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  • Day 9

    Day 9 - Switzerland hike #4

    October 4, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    Today the plan was to take the train in the opposite direction from Wengen to Kleine Scheidegg which was at 2,061 M. As we were travelling by train, Bob and I realized that the snow on the ground would not be good for him walking. We didn’t want to spoil the fun of the others, so said we would take the train back down and repeat some of the hike we did on Tuesday from Lauterbrunnen.
    Janet and Gary decided to join us, so Sharon and Steve went on their way. They had a great hike, but it was a smart decision for us as it would have been too slippery for Bob.
    The trip to Lauterbrunnen by train was nice, we then walked towards the Trummelbachfalle Falls and then continued from there to Schilthorn. We had our lunch while walking and the weather was wet, but not as cold as up the mountain for sure. We turned around in Schilthorn and walked back to Lauterbrunnen for another visit to Flavours Coffee shop. We enjoyed a treat there and then took the train back to Wengen, opting not to do a repeat of yesterday’s hike, nor the one we did on Tuesday. We met up with Sharon and Steve at the Coop for more dinner supplies and things for our final morning in Wengen. Sharon, Steve and Gary did a hike from the Coop and Janet, Bob and I carried the groceries back to the apartment.
    This was a nice day and a good chance for Bob to give his knee a bit of a break. The weather was damp and cool, but manageable. I dug out an extra layer today which I hadn’t really thought I would need when I packed, but sure glad I had the option. We are leaving Switzerland tomorrow evening for Split, Croatia. We will be spending a couple of nights in Split before meeting up with the Bike Tour group on Monday morning.
    Tonight, we had another dinner in which was a great meal. We are making our plans for our departure in the morning. It will be a busy day of travel. Trains and planes.
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  • Day 14

    Day 14: Going on a treasure hunt 💎

    April 24, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    I'm alive! It's been a hot minute since I did an upload. It's 30th April and I'm currently uploading this from a hostel in Salzburg, Austria lol (better late than never!)

    So I bumped into a British guy at my hostel who actually lives in Interlaken. We got talking and he said that he goes gold panning in a little village called Brenzikofen. And if I was interested he'd send me the directions (as there was little to no signal out there).

    After a train ride and 30 minute hike into the woods, I arrived at a random shed full of gold panning equipment (complete with a Shrek-style shed opposite) 🤣🤣

    I spent an hour (attempting) to gold pan. Sadly, no golden nuggets were found but I hand a great time swirling dirt around 😂
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  • Day 1–2

    J0 - Départ depuis Annecy

    March 1, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 6 °C

    Ça y est ! C'est le grand départ. Je monte dans le train. Je m'y attendais mais le départ est difficile, la tristesse de quitter Nils et l'appréhension se font ressentir.

    J'enchaîne 3 trains pour arriver à Berne où je vais faire ma première nuit. L'auberge est sympa, en particulier la dame de l'accueil qui me conseille, me donne le plan de la ville, et m'annonce qu'une française est dans ma chambre. Plus tard dans la soirée je ferai sa rencontre, et coïncidence, c'est aussi son premier jour de voyage interrail et demain soir on dort dans la même auberge ! Belle surprise !

    Demain visite de Berne au programme, après une bonne nuit je l'espère.
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  • Day 59

    Asien 24/25 Finale Gedanken und Worte🫶🏼

    February 7 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Nach 60 Tagen reisen in Süd-Ost Asien, sitze ich jetzt im Zug von Zürich nach Bern. In weniger als einer Stunde ist meine Reise offiziell vorbei und ich bin wieder zu Hause. Ich sitze hier mit einem Kopf voller Gedanken zu den letzten zwei Monaten und kann mir nicht helfen einige Tränen zu vergiessen.

    16 Flüge, 4 Busfahrten, 4 Fähren, 2 Zug Fahrten, 52 TukTuk Fahrten, einige Minivans, einige Taxis, 17 Hostels, 2 Hotels, 2 Air BnB´s, 5 Roller gemietet und damit über 600km gefahren, über 27´000km herumgereist und dabei 4 Länder gesehen. Philippinen, Singapur, Laos und Thailand.

    In den letzten zwei Monaten durfte ich so viele schöne Orte sehen, so viele tolle, herzliche und hilfsbereite Menschen kennenlernen, so viele ungewisse Abendteuer erleben und so viele unvergessliche Erinnerungen sammeln. Dankbarkeit. Ich verspüre einfach nur ganz viel Dankbarkeit. Zu wissen, dass es dort so viele Menschen gibt, welche es in ihrem Leben knapp aus ihrem Dorf geschafft haben oder noch nie in der Hauptstadt ihres Landes waren, und ich einmal um die halbe Welt gereist bin, um diese Orte zu sehen, verleiht mir dieses krasse Gefühl von Dankbarkeit. Diese Reise gemacht haben zu dürfen ist ein absolutes Privileg, welchem ich mir jetzt noch viel mehr bewusst bin als zuvor.

    Ich durfte viel sehen und erleben. Erinnerungen, Abendteuer, Momente und Menschen, welche ich nie vergessen werden. Eindrücke welche für eine lange Zeit bleiben werden.

    Momentan kann ich es noch gar nicht glauben, dass diese Reise überhaupt stattgefunden hat und somit ist es für mich noch absolut surreal, dass es auch schon vorbei ist. Ich gehe mit einem glücklichen und einem traurigen Auge nach Hause. Einerseits freue ich mich wieder in der Schweiz zu sein und andererseits bin ich schon ein wenig traurig, dass es vorbei ist. Trotzdem finde ich, dass 2 Monate eine gute Zeit waren und irgendetwas in mir sagt, dass jetzt ein guter Zeitpunkt ist, um nach Hause zu gehen.
    Ich freue mich meine Leute wieder zu sehen und mit ihnen zu quatschen und einfach zusammen die Zeit geniessen. Ich freue mich darauf, wieder selber zu kochen. Ich freue mich darauf, wieder eine gewisse Routine zu haben. Und zuletzt freue ich mich, heute Abend in meinem Bett zu schlafen.

    Jetzt brauche ich erstmals ein wenig Zeit, um die letzten 60 Tage zu verarbeiten…

    Mercii Ronja & Mascha simer zämä uf die Reis und hei ganz viu tolls zämä erläbt. Liebi für öich!!
    Mercii ah aui wo die brichte g´läse hei oder ds ganze über anderi soziali medie verfolgt hei!
    Mercii bisch derbi gsi!

    Mercii wäut bisch du so wunderschön und darfi gseh was du z´biete hesch!
    Salamat po! ຂອບໃຈ (khobchai)! ขอบคุณ (khàawp khun)! Thank you!
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  • Day 6


    December 21, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 39 °F

    We drove from Colmar to Bern, we stopped for lunch in Basel and had a little adventure. We got confused about the parking for the restaurant and ended up having to walk 15!min through a children’s petting zoo to get to Restaurant Park. Upon arrival we realized there was a parking lot directly in front of the restaurant. We arrived to Bern Klaus had to check into the hotel at a box and they lowered the steel beams to drive into the pedestrian zone (this was hectic as it was packed with people for the market). We checked into Hotel Savoy while he then had to go find a parking garage. We made our way to the beautifully decorated markets and enjoyed gluehwein and beers. Walking to dinner we checked out some cool stores that are under ground. Dinner was at Noumi a delicious restaurant with a cool atmosphere and DJ. We had one final drink at a local bar before calling it a night.Read more

  • Day 3

    Bern to Montreaux to Carema

    October 9, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    Switzerland- Clean, mountains and lakes and rivers! Cheese, fondue, chocolate, and wine! However it is expensive. We enjoyed our brief few days driving through the Alps- seeing so many gorgeous mountains, towns and villages.
    Today was no exception. Our first stop was Bern. Another gorgeous mid sized town with the Aare River running through it and gorgeous mountains surrounding it.
    Bern, the capital city of Switzerland, is built around a crook in the Aare River. It traces its origins back to the 12th century, with medieval architecture preserved in the Altstadt (Old Town). The Swiss Parliament and diplomats meet in the Neo-Renaissance Bundeshaus (Federal Palace). The Französische Kirche (French Church) and the nearby medieval tower known as the Zytglogge both date to the 13th century.

    Perhaps the most famous Bern landmark is the bear pit, where bears have been kept on display at the city's expense since 1480. Old Bern was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983. The University of Bern was founded in 1834 and incorporates the Theological School (founded 1528).

    Bern cannot be completed without visiting the colourful fashion boutiques on the famous shopping Marktgasse Street. It is also a site to nine astonishing fountains with unique sculptures.

    We then headed to Montreaux on Lake Geneva to visit the site of this permanent exhibition, Queen: The Studio Experience, is housed in the former premises of Mountain Studios, the legendary recording studio that Queen acquired in 1979 and which itself is located within the current Casino Barrière in Montreux.

    And we walked along Lake Geneva to the statue of Freddy Mercury given to the city of Montreaux by the surviving band members as a memorial to their friend.

    We drove the St Bernard Pass (tunnel) to Carema, Italy for our next Airbnb.
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  • Day 8

    Day 8 - Switzerland - hike #3

    October 3, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Today we walked to the train station in Wengen and went to Lauterbrunnen. From there we took the cable car to Grutschalp where we walked to Murren on a flat trail through farm fields and along the railway line. The weather was cool, rainy and unfortunately still rather foggy. From there we continued on another trail that was supposed to be fairly flat. We were headed to Allmendhubel. It was supposed to be a fairly flat trail, but it wasn’t. It was uphill through cow pasture and shale rock. Extremely challenging for Bob’s knee. Sadly, he even managed to break his hiking pole along the way, but Sharon found him a stick. When we arrived at Allmendhubel we were able to get a coffee and some snacks. It was also a nice warm place for us to sit and dry out a bit. From there we took the cable car back down to Murren and then the train back to Lauterbrunnen. We were going to take the train back to Wengen but decided why not walk back like we did before. It was only one and a half hours so why not. Sharon and Steve went ahead as they walked faster. They were stopping at the Coop for supplies again before going to the apartment. Janet and Gary decided to walk with us even though we were going to be going slowly. While on the trail (which remember we did before and we knew where we were going), we met some local older gentlemen who pointed a direction and said it was easier. We looked at the trail and it was flatter, so we thought why not. Well after about 15 minutes the trail changed – it was known as the ‘hard’ trail, and it went straight up over logs and rocks and very slippery and muddy conditions. We carried on, found more walking sticks for Janet, Bob and me. We were not happy, but we kept going up. We saw an option that we thought would get us onto the train tracks so we could catch the train, but we were not in the right spot. The train conductor was not impressed and waved his hands at us in a very negative tone. We then went back on the hard trail and continued going up over bad trails. We came across an alternate trail, but it was through a farmer’s field with electric fences. We scrambled along and FINALLY found a road with a marked trail pointing in the correct direction. We were about 1 KM from the apartment – of course directly uphill. We finally arrived and boy where we tired.
    Tonight, we decided to try a local restaurant, The Taverne Restaurant, we all tried some traditional dishes and did lots of sharing. Was a wonderful meal with great service.
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  • Day 43

    Cirque Knie

    August 16, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    Trop de signes sur ma route ce matin, à la 4ème publicité je me suis dit que je devais envisager de profiter d’aller voir Knie à Berne.
    Aucun regret, les athlètes-artistes sont extraordinaires 🥰

  • Day 39

    Soirée copines

    August 12, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    Ce soir j’ai retrouvé Noemie et Aina à la sortie du travail. Et Calypso aussi bien sûr 🐶
    On a été acheter un petit snack et on a marché jusqu’au camping de Eichholz. Calypso a rafraîchit ses pattes sur le chemin 😂
    On voulait se baigner car il a fait très chaud aujourd’hui mais en fait l’orage est arrivé… donc on a mangé au restaurant du camping. J’ai demandé un verre de lait avec mon cookie, c’était le Highlight de la soirée pour le serveur je crois 🙄
    Au retour on a eu un joli double arc en ciel.
    C’était trop bien de les retrouver ❤️❤️❤️
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  • Day 39

    Descente de l’Aar en paddle

    August 12, 2024 in Switzerland ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Aujourd’hui je suis partie à l’aventure avec Amadée, mon paddle de luxe.
    2h30 de descente, l’eau était très bonne et je me suis pas renversée même dans les rapides 😂 ou les moments d’inattentions et je me suis retrouvée dans les branches.
    Je craignais un peu de faire seule et de pas avoir un vrai bateau mais c’était trop bien ☺️ et magnifique comme d’habitude.
    Je n’ai pas rencontré de dauphins ou de baleines mais par contre les libellules sont souvent venues me rendre visite 🥰
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