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    • Day 11

      Fidschi Tag 10: Woche 2 Donnerstag

      September 29, 2016 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Am Donnerstag fing der Tag wieder gut an. Zum Frühstück gab es wieder Cheesebuns und dazu diesmal Papayastückchen dazu. Gelungener Start in den Tag.
      Für die Kindergartenkinder hatte ich ganz viele Polizeiautos zum Ausmalen mitgebracht, die ich am Mittwoch noch mit voller Begeisterung ausgedruckt haben. An diesem Tag lernten die Kinder einen neuen Reim, der von Vögeln handelte, die auf einem Baum saßen. Das Highlight im Kindergarten war, dass wir diesmal zum Geschichten lesen nach draußen auf den Schulhof gegangen sind und uns dort ein schattiges Plätzchen gesucht haben. Ansonsten war der Kindergarten recht normal :)
      Auch der restliche Tag ist ziemlich chillig geworden ,da wir nachmittags mal nichts vorhatten :D stattdessen haben Michi und ich die Zeit genutzt, um unsere Unterkunft für unseren Wochenendtrip nach Sinatoka zu buchen. :)
      Danach habe ich im Supermarkt ein paar Sachen wie Buntstifte und Luftballons für meine Kiddis gekauft. Jeden Freitag ist nämlich Sportsday und da darf ich Spiele vorbereiten :)))
      Am Abend spielten wir (Annika, Timo, Michaela, Michaela & ich) noch Kniffel und danach habe ich endlich die Bilder vom Schnorcheln mit Doreen ausgetauscht :)
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    • Day 12

      Suva, Fiji

      April 30, 2016 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Today we docked for an overnight stay in Suva, the capital of the beautiful island of Fiji.As the others weren't to keen on exploring the place, I decided to head out on my own.I took the main road out of town, in the general direction of the Fiji museum.
      On the way I passed amongst other things; the Suva Olympic swimming pool, which was basically a lido that you would have found in places like New Brighton, on Wirral 30 odd years ago.
      But I must admit that the place was well looked after and water looked very clean and definitely inviting considering that the outside temperature was about 80°c.
      Next I came across the quite old but impressive high court building.
      Just after the high court was Albert Park, I'm guessing named after Prince Albert
      This is a rugby ground complete with grandstand, and can apparently hold two matches at the same time, such is the size of it, there was quite a lot of renovation going on and was fenced off by the builders doing the work, so I couldn't get a closer look at the place.
      Next was Fiji Museum, this is a museum located in the capital city's botanical gardens, Thurston Gardens.
      The museum houses an extensive archaeological collection dating back 3,700 years and relics of Fiji's indigenous cultural history, which included some quite gruesome ritualized cannibalism, that is graphically described, along with some photos and drawings
      Also on display is the rudder of the HMS Bounty of the mutiny fame.
      The museum is fairly small, but for the very reasonable $7AUD entrance fee well worth a visit.
      After the museum I carried on walking up the hill and through what looked like a residential area, this is where I came across this rather quaint local police station, complete with a police officer in the traditional Fijian Sulu as part of his uniform.
      The Sulu is a sort of sarong which is worn by both men and women
      Anyway this officer saw me and came out to see if I was lost, and we chatted for about 5 minutes which was really nice.
      I must say that all the people I spoke to, and there where quite a few, were very friendly and helpful.
      As I carried on back towards town I came across a small Anglican church with a service going on, I wandered up to the open entrance to have look, and listen to the singing, when a bloke came out to invite me in, he was also dressed in a traditional Sulu.
      I said I'll just stand in the entrance and listen, which he said was fine.
      After a few minutes, I carried on down the hill towards the town and came across the Sacred Heart Cathedral, which to be honest didn't look much like a church.Inside the main building was not very ornate, nothing like the churches or cathedrals in Europe, but still interesting.
      I noticed that on the walls where pieces of stone and small carvings that were from various cathedrals around the world, one piece of carving was from Canterbury Cathedral which was interesting in itself.
      As I was walking by the alter there where about 3 or 4 people who looked like they worked in the cathedral.One of them asked me if I had a camera?
      I said yes but it's in my pocket; thinking she was going to say no photos.
      But she showed me a very small and winding set of stairs and said if I went up there I could get a good photo of the cathedral
      As I said earlier, such nice friendly and helpful people.
      Further on into the town I came across another park, this one is called Ratu Sukuna Park and there was a rehearsal going on for a concert later that night, the choir was backed by a sort of rock band, they were singing gospel type music and the main singer had a beautiful voice.
      To be honest they where all brilliant and the sound was fantastic, there where two dancers acting out the words of the song with contemporary dancing, who were also very good, in fact I stayed there for about 15 minutes filming them.
      When I got back to the port, I had a walk around the massive fruit and veg market, which is fascinating with some of the strangest looking vegetables I've ever seen.
      Upstairs in the market they sell Kava which is a type of root which is ground up to make a drink with hot water.
      Apparently the effects are similar to marijuana in that it relaxes you and gives you a high, but doesn't screw with your brain like marijuana does, so I'm told.
      Not that I was brave enough to try any, lol
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    • Day 32

      Fidschi Tag 22: Woche 4 Mittwoch

      October 20, 2016 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Am Mittwoch war wieder ein ganz normaler Kindergarten Tag. Allerdings habe ich am Mittwoch ein neues Spiel mit meinen Kindern ausprobiert: Obstsalat. Eigentlich sehr Simple, da sich jedes Kind nur eine Frucht merken muss, aber irgendwie waren sie dafür nicht clever genug :D Wir haben sogar versucht, die Begriffe wie "apple" oder "pineapple" auf Zettel zu schreiben und sie auf die Brust der Kinder zu kleben, aber auch dieser Versuch scheiterte. Dafür sorgte das Spiel trotz des Fehlschlagen für viele Lacher. Dafür klappte das geplante "Pferderennen" an diesem Tag umso besser :) Alle Kinder saßen begeistert zusammen in einem Kreis und hauten sich euphorisch auf die Oberschenkel. Auch die Elemente Holzbrücke und Wassergraben klappen einwandfrei, nur bei der Unterscheidung zwischen einer Links und einer Rechtskurve kam es immer zu Unstimmigkeiten :D
      In der restlichen Zeit tanzten meine Kinder dann im Kreis zu einem fijianischen Lied " Shaki Shaki Shaki" :D

      Da da das Obstsalat Spiel ja gescheitert war, opferte ich am Nachmittag meine Zeit und bastelte 64 kleine Früchte auf Papier, denn Bilder sind ja bekanntlich besser für die Wahrnehmung der Kinder. Danke Mara für deine Hilfe bei den Bananen, ich glaube die hätten die Kinder sonst nie erkannt :D
      Am Abend wäre eigentlich wieder feiern gehen angesagt gewesen, war ja schließlich Volenteer Wednesday, aber an diesem Mittwoch Abend sind Mara, Sarah, Cloe und ich lieber ins Snowy House gefahren und haben Milchshakes getrunken und Kuchen gegessen *_* Im Anschluss haben wir noch einen Mädchenfilmeabend mit Chips und Schoki gemacht und den Film "Project X" geschaut.
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    • Day 33

      Fidschi Tag 23: Woche 4 Donnerstag

      October 21, 2016 in Fiji ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Am Donnerstag war in unserem Kindergarten " Happy Children and Teachers Day". Ich finde, dass ist ein Fest welches man in Deutschland auch einführen könnte. An diesem Tag wird den Lehrern für ihre Arbeit gedankt und den Schülern wird noch einmal bewusst gemacht wie wichtig Bildung doch ist und das sie sich glücklich schätzen können zur Schule zur gehen.
      An dem Tag hatten alle Kinder die schickere Schuluniformen, einige Kleingruppen aus der Grundschule tanzten etwas vor und für die Kinder wurden Spiele wie "Reise nach Jerusalem" oder "Simon says" vorbereitet :D Nach der öffentlichen Feier aß ich noch mit meiner Kindergartengruppe zusammen Reis mit Hühnchen Curry. Meine Premiere: Ich habe zum ersten Mal Reis mit Curry nur mit den Händen gegessen so wie es in Indien eigentlich typisch ist. Meine Kinder haben herzlich gelacht, da ich mich doch ein bisschen ungeschickt angestellt habe :D
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    • Day 13

      Suva, Fiji

      May 1, 2016 in Fiji ⋅ 🌧 24 °C

      Apparently three crew members where mugged last night; the stories vary from right by the ship, to in the town.
      Some reports say one crew member was bitten, others say at knife point.
      Problem is this put a lot of people off going on private trips or going for walks in and around the town.
      My thinking is that this kind of thing can happen anywhere in the world, even in your own home town.
      Again in my personal opinion, you are safe in most places that the cruise lines take you to, if you use common sense.
      I'm probably tempting fate by saying this, but I've never had any problems when I've been walking around off the ship, but as I say I use common sense, and always try to look confident when walking.
      Muggers etc only want an easy target, someone who looks nervous and has their valuables on show. They don't want anyone who looks like they may resist and put up some sort of a fight.
      So when I go out I don't carry any valuables or much money, and I walk as if I know the place, I do what our Alan calls the Kirkby walk, and stride along confidently, even if I've got no idea where I am.

      ( for those who don't know, Kirkby is the rough council estate I grew up on )
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