Quebrada Guaras

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    Galipán y Hotel Humboldt

    21. September 2024 in Venezuela ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    El teleférico de Warairarepano asciende unos 1100m en 15 minutos, a lo largo de 3,5km de cable y hasta una altura de 2105m sobre el nivel del mar 🌊, donde se encuentra El Ávila 🏞️ y el hotel Humboldt, de arquitectura Mid Century y renovado hace poco. Como curiosidad, aquí en El Ávila se encuentra la pista de hielo más alta del mundo, a 2100m ⛸️.

    El viaje en teleférico 🚡 es espectacular, viéndose todo Caracas 🏙️ a lo largo del recorrido. Con este día soleado ☀️ y el sol ya descendiendo, la luz anaranjada baña Caracas mientras nos dirigimos a lo alto de la montaña 🌅. Nada más llegar, agarramos un Jeep 🚙 para que nos lleve a un par de miradores (Vista Caracas y Boca de Tigre) antes de parar en Galipán, un pueblo pintoresco en el medio de la montaña. Allí tomamos una Polar 🍺 y unas fresas con nata 🍓. En el camino de vuelta, nuestro conductor, Franco, puntualiza muy concretamente y para nuestra sorpresa, que todo eso que vemos al otro lado de la montaña, eso grande, azul y lleno de agua, es el mar 😂🌊.

    A las 7 vamos al hotel Humboldt a cenar en el restaurante La Boite, que mantiene la arquitectura y mobiliario de los años 50, con sillas de Arne Jacobsen, Jean Prouvé o Bertoia. Una joya arquitectónica 🏛️ que ha sido respetada durante su renovación.

    La bajada en teleférico 🚡 es igual de espectacular, con la ciudad de noche 🌃 a nuestros pies.

    Por si acaso no habíamos hecho suficientes cosas durante el día, llamamos a Valentina y Vanessa, las primas de Lucía que viven en Caracas, y nos vamos de fiesta 🎉 a COPA'S hasta las 4am 🕓. Visto lo visto, no fue la mejor idea sabiendo que nos teníamos que despertar a las 6am para agarrar el avión a Isla de Margarita 🏝️ – tu destino ideal, el día siguiente. Solo se vive una vez 🤷‍♂️.

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    El Hatillo

    21. September 2024 in Venezuela ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Desde La Candelaria agarramos otro Uber (aquí llamado Ridery) hasta El Hatillo, un pequeño pueblito que ya parece más bien un barrio, pero que mantiene la plaza del pueblo algo más tradicional y auténtica que el resto. Está rodeado de colinas 🏞️, como todo Caracas, y las casas, todas bajitas, están pintadas cada una de un color 🌈. Entramos a Hanssi, una tienda de artesanía enorme que también tiene tostadero de café ☕, bar/restaurante 🍽️, tienda de puros 🚬 y chocolate 🍫 propio. Cómo no, no pierdo la ocasión de probar una cerveza artesanal 🍺 que venden, y junto a un bocado de naiboa con papelón que hemos comprado en el mercado de Chacao 🛒, ya estamos con energía suficiente para seguir la ruta 💪.

    La tienda tiene mil cosas, todas ellas tradicionales o pertenecientes a la cultura venezolana, tanto actual como pasada. Hamacas (chinchorros venezolanos) 🛏️, caretas 🎭, esculturas 🗿, cestos 🧺, muebles 🪑, instrumentos de música 🎶, joyería 💍… Aprovecho a comprar algún souvenir típico, ya que parece que no va a haber un lugar mejor que este 🛍️.

    Después de nuestras compritas, Romina, una amiga de la familia, nos viene al encuentro para saludar 🤗 y de paso llevarnos hasta el teleférico de Warairarepano 🚡.

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    Día de viaje

    20. September 2024 in Venezuela ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    Ayer llegué de Suiza a casa a las 22:00, y entre hacer la maleta y ponernos al día, no nos acostamos hasta la 1:00.

    Nos despertamos a las 6:15, con las sábanas pegadas (al menos yo 😅), y para las 6:40 estamos listos y en camino a la parada de Overground, donde cogeremos un tren hasta Clapham Junction, luego otro hasta Gatwick, luego un avión ✈️ a Madrid, ¡y luego otro a Caracas!

    Todo va sin problemas en el aeropuerto; desayunamos en Joe & the Juice ☕🥪, volamos a Madrid, comemos un bocadillo de calamares que dejaba (mucho) que desear 😕 y nos tomamos una cervecita 🍺 antes de embarcar hacia Caracas. Pensábamos que el vuelo no iría muy lleno, pero estábamos equivocados. Al final, sea cual sea la situación, la vida sigue, la gente ama su tierra 🌍 y la familia es importante, sea quien sea que esté en el poder. Asientos 17A y 17B. Lucía viendo películas 🎥 y yo trabajando para dejar todo lo más cerrado posible 💻.

    Hora estimada de llegada a Caracas: 19:15 hora local. Horas en tránsito desde que salimos de casa: 18h 🫠.

    Nada más llegar, el Señor Jesús (taxista de confianza de la familia) nos lleva directos a Cordero, un restaurante especializado en cordero (obviamente 🐑). Es una primera experiencia en Venezuela muy inesperada porque el restaurante, tanto por diseño como por calidad y servicio, podría estar fácilmente entre los mejores de Londres, y a un precio parecido. Seguramente estos contrastes los siga experimentando en las próximas semanas. Comemos de cine: croquetas, carpaccio de cordero, tequeños, jarrete... Todo acompañado de cerveza Zulia 🍻.

    Al terminar, vamos al apartamento a descansar, que ya hace falta 😵‍💫😴.

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    21. September 2024 in Venezuela ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

    Nos despertamos después de una noche larga de descanso 😴. El sol brilla ☀️, hace calor, y la cordillera del Ávila se ve esplendorosa desde el apartamento 🏞️. Los padres de Lucía han bajado a comprar arepas y queso 🧀 para desayunar, y en cuanto nos preparamos y nos damos una ducha 🚿, nos ponemos en rumbo al barrio de Chacao.

    El nuevo mercado es un edificio cuadrado de 4 plantas, con muchos puestos tanto de verduras como de carne, pescado, comida, zumos, etc. Es curioso ver que los puestos de frutas y verduras están “especializados”, por lo que hay puestos que solo venden distintos tipos de cebollas y ajos 🧅🧄, otros de plátanos 🍌, de tomates 🍅, de cítricos 🍋🍊, de vegetales de hoja, aguacates 🥑… Cada puesto vende solo un vegetal, pero 6 o 7 tipos diferentes del mismo.

    Nos tomamos un zumito de mandarina con jengibre en mi caso 🍹, y de naranja en el caso de Lucía 🍊. Encontramos también un puesto de Chicha, una bebida espesa que se puede hacer con pasta o con arroz, que es como un arroz con leche pero lo suficientemente líquido como para beberse con pajita 🥤. Está increíble, súper fresquita y con canela. Después de buscar un buen puesto donde comer arepas para nuestro “segundo desayuno”, damos con Cerdo y Sabor, un puesto que hace unas arepas especiales, ya que al hacer la masa, añaden trozos y grasa de chicharrón (parecido a los torreznos o panceta frita) 🐖. Para mí, pido el relleno de Reina Pepiada (obviamente), que consiste en una mezcla de pollo cocido deshilachado, mayonesa y normalmente aguacate, salvo que en este caso no le pusieron 🥪. Estuvo increíble. Acompañamos el desayuno con una bebida de malta Maltín 🥤.

    Visto el mercado, damos un paseo hasta la plaza de Altamira, donde están algunos de los edificios que iban a hacer de esta ciudad un destino turístico en su momento, como el hotel Four Seasons, pero que quedaron solo en un sueño de mal gusto 🏨.

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    Crazy Caracas - Friday

    10. März 2017 in Venezuela ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Today I managed to get out and see and experience a lot more of the city. Early morning Joel managed to get some money for me and Sergio before going to work. Me and Serg then spent the whole day together! He took me round the city, on the subway, through the rough 'barrios', and to his appartment. I got a really good feel of life here for the locals, and could appreciate the constant struggle that Venezuelans face.
    Our highlight was taking the 'teleferico' cable car from the city to the top of Mount Avila. The incredible mountain separates Caracas from the Caribbean Sea, so you can imagine the views from the top were insane. We had some more local food at the top whilst taking in the views. I didnt take a phone or camera for fear of being robbed, and we got some dodgy buses to and from the cable car, as well as being hassled by various locals, and on entry i got charged ten times more for being a white European. So, I was constantly reminded of where I was...
    After the mountain we walked down the main commercial boulevard and through the city centre as the sun set. This was an experience in itself. The place was very busy and packed with people, desperate beggars, street sellers, and the corrupted police. I wouldn't feel safe if I was alone. It was around 7pm, and Sergio was explaining how everyone was rushing to get home, shops were closing, and the city disappears before it goes dark. After 7.30, you see no-one on the streets, the thriving city becomes a ghost town, thanks to its dreadful reputation at night. However, I can understand why; we saw an angry driver pull out a gun and point it down the street shouting in road rage, and this was earlier in broad daylight!
    Anyway, we arrived safely back at Joel's place after an amazing day together, and started the Friday night drinking before heading to Andrews house once again for a bit of a party. Rum, music, and Chinese takeaway saw us into the early hours and I had a great last night in Caracas.

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    Caracas Arrival

    7. März 2017 in Venezuela ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    Today I arrived in the capital of Venezuela. An hour with a non-licensed non-English-speaking taxi driver tested my Spanish, but we had some good (broken) conversations and laughs. It was reassuring to hear how bad the current situation is in Venezuela, and how Caracas is not safe for tourists, there's violence, hunger and the police are corrupt....
    Anyway, I arrived safely at Joel's place, a northern English Couchsurfing host who's been here a few years. He's a really cool guy, I was greeted with beers and I met a couple of his friends as we went out for some (amazing) local food. His flat, in the centre of Los Palos Grandes, is high up and offers some pretty cool views...
    If you were to carry 200 of the highest denomination banknotes in Europe, you'd be carrying €20,000. In Venezuela, you've got about a fiver.

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    Week 1 - Caracas, the crazy capital...

    11. März 2017 in Venezuela ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Car Horns and tyre screeches, gunshots and police sirens. The sound of the concrete jungle that is the capital of a country in despair. A normal day in 2017 Caracas is chaotic. With the highest inflation rate of any country ever, Venezuelas economy looks beyond saving, which hits the capital hard. The middle class have left, businesses gone bankrupt, people are hungry and what little money they have is worthless. About 5 years ago the rare 100-Bolivar banknote was worth $20. 2 years ago it was worth 50¢. Now so common, it makes good toilet paper, with a value of 2¢. Most of the problems I have seen are because of this horrific situation, and it seems people are desperate, unhappy and just trying to survive. Large favellas called 'barrios' surround the city and are some of the most dangerous places in the world. I've seen these places from the safety of an unlicensed, 50 year-old broken fully-packed vehicle called a public bus. I've seen people routing through bins,  police forcing bribes, and even a gun pulled out of a car window in road-rage!

    However, if you see past the reality of these problems, you experience a city with charm, natural beauty, and some really cool people! Groups of brightly coloured Macaws, vultures, and tropical birds fly around the city and are very vocal. Towering palms, mango trees and thick vegetation line the streets, and in the local park there are iguanas, sloths and other wildlife. Caracas is in a beautuful valley, and separated from the Caribbean coast by the impressive coastal mountains and El Avila national park. I took a long cable car ride to the top of the Avila mountain with Sergio, a cool local Venezuelan who, like most people, is struggling to live and wants to leave the country. The views on both sides from a sunny 9,000ft were incredible, with the bright-blue carribean sea to the north, and the expansive  Caracas to the south. Being with Sergio for a couple of days was very eye-opening; I learnt a lot about the city, country, and the spanish language, but was constantly reminded of the problems Venezuelans face.

    Since arriving in Caracas, I have stayed with Joel, whos been in the city for 2 years, and is probably the coolest guy I've ever met. He works at the international school and has introduced me to so many amazing people; friends, colleagues and his family! It's been great meeting so many people, we've had some incredible food and a couple of great nights out. I'm very grateful to Joel for hosting and giving me all the help, and it's thanks to him for my amazing Caracas experience.

    I left England 6 days ago, and have had a great first week of travel. Thank you Vincent for hosting me in Lisbon, and thanks to Joel and all his friends in Caracas. I'll be back! Now it's time for a long overnight journey to East Venezuela, where the Orinoco Delta awaits...

  • Tag 4

    Crazy Caracas - Thursday

    9. März 2017 in Venezuela ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Another strange day in this crazy city...
    on Thursday I spent most of the day Hungover on the couch, drifting in and out of sleep, I felt terrible. Meanwhile Joel and everyone from the night before were somehow at work like normal!
    That afternoon Joel was told by the police that his bike had been recovered, so he drove down to the station to get it, but no bike. There was a mix-up and it was somewhere else, so Joel left only to find within the space of 5 minutes his car had been towed. A typical day in Caracas...
    Late that afternoon He picked me up and we went to the international school where they all work. I met his work friends, ex-wife and his lovely kids, Sid and Pearl. We looked around and had a kick-abount in the playground, before heading to an incredible steakhouse restaurant.. the food was amazing, and so cheap thanks to the exchange rate...
    After, we dropped the kids off and went to pick up a Venezuelan friend - Sergio. Long story short, Joel and Sergio met on the subway 2 years ago and have been friends ever since. Sergio is a young, educated, trilingual physiotherapist who was doing very well and lives in a nice place. However, thanks to the inflation and major problems in Venezuela, he has very few clients now, so no money or food, and he often goes hungry...
    Anyway he's a really cool guy, we bought him some food and he stayed with us in the flat. We chilled out and watched a hilarious film called Vacation. By the time it finished, my sides hurt...

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