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  • Day 3

    Queen Mary 2 Setting Sail!

    June 23, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

    This afternoon I headed off to the boat to New York! It took almost an hour from the time I got there till I got to my room, which considering how many people there were was not bad. I thought it was going to take a lot longer than that. They obviously know what they are doing, and I was wearing my mask the whole time as I do when I am inside and ready to take it off if someone needed to see my face to verify it is me and all. Well, I had a hat on as well and the lady at check-in was looking like she was trying to figure out if it was me or not against my photo and I started to say "oh, do you need me to take off my mask," but I didn't get that far cause I took off my hat as I was talking and she said "oh, there's your hair" and that was good enough. It made me laugh.

    I got to my room and it is pretty nice. The balcony is huge! I did a few laps on the upper deck you can walk around on (and it has lots of comfy looking lounge chairs to sit on!) and found the pool (which looks bigger in the photo - it is pretty small), and some spare propeller parts at the front of the ship. We started sailing and it is so flat I cannot even tell we are moving unless I see the water. It is also silent - I can only hear the water and people on deck and stuff. I have never been on a ship this quiet and Raymond was looking up info about it and said it was just retrofitted last year with a fancy new engine in a soundproof room which is really nice. Also all the freshwater is supplied by three seawater desalination plants! Crazy! So fancy!

    I was reading in my room when it got loud all of a sudden so I went to my balcony to spy and this little boat came up right under my balcony and picked someone up! I was like what in the world?? And I told Raymond and he was just like that was probably the harbor pilot. I guess big boats don't drive themselves in and out of the harbor - there are special people in each harbor that do it instead because they know the currents and depths and all of that. I learned so much today! I never knew that was a thing!

    I didn't explore that much, I kept going up to the buffet area to get water and tea (which is where you get to the outside deck from) and ended up doing a lap outside every time cause I would go spy and well once you start walking around you have to spy on all sides right? I did so many laps I didn't explore much else, but that will be for tomorrow. There is a sign on deck that said 3 laps is 1.1 miles, 2 laps is 1.1 km so I did at least 3.3 km (I can't remember how many times I walked around out there, but at least 6! But that and all the walking around town this morning was a lot of walking).

    Sunset was pretty nice - I am on the wrong side of the boat for it, but I looked out and the sky was pretty so up I went for another walk around the deck! The sunset reflecting on the propeller parts was fun. And when I was coming back in I thought I would spy on the buffet again and found a banana chocolate mousse cake thing that I could eat - and it was super tasty! So far the food has been pretty good (though they had a different chocolate mousse cake thing earlier that was...not great. And I was too hungry when dinner got here to remember to take a photo of that - I ordered room service as the buffet wasn't what I wanted, but I am happy with all the vegan options they have!).

    The weather tomorrow is supposed to stay good so hopefully it does! If it is like this the whole time that would be perfect, but I don't really expect it will be. We shall see! It is a fun adventure!
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  • Day 11

    Southampton / London

    May 18, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Der Tag fing mit einem imposanten Bild im Hafen an. Fünf Kreuzfahrer waren in Southampton (die Aurora und die Iona von P&O Cruises, die Norvegian Star von NCL, die MSC Virtuosa von MSC und die Mein Schiff 3 von TUI Cruises).
    Für uns ging es auf einen 10-Stunden-Ausflug nach London (3 Stunden hin - 4 Stunden Aufenthalt - 3 Stunden zurück). Durch wenig Verkehr und einem zügig fahrenden Fahrer hatten wir bei 2,5 Stunden Hin- und Rückfahrt tatsächlich 5 Stunden Aufenthalt - toll!
    Es wurde auch ein sehr guter Bus bereitgestellt mit viel Beinfreiheit (auch für uns großen Menschen!) und sehr bequemen Sitzen.
    London ist schon begeisternd. Wir wurden am London Eye rausgelassen und sind dann die Runde über den Big Ben, den Trafalgar Square, den Buckingham Palace, den Hyde Park, zurück auf der Rückseite des Buckingham Palace und durch das "moderne" London über die Westminster Abbey zurück zum London Eye und somit zum Bus.
    London war überall tierisch voll, die Straße zum Buckingham Palace für alle Fahrzeuge gesperrt, sodass wir mitten auf der Straße zum Palast schlendern konnten.
    Wie angekündigt war es wettertechnisch bis zum Nachmittag bedeckt bei angenehmen Temperaturen, nachmittags kam dann die Sonne raus. Also perfektes Ausflugswetter!
    Zum Schluss hatten wir noch ein wenig Zeit und haben noch Fish & Chips gegessen - der Abschluss eines perfekten Tages in der britischen Hauptstadt!
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  • Day 11

    A day out in Southampton UK

    May 12, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    We decided to get off the ship in Southampton for a few hours. We checked out a historic Tudor home/museum/garden, walked thru the old village a bit, popped into a bookstore (because we can’t resist one) and we had a great fish and chip lunch. And we got in a nice walk on a very beautiful day.Read more

  • Day 5

    Lymington und der New Forest

    May 10, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Mit dem Bus gings heute nach Süden durch Hampshire durch nach Lymington. Beschaulich, viele ältere Menschen, unglaublich viele 2nd Hand Läden, die irgendwie Charity unterstützen. Also von der Katzenhilfe angefangen, über Veteranen, Brustkrebs, Kinder. Irgendwie ist jedes 2. Geschäft ein Laden. Laut Zeitung der 5. teuerste Ort in GB.
    Wir genießen die heiße Sonne mitten im Jachthafen. Rundherum Boote aller Art zu verkaufen.
    Die Fahrt führte durch wunderschöne Landschaften. Großes Weideland mit Pferden und Eseln, bewachsen mit riesigen Ginsterbüschen, fettiggrüne Laubwälder, vorwiegend die englischen Eichen und Buchen. Alle Orte kleine Schmuckstücke, teilweise gibt es noch Reetdächer zu bestaunen. Überall sind Wanderwege und Radrouten ausgeschildert.
    Um mehr davon zu erleben, steigen wir in Lynhurst aus. Mitten im New Forest. Wir starten eine kleine Rundwanderung, verschmausen eine kleine Jause in einem entzückendem Pubgarten, freuen uns über die grauen Eichhörnchen.
    Beim Warten auf den Bus fallen mir in der warmen Sonne, auf der Wiese liegend die Augen kurz zu. Mindestens 10 Mal habe ich heute vor Dankbarkeit festgestellt, wie schön wir es haben. Wie schön und einfach, weil hier wirklich alle lieb und freundlich sind.
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  • Day 38


    July 14, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

    Nach einem sehr schönen Abschlussabend folgte heute standesgemäß das Frühstück im Royal Ocean Racing Club.
    Am Mittag gehts per high speed Ferry nach Southampton und dann weiter per Bus nach Heathrow. Nach fünf Wochen freue ich mich sehr auf die Heimkehr!Read more

  • Day 5

    New Forest

    June 27, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Wir haben uns für eine zweite Nacht auf der Mill House Farm Campsite entschieden, um heute eine längere Wanderung durch den New Forest zu machen.
    Verwunschene Waldgegenden wechseln sich mit großen weitläufigen Heidelandschaften und Lichtungen ab. Uralte Bäume, freilaufende Pferde und viele braune Eichhörnchen konnten wir entdecken. Auf halber Strecke hat uns das Oat Inn mit leckeren Sandwiches und einem gemütlichen Ambiente überrascht.
    In das idyllische Örtchen Lyndhurst sind wir leider zu spät gekommen. Die Cafés und Teestuben schließen um 17h.
    Der Wohlstand ist in der Fläche eher unscheinbar, aber der weitläufige Ferrari Store wird wohl nicht ohne Grund hier sein. An die 20 Modelle konnten besichtigt werden.
    Der anschließende Golfplatz ist Heimat der freilaufenden Pferde und auch wir durften dort einfach durchwandern. Sehr liberale Community.
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  • Day 6

    Day 3 Lymington.

    April 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Set off after breakfast to drive to Highclere Castle of Downton Abbey fame, Newbury. Arrived at 10.45 am. Luckily we were able to purchase tickets sold to us by the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon. George and Fiona. Spent two and half hours looking through the house and gardens. Absolutely stunning. Had lunch in the gardens. From there we drove to Winchester Cathederal. Spent an hour or so looking in and around the buildings. Again absolutely stunning. Drove back to the hotel arriving at 4.15pm. Another beautiful sunny day.Read more

  • Day 6


    February 6 in England ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    Heute kam ein bisschen Titanic Feeling auf. Zum Glück nicht aufgrund einer Kollision mit einem Eisberg 😅 sondern wir legten heute im Starthafen dieser an. Da wir uns das Titanic Museum bereits letztes Jahr angeschaut haben, schlenderten wir etwas durch die Stadt. Da das Schiff bei unserer Rückkehr relativ leer war, nutzten wir die Gunst der Stunde und waren im Spa.
    Nur noch morgen und dann heißt es auch schon wieder „Moin Hamburg“.
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  • Day 87

    Embarking Encore & Bye Bye Southampton

    December 3, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 41 °F

    With check-out from the Southampton Holiday Inn set for 11:00a, I had chosen the 10:30-11:00a slot for embarking Encore.

    Ubering over to the Horizon Terminal — a short 5 minute ride from the hotel — we joined Deniz and got in line for the check-in formalities.

    The first line was for the security check-point … long but moving along at a steady pace. What came as a surprise was that we were asked to remove laptops from carry-on bags. We had to take off jackets, watches, and belts as well … and anyone with clunky boots had to remove their footwear, too. Don’t remember ever having to do this at a cruise port before.

    The next line wasn’t a line at all … we were directed to the check-in counter immediately and had our cabin keycards in hand within a minute or two. It was nice not having to repeat everything we had already completed online. Then came the waiting. With the ship coming from dry dock there were no disembarking passengers, so this was a surprise. Finally, about 30 minutes later, our group was called and we made our way aboard.

    Muster drills since the COVID-19 pandemic have changed. Seldom is there an in-person drill anymore. Instead, we are sent a link to watch the safety video before embarking the ship. Once aboard, passengers head to the muster station indicated on their keycards to check-in. This ensures that everyone knows where their muster station is in the unlikely event of an emergency. So, to our respective muster stations we went once we were scanned aboard. (By the way, a more extensive video is on the in-cabin TV, which must be watched before one can switch to any other channel)

    With the ship arriving empty from dry dock our expectation was that the cabins would be ready for us immediately upon embarkation. This wasn’t the case … still not sure why. So, we went to have lunch instead. In addition to the buffet at the Garden Café, several dining venues were open to accommodate the 3,000+ passengers sailing on this cruise (well below the ship’s 3,998 max at double occupancy). We opted to go to Taste, one of the smaller complimentary dining rooms on the ship … good food and good service.

    By the time our lunch was over, the cabins were ready, so we split up to go to our cabins … us on deck 10 aft; Deniz on deck 10 forward. Not all of our luggage was delivered yet, so we decided to go off on an exploratory wander around the ship instead. By the time we returned to the cabin an hour later, all of our bags were waiting for us. It didn’t take long for us to find a place for everything we wanted to unpack … thanks in part to having once again used our Biaggi zipcubes.

    Having settled into our cabin, we were free to enjoy Encore’s departure from Southampton as the sun set over the horizon. The sailaway from this port is not a very exciting one. We watched from our balcony anyway as Encore maneuvered its bow toward the English Channel and the city lights slowly came on.

    We went to the Manhattan Room — the main dining room — for dinner … another good meal. The show tonight headlined Chris Burke in “Legends of Soul.” Mui and Deniz went to check it out, but neither found it entertaining enough to stay the entire 45 minutes. Oh well.

    Tonight we have an unexpected time change … losing an hour as we head east to Spain. This will be the only time we have to set our clocks forward on this trip. The good news is that tomorrow is a day at sea, so we can sleep in.
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  • Day 6

    Last night in Southampton

    November 23, 2024 in England ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

    Partying late with Helene and her family the last night in Southampton. We had a couple drinks at the Red Lion. The oldest pub in town. The floors weren't level. The walls weren't straight, but the atmosphere was joyful, and the company was great!Read more

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