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    • Day 62

      A Taste of Annecy

      June 5, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      It was a short enjoyable ride down quiet roads and bike paths to the beautiful city of Annecy. We were lucky to get to connect for the day with Gisèle, another university friend of Holly's Mom, and who had followed a similar career path as a French teacher. We had a delicious lunch at Gisèle's appartment overlooking the lake and caught up on many years, since Holly last saw Gisèle and her daughters Florence and Dominique as a teenager. After a good nap for Claire, we were back at the Annecy beach in the afternoon, this time for a swim under sunny skies. We enjoyed the lakeside ambiance again for dinner with Gisèle at the Brasserie de l'Imperial and appreciated her gastronomic guidance as we learned about different dishes that we hadn't been exposed to yet. And the desert buffet was a cyclist's dream!Read more

    • Day 30

      Annecy (Rest Day)

      June 10 in France ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Annecy is so beautiful and today the grey cloud and fog eventually lifted that we could see it properly. The high humidity has gone for the moment, I guess until the next thundery period in the cycle builds up.

      We wandered around Annecy, which has lots of animators in town for the animation festival. Some students from Edge Hill university on an Animation programme are staying in our hotel/conference centre.

      Looking at the weather and trying to predict potential weather over the col coming up, we bought a bit of extra kit just in case.
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    • Day 29

      Artemare - Annecy

      June 9 in France ⋅ 🌩️ 21 °C

      We left the campsite in Artemare, our last planned camp for the trip. Initially we rolled along fairly flat terrain before heading up a steep gorge. The road was fairly wide which was just as well, as there was a good number of cars.

      Passing through villages, it was voting day in the European elections and so interesting to see people out on a Sunday to vote.

      The heat built through the day and eventually we crossed the Rhone into Savoie, touching on a short bit of the Via Rhona. From there we climbing steadily up, ending up on a great balcony road that took us into Annecy. We’ve always known Annecy’s famous lakeside cycle path; what was really amazing was the network of suburban cycle paths.

      We managed to get installed in our hostel/hotel not long before another huge thunderstorm.

      A rest day tomorrow.

      Thanks for the Qs and support! In answer to a couple of queries:

      1) The overall map can be seen by clicking on the Tour title ‘Cycling 2024 York to the Alps’ then clicking on the map to open it up.

      2) How far have come so far? Up to Annecy, 1824k since York.
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    • Day 17

      Annecy, France Day 17

      May 11, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      Spent the morning exchanging the car. I am a much happier camper now - a Toyota Yaris with about 2500 miles on it. I even got my GPS to work in English already!

      Decided to spend the afternoon in the countryside. Have been in a city for 2.5 weeks and ready for some green. And the French countryside in this area did not disappoint. Headed for a gorge that I read about, only 6-7 miles from Annecy. A walk thru a very deep,gorge where the Fier river necks down through a very deep gorge. The video below shows the height that the river has reached in this gorge in various years. Interesting. As I neared the gorge driving in, I saw this huge, what I thought was a castle. I did not think much more about until I saw the signs for Chateau des Chemin.

      When I finished with the gorge and a Coke at the cafe, I started searching for the Chateau. Nearby I saw a sign for a trail to the Chateau which I took. Lots of uphill but finally got to the top and saw the Chateau. Walked all around but did not go in. Instead rood a path through the meadow with the cows - a wonderful walking path (cover pic) that are so easy to find all over Europe. Did some walking - so good to be out of the cities and in the beautiful outdoors again. Back to Annecy for a ‘feet up” couple hours and then out for a walk to the Lake before finding a great cafe, very. Near to my apartment, had a wonderful dinner - salmon tartar with fruit! Different combination- the presentation was terrific. Along with a glass of Viognier, my favorite French white wine, a great day. Back to Switzerland tomorrow.
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    • Day 40

      Castillo de Annecy, France

      May 3, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      First up this morning was a walk up our steep street to visit the Chateau d’Annecy, which is a restored castle built between the 12th and 16th centuries. While it is impressive to be able to enter these ancient buildings, this one wasn’t that inspiring. It is now the site of the Museum of Alpine Popular Art with numerous regional sculptures and paintings and while they were nice to look at, I think we were hoping to get a glimpse of the castle’s original feel and features.

      Probably the most interesting was the collection of domestic and functional furniture of the region, dating from the 15th century. The workmanship in these pieces was impressive.

      “Modern Art” was scattered throughout the castle, including one piece that was a pile of dead leaves and a clear plastic bowl on it. Seriously who determines this as art. Sometimes it is so pointless and ridiculous.

      The observatory is now the L’Obervatoire regional des lac alpins which exhibits include archaeological evidence of the first lakeside inhabitants, the history of boating and fishing on the lake, birds from the region and the skeleton of a “mermaid”. It is actually a great education space for school kids.

      The views from the lawn and standing in the castle turrets with the four meter deep walls, was good to experience. It may not be “our thing” but we learnt from it and got to experience something different
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    • Day 39

      Old Town Market in Annecy, France

      May 2, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday the streets of Old Town Annecy are filled with market stalls and we had a great time checking out all the colourful, interesting and tasty produce with lots of trying of samples. Of course this resulted in a bit of shopping too and we purchased Ingredients to make our dinner back at our apartment. We also purchased some delicious French nougat (so creamy), some lovely fresh oranges, meat skewers and vegetables mix. Brad even managed to find the cake he fell in love with in Dijon - it wasn’t as good but still delicious. It was a lot of fun.

      We explored some of the back laneways, found a cute courtyard featuring some street art and an artist whose work I admired, so I just had to purchase a piece of her work to take home. Overall it was a very successful shopping morning.
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    • Day 3

      Auf Wanderschaft

      August 1, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Für heute habe ich mir wieder eine Wandertour ausgesucht. Die 1. Station war die Basilique de la Visitation. Die Kirche wurde erst Anfang 1900 gebaut und war weniger eindrucksvoll, zumal Turm und Kloster geschlossen waren. Also bin ich gleich weiter in Richtung Semnoz, so heißt der Hügel neben Annecy. Der Weg war nicht sooo gut ausgeschildert, aber ich bin Marine begegnet und wir haben uns zusammen zum Belvedere de grande Jeanne durchgewurschtelt. Verlaufen inklusive. Es war schön, für kurze Zeit so nette Begleitung zu haben, die auch noch prima Englisch gesprochen hat. Am Belvedere haben sich unsere Wege getrennt. Ich bin weiter zum Tiergehege und habe Bambi besucht bevor ich mich an den Abstieg zum See gemacht habe. Merke: für dir richtig coolen Touren braucht man ein Auto, um an den Startpunkt zu gelangen.Read more

    • Day 1

      Erstmal ankommen

      July 30, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Bis auf eine kleine Verspätung beim Start ist meine Anreise nach Annecy gut verlaufen. Halb 10 war ich in Genf und eine Stunde später fuhr auch schon mein Bus. Der Genfer Flughafen inklusive des unkenntlichen Busbahnhofs waren allerdings eine Katastrophe für hiesige Verhältnisse. Die Fahrt hat 55 Minuten gedauert und der Weg zu meinem Hotel war leicht zu finden. Da mein Zimmer noch nicht fertig war, habe ich das Schloss nebenan besichtigt und den Ausblick über den See genossen. Die Ausstellungen haben mich allerdings wenig begeistert.Read more

    • Day 2


      July 31, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Nach einer kurzen Pause bin ich wieder in die Altstadt aufgebrochen. Vom Hotel sind das ca. 2 Minuten bergab. Ich hatte kein Ziel, bin einfach nur durch die schönen Gassen geschlendert. Am Thiou mag ich es besonders. An einer flachen Stelle haben kreative Menschen kleine Kunstwerke aus Steinen geschaffen und in einer Gasse bin ich auf schöne Bilder an der Hauswand gestoßen. Irgendwann haben mich ein mächtiger Bierdurst und etwas Hunger in eine Crêperie getrieben. Essen und Frischgezapftes waren superb. Den restlichen Abend habe ich lesend auf der Hotelterrasse verbracht. Und wieder ist ein schöner Tag vorbei.Read more

    • Day 1


      July 30, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nachdem ich mein gemütliches Zimmer bezogen und mich kurz ausgeruht habe, bin ich los, um die Altstadt zu entdecken. Hier musste ich an eine Zeile aus Goethes Osterspaziergang denken: "Aus dem hohlen finstren Tor dringt ein buntes Gewimmel hervor." Die Stadt ist voller Menschen und Leben, Wahnsinn. Die Gegend um den Thiou mit den farbenfrohen Häusern und schönen Brücken erinnert an Venedig. Ich habe mich etwas treiben lassen, ein Weinchen getrunken, einem hübschen Straßenmusiker gelauscht und der Notre Dame einen Besuch abgestattet.Read more

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