Sightseeing Denver

Unser erster Tag in den USA begann dank kleinem Jetlag früh morgens bereits um 7Uhr.😴
Mit dem Zug🚉 in Downtown an der Union Station angekommen, begann sogleich unsere Sightseeing Tour.Baca lagi
Unser erster Tag in den USA begann dank kleinem Jetlag früh morgens bereits um 7Uhr.😴
Mit dem Zug🚉 in Downtown an der Union Station angekommen, begann sogleich unsere Sightseeing Tour.Baca lagi
Nach langer, feinsäuberlicher Planung, gepaart mit grosser Vorfreude und stundenlangem Packen (Bei anderen waren es fast schon Tage..😉) ging es heute nun endlich los mit unsererBaca lagi
Ren nostalgi for Henrik (og Mette) kørsel igennem The Rockies fra Glenwood til Denver - fantastisk. Kørsel rundt i Denver med besøg til nogle af de gamle steder, noget var der endnu - andet ikke -Baca lagi
We are on the Californian Zhepher Train again on our way to Reno, Nevada. Going through the Rockys. This trip will take 25 hours so we booked a room on the train has own shower and toilet. More photosBaca lagi
Un petit point sur cette journée :
Une petite balade au centre de Denver à pied avant de récupérer nos bécanes . La ville acclamait ses champions de NBA : les Nuggets. Un monde de fou. LesBaca lagi
Today I woke up and was able to watch formula one qualifying at a decent time. It's the small things in life haha. I then went on a walk downtown, along the river and up to the Santa Fe art districtBaca lagi
Today I started the day with a walking tour beginning at the Capitol building. The guides name was Anthony (I cannot escape Toni/ys it seems) and people from Texas, Pittsburgh, New England, OldBaca lagi
Today was another slow start, I walked downtown and tried to get tickets to the tour of the Mint. They were all sold out when I got there sadly. So I walked around to the City Building and CapitolBaca lagi
Pengembara must fast food restaurants: shake shak ond in'n'out burger 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Big Angel❤️