Mit der schönen Bobbahn nach FN

Hola and welcome to the next well deserved vacation ;-) This time 3 weeks in Vietnam. The team consists of Christi, Nonni and me. We met in Friedrichshafen to take a Flixbus to Zürich. The plan wasRead more
This morning we got up and made our way to the airport of Zürich. We arrived there well on time and after a while we could board the A380 of Singapore Airlines. It was my first time to fly with thisRead more
After 2,5 hours of flight we arrived in Ha Noi. The arranged hostel forgot about us, so we had to call them and wait longer for the pickup. Eventually we have arrived and we went on the crowdedRead more
Another sunny and hot day in Hanoi. We slept late and had breakfast in the hostel. Then we went again into the city and explored some other areas. We saw lots of temples, the imperial citadel, theRead more
And it was shaky and bumpy the whole night. We arrived in Lao Cai when the sun was almost rising. A transfer bus brought us to Sapa. We got breakfast at the company of our 2-day-trek we have booked.Read more
We got up at 8 AM and got a great breakfast. Then it was time to say goodbye to the rest of the family and we continued the hike. Again we first went up the hills, and then crossed lots of riceRead more
We woke up at 4 AM and arrived in Hanoi shortly after that time. The challenge was now to get the day over until 2 PM. We dropped our baggage in our hostel from the days before and walked through theRead more
This morning we went to the office of Cat Ba Ventures to do a 2-Day-Tour. The tour started in the Lan Ha Bay which is a smaller bay next to Ha Long Bay. On a boat we were driven through a floatingRead more
We got up at 7:30 AM for breakfast, the only food without rice :-) Pancakes with bananas and honey. Then we kayaked again through the bay - into caves, holes and in hidden lagoons. After that we tookRead more