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  • Day 13

    J12 - Col de l’Oberalppass ⛰️🇨🇭

    August 22, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Réveil à 6:30 et départ à 8h ce matin pour la journée la plus corsée en dénivelé ! Nous avons pris le départ de l’auberge dans laquelle nous dormions, située à 900m d’altitude. Il faisait très frais en début de matinée malgré un grand soleil et un ciel dégagé ☀️

    Nous avons grimpé les 20 premiers kilomètres de la journée en passant à travers des villages de montagne et des stations de ski ⛷️ les 20km suivants étaient ceux du Col de l’Oberalppass, avec des pourcentages de pente assez élevés (7%-10%). Après quelques efforts dans les routes sinueuses et virages en épingle, nous avons finalement atteint le sommet à 2046m d’altitude ! Les cuisses ont encore une fois bien chauffées sur ces 40km mais les paysages en valent réellement la peine 🤩

    Au sommet, nous avons déjeuné dans un restaurant avec vue sur la vallée et toute la chaîne de montagnes. 🍽️

    En descendant nous nous sommes rendus compte que nous empruntions la même route que nous avions monté l’an dernier pour gravir le Saint Gothar ! Que de souvenirs 😎
    Nous avons principalement fait de la descente durant l’après midi et avons bouclé les 48km qui nous séparaient de notre logement en 2h. ⛰️

    Ce soir nous avons pic niqué au bord du Lac des Quatre Cantons, situé à quelques dizaines de mètres de notre logement du jour.

    C’était une journée remplie d’émotions avec des paysages à couper le souffle du début à la fin. C’est la fin des grosses étapes de vélo, demain sera beaucoup plus calme mais tout aussi beau alors ne ratez pas le prochain post 😉🫵🏻
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  • Day 3–6

    Dag 2-4

    August 16, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Dag 2 was lekker wakker worden na een succesvolle eerste dag. Op en schitterende locatie ontbijten en daarna weer lekker aan de wandel gegaan. Het was deze dag alleen maar bergafwaarts, wat niet perse makkelijker is maar wel sneller. Ik zou ongeveer de zelfde afstand afleggen als de dag ervoor. Helaas kwam ik tijdens een heel technisch stukje in de afdaling verkeerd neer op mijn enkel waardoor ik er veel last van had. Ik ben toen rustig verder gegaan met het doel om die dag op een camping te slapen in Engelberg. Onderweg heb ik nog wat lekkers gegeten bij een lokaal restaurantje. Toen ik op de camping was aangekomen heb ik rustig mijn tent op gezet en heb ik mijn voet even ingesmeerd en gemasseerd om zo snel mogelijk te herstellen. Ook kon ik lekker douchen en na een stukje lezen in mijn boek kon ik lekker gaan slapen. De volgende 2 dagen waren erg regenachtig waardoor ik besloot om die 2 dagen lekker op de camping te blijven en goed te herstellen voor de laatste dagen van mijn reis.Read more

  • Day 3

    Dag 1

    August 16, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Dag 1 was een heftige taak, 2000 meter steigen om uiteindelijk bij Surenenpass uit te komen. Het uitzicht was vanuit overal magisch. Telkens als ik dacht dat ik er bijna was kwam er nog een berg tevoorschijn, het zuurstofgehalte voelde ik dalen hoe hoger ik kwam. Het laatste stukje was echt even doorbijten maar uiteindelijk is het gelukt. Na een hele dag wandelen was het dan eindelijk tijd om een slaapplekje uit te zoeken. Net na Surenenpass was een perfect plekje voor mijn tent, ik heb toen rustig alles opgezet, me gewassen in een beekje en lekker gegeten. Toen ik net in slaap viel kwam er een groepje koeien even kijken bij mijn tent, eentje was wel heel erg nieuwsgierig dus heb ik ze met een kreet weg geprobeerd te jagen. Dat maar half, 1 van de koeien die was niet zo blij met mij en bleef maar in de buurt, na een half uur heb ik ze dan eindelijk allemaal weg kunnen jagen zodat ik rustig door kon slapen.Read more

  • Day 27

    27. Flueli Ranft

    March 2, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Today we woke to beautiful sunshine, we left our funny farmyard campsite and decided to head up the mountain road to go for a walk. After climbing the van to 1380mtrs, we decided to stop as it was going to be a long way down and we could see the road disappeared up into snow... Erm no thank you 😂. The views were amazing and we enjoyed a walk in the sunshine.

    Afterwards, we headed to Aldi to do a food shop as we have an exciting plan for the next few days. We are back tracking abit and heading back to the same free park up as yesterday as Grangee has said to look at the Lauterbrunnen valley. Upon researching, we have found out that we can go on Europe's longest sledge run and looks unbelievably scenic. The sledge run is 11km in total, we will be getting a bus upto 1800mtrs and then climbing ourselves another 800 mtrs to the start of the sledge run.

    We have found a lovely but extremely expensive campsite at Lauterbrunnen to make base at 1300mtrs so we can explore these 2 snowy valleys. Jungfrau is a renowned skii resort and we are super stoked to do this sledge run. It can take anywhere between 30 mins and 1.1/2 so we may have time to do a couple of runs. This ticks 2 boxes for us, Climbing nearly to the top of an Alp mountain and also having the fun of sledging all the way down..

    We took Maddy on a long walk and then played basketball for a bit before planning tomorrows movements into the snow! The campsite we are heading to tomorrow is currently having heavy snow and is - 5 in the day, so I'm sure it will be an adventure!!
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  • Day 9

    Titlis and Engelberg

    October 13, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    The perfect end to a wonderful trip....

    I spent the day on top of Titlis mountain in Engelberg. We took a cable car up to 10,000 feet and explored the top of the alps.

    I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and did all the excursions. Thanks to my guide Nikos for making me challenge my fear of heights on the bridge!

    On our way down the mountain, my friends and I got in a canoe on a gorgeous lake. After coming down the mountain, I indulged in some much needed alone time. I sat in the grass by a lake for a few hours, soaking up my last sunny day in Europe.
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  • Day 3

    Jour 3 - Sous toutes les météos

    July 24, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Première journée de vélo pour l’équipe Velocity!
    L’étape du jour? Zurich-Altdorf soit 75km pour 1000m de dénivelé positif 🚴🏽🚴🏻‍♀️🚴🏼‍♂️🚴🏽

    Démarrage corsé avec de grosses côtes en début de parcours pour quitter Zurich. Les cuisses ont chauffé durant toute la matinée pour venir à bout des 30km/600m D+ qui nous séparaient de notre pause dej 😮‍💨

    Après la dernière côte de la matinée, nous avons pu déguster nos sandwichs à 730m d’altitude avec une vue imprenable sur Allenwinden et ses alentours 😎

    Quelques kilomètres après notre pause dej, nous avons longé le lac de Oberägeri et nous n’avons pas résisté à y piquer une tête pour nous refroidir 😋
    A peine sortis de l’eau, la pluie s’est jointe au voyage allant même jusqu’à l’averse de grêle et les coups de tonnerre ⛈️

    Mais nous y étions préparés ! Les surchaussures, pantalons et vestes imperméables nous ont permis de rester au sec jusqu’à l’arrivée ✌🏼

    Finalement, nous avons mis pied à terre vers 19h dans une auberge où nous passerons la nuit. Repos bien mérité pour l’équipe avant d’attaquer la plus grosse journée du voyage demain ! 😳

    Alors suivez ça de près, demain on grimpe un des cols historique des Alpes, ce sera dur mais les images seront belles 😉

    Bonne nuit 😘
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  • Day 61

    A day on the lake

    July 20, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Today we all woke up slowly and got ready for the day. We had a good breakfast of coffee, peanut butter and banana on toast before hitting the road to Lucerne. Once again had my star navigator to get me through the city and we made it. We walked around the beautiful lake to the tourist information to suss out what activities we wanted to do for the day. We then went in search of a deli sandwich for Liisa around the old town. We walked over this wooden bridge with flowers all along which was beautiful. We did find a small bakery and Liisa found what she was looking for.
    We then headed back to the lake to ride on a pedal boat! All 4 of us could fit on it. Liisa and I jumped on the pedalling first and it wasn't the smoothest process. The boat didn't handle too well at all which was a concern considering there was boats and ferries also in the lake. We enjoyed the views and the sun. We switched pedallers and I even got to enjoy my crossiant on the boat. Kate and Erin had a moment of anxiety returning the boat to the parking, however the lady on the dock kindly hooked us in. Kate said she almost got hooked...
    We then returned to the car and headed to Bauen. We detoured to grab a sticker that allows you to use toll roads, but is some how managed police? Then we were back on the road without threat of big swiss fines. We drove again along the lake with full view of the mountains and after some driving through very small towns, very small roads we reached our destination. It was a small little town on a lake with quant houses. Did a 5 minute walk to see all the town, then headed for a drink on the banks of the lake. We watched the ferries come in, a highlight or lowlight depending on your perspective was watching this crewman try and throw the rope around a post. He missed about 5 times before succeeding.
    We then got changed and went for a swim. The beaches were not sandy and the rocks were quite sharp. We would have looked like such tourists tip toeing our way to the water, while locals had water shoes on. The water was fresh but we all jumped under. We then had to battle our way out of the water via the rocks. Liisa led Erin out, like Erin was 90 stumbling over the rocks. I wasn't much better, hands were used during the ascent. We laid out and took in the stunning views before heading back to Zurich.
    We headed back out to Zurich via the train and went to a beerhall for dinner. It was a chaotic, noisy vibe but the food and the beer were great. Heading back I wanted to go against the gps and get off at a different tram station. Kate was brave enough to come with me, but I chose wrong and we ended up running back for the train. A good burst of exercise for the gals though.
    We had such a fun full first day exploring Switzerland!
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  • Day 2

    Etappe 2 - erledigt.

    May 24, 2023 in Switzerland ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

    Nach der etwas nassen 2ten Etappe sind wir gut gelaunt und hochmotiviert für morgen in Attinghausen angekommen. Gemäß dem Schild ist der Gotthardpass offen, so dass wir für morgen (bis jetzt) noch keine Ausreden haben. Jetzt warten wir auf Gisela und Oli, der ab morgen die letzten 5 Etappen mitfährt. Und füllen die Energiespeicher wieder auf.Read more

  • Day 8–9

    Switzerland to Italy (Pisa and Florence)

    September 12, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

    We woke up early and had breakfast and got onto the coach heading towards Italy. It was quite a long drive; I slept most of the way, and Paul stayed up. The first stop was in Pisa with a guided tour of the town and, of course, The Leaning Tower. Our guide, Laura, explained the Tuscany Region, which includes Florence, Pisa, Luca and Sienna. She then took us into the main square, which includes the Duomo Cathedral, the Babtistry (which still does Babtisms to this day and at which Galileo was baptised), an elite cemetary (where people are still buried to this day!) and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The architecture is very beautiful and ornate. We got to go inside the Duomo, in which we learned that a long time ago, a fire had started in the ceiling and the whole roof collapsed, taking down several original frescos (huge wall paintings) with it. The ceiling was rebulit using wood and covered in 24k gold (plated) leaf. All of the original frescos have been replaced by large oil paintings on the walls. Only part of one of the original frescos remains in the Cathedral. Also inside the Cathedral is a very detailed alter made by Giovanni Pizzano, in which the whole top is made of one giant piece of marble with people carved into. It is so intricate! There is also a sarcophagus (fancy burial site) of Saint Ranieri in the Duomo. People still go there to pray and light candles in his honor. We then saw the amazing and beautiful site of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We learned about its history, including that it was built and designed in different time periods and styles; each tier unique in its own way. We also learned that the Leaning Tower of Pisa is actually a bell tower that contains 7 bells inside. It was once used as a "giant musical instrument," as our guide explained, using all 7 bells. Today, the bell tower still rings, but only one time a week on Sundays and using only one bell. This is because if all the bells rang at the same time, it might destroy the tower! We them had some free time to take ridiculous pictures of ourselves "pushing" and "holding" the tower. It was definitely a thing to do there; everyone was doing the same thing! We also walked along the side streets in the square, which had shops and restaurants. We found a small, unique shoe store that caught our eye, and we decided to "just have a look." They had such nice, real, Tuscany-made leather shoes. We spoke to the store clerk who told us that this is his family's store which has been running for 3 generations with a leather factory right outside of Luca in Tuscany (about 40 minutes from Pisa). He explained the different types of leather that are used (in his particular store, calf and buffalo), the different quality and authenticity of the leather and the ability of leather to stretch and mold to your foot. Paul was sold, having already wanted to purchase a pair of loafers for some time and splurged on a pair of beautiful light brown loafers. We probably could have stayed and each bought 3 pairs of shoes there, but we were on a time crunch to meet up with our group again. We then headed back to the coach for our last stretch of driving for today, heading to Florence. There, we checked into the hotel and went to an included dinner at the hotel.Read more

  • Ankunft in Beckenried

    July 2, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Die Fahrt nach Beckenried am Vierwaldstätter See verlief erstaunlich reibungslos für einen Wochentag.
    Im Hotel werden wir herzlichen begrüßt und fühlen uns gleich wohl.
    Es ist unser 35. Hochzeitstag. Wir lassen es also ruhig angehen.
    Ein Spaziergang durch den Ort, ein wenig auf der Terrasse sitzen und das Sommermenu im Restaurant genießen.
    Das Wetter ist besser als vorhergesagt. Hoffentlich ist das morgen auch so, da haben wir nämlich eine Reservierung für die Pilatusbahn.
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