
Nachdem wir Samstag, 3.9.16, ohne Komplikationen von Frankfurt nach Chicago geflogen sind, begann unser Sonntagmorgen mit einem herrlichem Gottesdienst in der Willow Creek Church. 8.000 Sitzplätze imRead more
Lori got up to take a shower at 4:30 a.m. as we are leaving for the airport af 5:00 a.m. After she gets out of the shower, Karl tells her our flight departure has been delayed until 4:35 p.m.!
Karl,Read more
Today was a good day. It started with most of us sleeping late except for Doug. He had to help Nicks daughter with the dog who got sprayed by a skunk. The basement gets no light so I got up around 10Read more
Pretty uneventful day. We just left Ohio and went back to Elgin to Nick Moss’ house. We got stopped by the police at a speed trap. Apparently there were construction cones.
On our way we met upRead more
Flight was delayed 10 hours and we are now stuck at the airport until 430 this afternoon....
We're all loaded up now. Favorite is going to get some CHICKEN for lunch, and he said I can have some!!