, um gleich nach vorne zum Strand zu springen. Huuuiiiiiii das war vielleicht ein bisschen zu flott gewesen, als ich am Wasser stand drehte sich alles und die Sonne bruzzelte derart auf mich runter - wir hatten es uns ja schon ausgemalt mit der Hitze hier, aber das war auf jeden Fall ANDERS heiß! Egal, wir schauten uns ein bisschen um bevor es schnell zurück ins Kühle ging. Wir brauchten Wasser! Also zogen wir uns kurz um und gingen nach vorne. Unsere Gastgeber wünschten uns mit einem verschmitzten Lächeln einen guten Morgen, fragten uns nach unserer Nacht und wiesen uns den Weg zum nächsten kleinen Store wo wir mit Händen und Füßen ein paar Flaschen Wasser kauften.
    Wieder zurück am Haus setzten wir uns oben unter einen Pavillon und gingen die Route für die nächsten Tage miteinander durch - boah das wird einfach grandios!!!
    Wie bekamen ein Hüngerchen und bestellten das Hausgemachte Curry mit Reis. Nach kurzer Zeit wurden mehrere Schüsseln mit Bohnen, Jackfruit, Kochbananen und noch anderen Köstlichkeiten aufgetischt, dazu noch ein frischer Wassermelonensaft, geht's noch besser???!? Alles war so lecker, nur die Schärfe (obwohl wir in weiser Voraussicht extra "mild" bestellt hatten) trieb mir leicht die Tränen in die Augen😅😅👌🏼 Na da schauen wir mal wie mein Körper das so verpackt 🙈🤷🏼‍♀️😅
    Da der angekündigte Regen heute wohl doch ausblieb und sich ein herrlicher Sonnenuntergang ankündigte, gingen wir vor zum Strand. Unser Nachbar entdeckte mich direkt und wir plauderten und schauten den vielen Hunden zu, die es sich ebenfalls am Strand gemütlich gemacht hatten. Lulu und Sara kamen auch dazu und wir liefen noch ein Stück am Strand. Die Wellen spritzten, die Sonne strahlte und wir waren kollektiv verzückt von allem was wir da so sahen.
    Das war ein echt toller erster Tag! Morgen vormittag geht es weiter Richtung Sigiriya ins Landesinnere, wo wir ein absolut fanciges Hostel gebucht haben und ein paar Ausflüge machen wollen. Mal sehen was uns erwartet, wir freuen uns schon sehr :)
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