United States
Palm Playground

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  • Day 35–49


    November 19, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    The past two weeks in Austin have been a mix of patience and good times. After dropping my bike off for repairs I checked out the comedy scene. I managed to snag tickets to a couple of shows at the Vulcan Gas Company and Mothership Comedy Club and both were a lot of fun.

    Austin, definitely has college-town vibes and it quickly grew on me. 6th Street is packed with bars and live music and stays lively every night of the week—it’s an experience in itself. While waiting on updates about the bike, I settled into a routine: mornings at the gym, afternoons just walking around the city, and evenings were spent chatting with people from the hostel. To save money, I made most of my meals in the hostel kitchen, but I still treated myself to some fantastic BBQ. I also joined the hostel crew for a few pub crawls on 6th Street, which were always a good time.

    One unexpected highlight was going to a Longhorns football game. The energy was unreal. I don’t fully understand the rules of football, but being in the middle of that kind of crowd was a crazy experience.

    Thanksgiving in Austin was another great experience. I hadn’t realized how big the holiday is here—apparently, it’s even bigger than Christmas for some people. A group of us from the hostel went to a small dive bar serving a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. The place was absolutely packed but the food and atmosphere made it worth it.

    The bike parts were supposed to take two weeks to arrive but luckily they showed up just after one. The mechanics replaced the water pump only to find it wasn’t the cause of the overheating. It turns out the radiator is corroding, which is causing the metal shards to build up in the coolant system. Unfortunately l’ll have to keep flushing it regularly to avoid problems, but replacing the radiator just isn't an option. At least I know what’s going on.

    Today, I hit the road for Laredo Texas , about four hours South, right on the Mexican border. During the ride, an old issue came back—the bike started bogging down after around 230–250 KM on a full tank. It seems to be a fuel delivery problem, but as long as I keep the tank full, it shouldn’t be too bad. Still, it’s something I’ll need to deal with once I’m in Mexico.

    Today I plan on crossing the Mexican border, heading for my first stop in Monterrey! I’m pumped for this next chapter to begin.
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  • Day 5

    Abseits der Route

    March 6, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Auf dem Weg von Austin nach San Antonio sind wir abseits der Route gefahren um herrlich skurrile Dinge zu sehen.
    Allerdings war unser erster Halt im McKinney Falls State Park. Wir dachten da gäbe es ein paar Wasserfälle zu sehen oder irgendwas anderes. Für 6 Dollar pro Person ist dieser Park allerdings nicht empfehlenswert (zumindest anfangs März, gut möglich das es im Sommer oder Herbst anders aussieht). Sind eine Stunde im Park gewandert und waren tatsächlich nach 4km wieder am Parkplatz. Es gab anfangs nur eine Stelle mit bisschen Wasser, der restliche Weg führte nur durch Wald und dementsprechend gab es nichts zu sehen.
    Ja, also auf zu den gigantischen Stopps. Das lieben wir an Amerika, diese riesigen Figuren, die die Welt gesehen haben muss 😂.
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  • Day 116

    "Austin" by Ellsworth Kelly

    January 21, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

    Im Museums Distrikt finden wir noch ein besonderes Gebäude:

    Atlas Obscura:
    „Dieses weiße Steingebäude auf dem Gelände des Blanton Museums der University of Texas wurde von dem bekannten Künstler Ellsworth Kelly entworfen. Es ist das einzige Gebäude, das der Künstler je entworfen hat, und es ist nach dem Ort benannt, für den er es entworfen hat: Austin.

    Kelly stellte sich das 2.715 Quadratmeter große Steingebäude als einen Ort der "Freude und Kontemplation" vor. Die ersten Entwürfe für das Gebäude stammen aus dem Jahr 1986, doch nachdem das Projekt gescheitert war, wurde es mehr als 30 Jahre lang auf Eis gelegt. Schließlich schenkte Kelly das Designkonzept dem Blanton Museum.

    Ein Großteil von Kellys Arbeiten zeichnet sich durch präzise Formen in kräftigen, leuchtenden Farben aus. Austin ist da keine Ausnahme. Eine Reihe von Glasfenstern, die in leuchtenden Farben gefärbt sind, unterbrechen die weißen Wände des Gebäudes. Wenn das Sonnenlicht durch sie dringt, färbt es das Innere der Kapelle in leuchtende, lebendige Farben. Im Inneren steht eine 18 Fuß hohe Holzskulptur an der Rückseite des Gebäudes. Vierzehn schwarz-weiße Marmorplatten schmücken die Wände.

    Der Bau von Austin begann 2015, nur zwei Monate vor Kellys Tod. Er genehmigte alle Materialien und den Plan für den Bau, der mehrere Jahre dauerte. Das Werk wurde im Februar 2018 der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht.“
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  • Day 116

    Lyndon Baines Johnson Library

    January 21, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

    Das Wetter ist heute noch schlecht, das passt für die nächste Präsidenten Library.

    Lyndon Baines Johnson, aufgrund seiner Initialen auch LBJ genannt, war von 1963 bis 1969 der 36. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten.

    Ab 1961 bekleidete er das Amt des Vizepräsidenten unter John F. Kennedy. Noch am Tag von dessen Ermordung, dem 22. November 1963, wurde Johnson an Bord der Air Force One als neuer US-Präsident vereidigt.

    Bei der Präsidentschaftswahl 1964 wurde er mit großer Mehrheit zum Präsidenten gewählt.

    „Johnson war der Wegbereiter für die Gleichberechtigung der Afroamerikaner. Durch den Civil Rights Act von 1964, den Voting Rights Act und den Civil Rights Act von 1968 wurde der schwarzen Bevölkerung erstmals vollständige Gleichberechtigung verfassungsrechtlich zugesprochen.

    Es gelang, die Zahl der in Armut lebenden US-Bürger während Johnsons Regierungszeit um etwa die Hälfte zu senken; das Medicare- und Medicaid-Programm machten eine Krankenversicherung erstmals für breite Schichten von US-Bürgern zugänglich. Zudem setzte Johnson sich stark für Verbesserungen bei Bildung(ssystem), Umweltschutz, Waffenkontrollen und Verbraucherschutz ein.“

    Außenpolitisch wurde alles vom Vietnamkrieg überschattet.

    Ein beeindruckender Mann, über den wir bis jetzt kaum etwas wussten. Ein besonderes Gebäude, mit einer super Ausstellung. Wow, das hat uns sehr berührt.
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  • Day 52

    A day in Austin Texas

    October 4, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 36 °C

    36 degree day!!!
    We watched the sunrise at 7.30 but unfortunately it was cloudy. Walked around the campus. There is an Italian fountain to celebrate those who were killed from WW1. A beautiful library in the main building- The Natural Science Library. Also a sports stadium that sits 100,000 people for college American football. We then visited the Bullock Museum of Texas History- full of interesting facts especially the third floor that celebrates Texan achievements. After lunch we went to the Lyndon B Johnson Library on campus. A celebration of his achievements alongside his wife, Lady Bird
    Dinner was at a TexMex restaurant which is Mexican food but not like we get at home.
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  • Day 52

    Lazy Sunday in Austin

    October 1, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 34 °C

    On our last day in Austin we drove around the inner suburbs looking at eclectic Knick Knack stores, taking snaps of iconic street art and eating at the legendary Sandy’s Burgers est. 1945. Off tomorrow to Sante Fe where we start our last leg - an all American road trip through New Mexico, Arizona and Utah.Read more

  • Day 51

    Texas Y’all

    September 30, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    So today we drove from Austin through the Texas Hill Country down to San Antonio to visit the famous Alamo, Missions and the River Walk (we took the powered barge lol). On the way back to Austin we ate at the legendary Black’s BBQ (est 1932) in Lockhart, the official BBQ capital of Texas! It has been surreal getting around Texas - it looks and feels surprisingly like…Australia! And the speed limit coming home was 85mph (137 Kph). Gotta love that y’all!Read more

  • Day 8

    Last Day in Austin

    April 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Since today was our last day in Austin, we got up early and by 10:30 we were at the LBJ library. If you are not familiar with the challenges of getting 6 children between the ages of 8 months and 11 years out the door, that will not sound like an early day, but I assure you, it is. My contributions were minimal and trivial - holding a baby for a few minutes, filling a water bottle, etc. Joe and I had been to some of the LBJ sites out of town, but we always love going to this presidential museum/library. It is chock full of information, recorded phone conversations, film clips, memorabilia, etc. I listened to LBJ speaking with MLK a few months after JFK’s assassination. The Civil Rights folks were very suspicious of LBJ, since his first years of voting in Congress had been squarely on the segregationist side, but he proved his mettle by getting a lot of monumental legislation passed. The kids liked seeing the model White House Oval Office and all except the 4 yo and baby were totally engaged by the movie describing his life. The older ones enjoyed scrutinizing LBJ’s school report cards, too. LBJ would not be a very popular person in today’s Texas, but I believe that history will recognize him as one of our great presidents. Never thought I would say that! And maybe I’m under the influence of the loving spin on his life that you get here at the library. Flawed and inconsistent like all of us, but oh so much more than the Viet Nam war.

    After the library, we took our obligatory trip to the turtle pond on the University of Texas campus, and from there back to the rental for lunch. We then split up, and my group went up to Mt. Bonnell for great views of Lake Austin and then over to Zilker Park. Too cold for a swim, but we had to go back to the playground.

    Dinner at Salt Lick, a BBQ ranch about a half hour out of town, is another one of our sacred traditions. If you are not a meat eater you would not be too happy, but their cole slaw and potato salad are both top notch.

    It would be so great if we all lived closer together, but these reunion trips are very special!
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  • Day 4

    Daughter and family arrive!

    April 4, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    We left Georgetown and headed into our Austin rental. About 40 minutes later , the first family (daughter) arrived and we met at Elizabeth’s (a Vietnamese restaurant).

    Since today was forecast to be the only hot day this week, we headed to Barton Springs, a public pool in a natural spring.

    Then eating time again, after an hour spent trying to learn the very complicated rules of Forbidden Desert, a collaborative strategy game. Pizza at Buffalina and doughnuts for dessert at Gordoughs. This is our normal Austin routine. Since we’ve been coming so many years, everyone has a handful of must-go to places.

    Family number two (son) arrives tomorrow. So glad-happy to be with the kids snd grandkids..
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  • Day 15

    ... bye bye 🇺🇲

    October 13, 2024 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Nach 3.819 km sind wir noch völlig geflasht von den vielen Eindrücken, Erlebnissen und Gesprächen der letzten zwei Wochen. Viele Bilder, auch solche die nicht als Foto existieren, sind in unserem Kopf präsent und werden noch lange nachwirken.

    Unser Abenteuer war eine wahnsinnig beeindruckende und gelungene Reise!
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