Southampton: A Pre-Embarkation Stroll

This being our third time in Southampton, we had no real sightseeing plans today. Having spent the majority of yesterday sitting, however, we felt that a stroll around town would not go amiss. AfterRead more
This being our third time in Southampton, we had no real sightseeing plans today. Having spent the majority of yesterday sitting, however, we felt that a stroll around town would not go amiss. AfterRead more
Episode 3 – National Motor Museum:
Nach unserem Besuch in der World of Top Gear machten wir uns auf zum nächsten Stopp unseres Ausflugs: das National Motor Museum selbst.
Auch hier konnten wirRead more
Took the train from London to Southampton today. It took around 1.5 hours and was lovely to see some of the countryside. Hotel is above our expectations and is gorgeous. Porter collected our bags fromRead more
Guten Morgen Southampton. 7 Uhr, oder englische Zeitzone 6 Uhr, haben wir in Southampton angelegt. Heute geht es mit dem Bus nach London. Aber erst, nachdem wir das Facecheck (Passkontrolle) hinterRead more
Southampton ist eine wichtige Hafenstadt an der Südküste Englands, reichlich bekannt, da hier die berühmt-berüchtigte RMS Titanic im Jahre 1912 zu ihrer ersten und letzten Jungfernfahrt aufbrach.Read more
Our travel luck held! We are now settled into our room at the Southampton Holiday Inn … 90 minutes earlier than expected!
The first bus ride — from Stansted Airport to the Victoria Coach StationRead more
Wie bekannt, liegt unser Schiff aktuell in Cowes, einem kleinen, charmanten Ort auf der Isle of Wight. Die erste Nacht dort haben wir königlich verbracht. Nämlich in der Marina des Royal Yacht ClubRead more
Nach einer fast endlosen Busfahrt sind wir endlich auf dem Schiff angekommen. Den langen Weg vom CheckIn bis zur Sicherheit auf dem Schiff wurde die Mensch gerollt, so dass es dann doch etwasRead more
Day Two : We departed Yarmouth, following the directions on our self guided cycling tour of the Isle of Wight. The total bike journey today was 39km to The White Mouse Inn at Chale.
DepartingRead more
I am so tired right now, but it was a great day wandering Southampton!
I got woken up before 7 to someone trying to get into my room (one of the cleaning people or whatever, which I don't know whyRead more
Thanks for the photo tour of Southampton, Erin! Looks like a fun place to explore, even in wintery temperatures. Wishing you a Bon Voyage on your crossing and safe and happy travels home. [Mary O. Greenberg]
Two to Travel Thank you … in Vigo today … first of three ports of call before the crossing.
Traveler I hope you have a wonderful crossing! For a future visit, taking the high speed (1/2 hour) ferry from Southampton to the Cowes/Isle of Wight is fun.…. We also really enjoyed the Titanic exhibit at the Southampton Maritime Museum.
Two to Travel We’ve done all but the Isle of Wight/Cowes … maybe next year. Enjoyed the exhibit and museum.