Ein sehr langer Tag geht zu Ende und alles hat geklappt.
Zug war pünktlich, Flieger pünktlich und 30 min schneller in Las Vegas als planmäßig. Also hat der Flug „nur“ 11 StundenRead more
Ein sehr langer Tag geht zu Ende und alles hat geklappt.
Zug war pünktlich, Flieger pünktlich und 30 min schneller in Las Vegas als planmäßig. Also hat der Flug „nur“ 11 StundenRead more
One of the world’s most prominent natural attractions, Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide and has a depth of over a mile (6,093 feet or 1,857 meters). So we’ll hardly see it inRead more
Very, very tough night. I walked too much at the Canyon and dam. My pulled hamstring does not like walking very much at all. It is 13degC and it was windy and raining lightly. Not pleasant for an openRead more
Ein weiteres, wenn nicht das größte Highlight, steht heute vor der Tür🤭The Grand Canyon😍🔥🌋der tatsächlich durch einen Vulkanausbruch entstand😜
Nachdem Clemens Steffi und Tobi frühRead more
We had to get out of the wind! So we went into the hotels to walk in parallel with The Strip if we could. And in every hotel there are shops galore, restaurants, casino halls busier than all theRead more
Knowing we’ll be on the road for 3 weeks we unpacked our suitcases so that all our coats and boots were easy to hand in the car. Then went down to familiarize ourselves with the vehicle… what itRead more
Found our seats and settled in. It’s my first time flying with Aer Lingus and their seat console was brilliant. I paired it with my iPhone so I could control it from my phone. I settled down toRead more
Had the fan fest on the street were we got to see the teams and media,live shows and music, Was good to chat rugby league with other fans and watch the matty johns show while finishing it off withRead more
Don't know if having Freemont Street right across the road from where we're staying is a good thing or not.
Freemont had a lot going on from street performers, live bands,bars ,casinos, and plenty ofRead more
Ach du je 😳
Traveler Welcome back ! We See You soon !
Hammer 😍 so was will ich auch 😂