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    • Day 6

      Dritte Brücke Check weiter gehts

      September 1, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      TAG 6 der Six Bridges Rally
      Wir sind angekommen am Viaduc Du Viaur
      und haben erstmal alle wieder getroffen und freuen uns ungemein das alle heile und gesund angekommen sind.

      Den Stempel für unser Roadbook haben wir auch direkt eingesammelt😁😁
      Doch bald geht es weiter ✌🏻😁
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    • Day 22–23


      May 28 in France ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      We found a well positioned Aire in Albi which was perfect for exploring the city. We are not a fan of big cities but Albi has a beautiful centre with a huge cathedral with a very impressive tower and lots of architecture everywhere we looked.Read more

    • Day 44

      Last night in Albi

      June 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      So this afternoon I ventured out to get my nails done and it was fine (although not as good as lovely Antoinette on Hutt Street). Tried a lovely blue colour! Then we walked out to explore some of the newer parts of the city and saw a great statue of local hero, Laperouse and the war memorial and then spent some time looking for a new light top for me - it's getting warmer and warmer! Eventually we stopped for a drink in the main square. The 'pichet' of rose ordered was bad so we sent it back and settled for a slightly better 'blanc' and ran across the road for a bag of chips! We decided this is typical of eating in the main touristy spots - not as good and more expensive! We then went for a quick look at the Saint Salvi church whose bells we have been hearing regularly from our airbnb each day. Dinner in with the leftovers and we have been happy to do this for a change. Tomorrow is our next big adventure - long drive to Uzes where we are staying for 10 days. Looking forward to a more relaxed time!Read more

    • Day 14

      Fabulous Fine Dining

      September 27, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      When we were making our way to our hotel yesterday Ian spotted a sign to a restaurant that caught his attention. He took note and later googled the restaurant, La Table du Sommelier, and it received very good reviews so we booked a table.

      The restaurant was about a 5 minute walk from our hotel and it did not disappoint. We sat on their covered terrace and chose a fixed menu - entree, main and dessert. We chose a local Gaillac wine (Red) to accompany our meal and it was fabulous.

      For dinner Ian and Brigitte had the prawns wrapped in brick pastry with salad and I chose the steak tartare. Both entrees were excellent, in fact the steak tartare was the best I have ever had.

      For mains Ian and Brigitte chose the veal and I chose the fish. Again, the quality of the meals was excellent.

      For dessert Ian chose an Apricot concoction and Brigitte and I chose a raspberry and chocolate creation. Both desserts were sublime.

      We finished with an espresso which was very good. The quality of the coffee in France seems to have improved since last year.
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    • Day 49


      June 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      After Cords Sue Ciel, we spent the afternoon exploring Albi.

      Albi is on the Tarn River and is dominated by the Cathedral Saint-Cecille, another UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is yet another town that dates from the Roman times.

      The cathedral was built over 200 years between the 13th and 15th centuries. It is the largest brick church in the world and also has the most wall paintings of all churches. We have seen a lot of churches over the last seven weeks and all are special and unique in their own way. They all make a statement.

      Albi is also where artist Toulouse Lautrec was born and there is a museum beside the cathedral where many of his works are displayed.

      French Explorer La Perouse was also from Albi.

      The bridges over the Tarn are impressive and are also part of the UNESCO heritage site.
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    • Day 14

      Cathedrale Sainte-Cécile

      September 27, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Upon completion of the food tour with Nastia we thought we should visit Albi’s Cathedral Sainte-Cecile. As previously mentioned, it is the largest brick Cathedral in the world. With it’s close proximity to the river it meant there was plenty of sand, rock and water to make the bricks.

      It is similar in its form and the simplicity of its lines to the Gothic churches of the Toulouse region, but exceeds them in size and in the line of its harmoniously distributed buttresses. On the southern side, its fortress-like appearance is softened by the Dominique de Florence doorway and by the four-poster porch, a masterpiece of flamboyant Gothic art. There is also a massive blind bell tower which is 78 metres high, underscoring the cathedral-fortress appearance of the building. Construction began in the 1200s, but there have been additions to the structure in the 1400’s and 1500’s.

      The exterior of this building is very plain and more resembles a fortress than a cathedral, but the interior is lavishly decorated with art and sculpture. It has a very ornate choir screen, and walls in bright blues and golds, in line with the Southern French Gothic style. Construction began in 1282 and continued for 200 years. Bernard de Castanet, who became Bishop of Albi in 1276, was the key figure behind the construction of this Gothic cathedral.
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    • Day 10

      From Lyon to Albi

      June 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 82 °F

      We left our apartment a little before 11 this morning, so a fairly leisurely start to the day. An easy time navigating the Lyon Metro was too good to be true. We picked up lunch at the gare and waited for our departure platform to be announced. Got on the train early enough to have an easy place to put our luggage, and then we waited. And waited. Apparently, there was a mechanical problem that caused us to be at least 30 minutes late pulling out. Not normally a problem but we only had 15 minutes scheduled to make our connection. Luckily they made up some time between Lyon and Toulouse that we were able to make our connection.
      The scenery changed a lot as we traveled down the mountainous Côtes du Rhône, through the Mediterranean coastline, then back into the hilly Occitanie. Our apartment owner kindly picked us up and brought us to the apartment in the old town, just steps away from the cathedral. All the outside photos are taken from the apartment windows.
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    • Day 43

      Albi beauties

      June 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      After it being much cooler overnight thank goodness we set out this morning and first went to check out the covered market which was small but had nice cheeses and more. We also had a look at the amazing Saint Cecile Cathedral which is in decorated in such an over the top manner and is so high in attitude that once again we were astounded. We dropped the cheese home and then set out to go to the Palais Berbie, which used to be the Palace of the bishops but nowadays is a Henry de Toulouse-Lautrec Art Gallery. So even though his name says he comes from Toulouse he was actually born in Albi. As we have never seen much of his art it was quite interesting with a few nice pieces but he won’t remain our favourite but it was still very interesting to see. The ticket included seeing the palace which has been renovated and even more impressive was the Jardins Remarquables. It is a good example of the French parterre gardens.
      So we had a lovely morning followed by an excellent lunch at Les Jardins de L’Archevecche which included prawns, scallops and a yummy burrata and then we went home for a nice rest in the afternoon heat. As we are not coping with the heat we are going to do what the French do at lunchtime and stay in the cool for a siesta. We did try to also go to the Musee de la Mode but it was closed to the general public. So we had a gelati, planned tomorrow and Uzes and watched the final episode of Ted Lasso .... and cried.... again. We loved it so much we will watch it again in the future as we both feel like we will miss it. It has wonderful insights into a good life.
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    • Day 32

      Zurück im Winter

      March 2 in France ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Am Vormittag verlassen wir den CP bei 5°C und Regen, sehr ungemütlich. Auf dem Weg nach Frankreich kommen wir in Andorra noch bei 1°C und Schneefall an 3 Skiorten vorbei und entdecken viele Liftanlagen und Skipisten. Ja, es ist Winter und Wochenende - sehr viele Menschen sind unterwegs.
      Auf französischer Seite wird es wieder freundlicher und wärmer. Gern würden wir unsere Erinnerungen von vor 30 Jahren auffrischen. Damals durften wir noch eine relativ neu entdeckte Höhle mit prähistorischen Zeichnungen besichtigen. Heute gibt es einen großen prähistorischen Park mit vielen Höhlennachbildungen. Aber der ist im Winter leider geschlossen.
      Was war heute nervend? Lange Staus und der "Kampf" ums Gastanken.
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