Arènes d'Arles

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    • Day 21

      Day Twenty-One: Start of Contiki in Nice

      April 5, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Today was the start of our Contiki tour! So, a very early start. We were so stressed about making on time at 7:00am. So stressed we were actually 30 minutes early. But it went very smoothly, and there were 14 of us getting on and 36 some people already with the group. It is certainly weird joining a group who has been together and partied for 8 days. But the couch is crazy nice! And we are super high up on the couch, so the views are nicer, and it's a lot easier to see out. On the bus, after passing out and slobbering over myself... oops, we played "speed dating," where we just swapped seats and talked to each other for 2 minutes each. We ended up doing it for just over an hour. Honestly, it is quite a nice crowd. Everyone is super nice and here just to make friends, so talking around is easy. On the way up, a total drive of 8 hours... we stopped at this small French town. It looked like they were stuck in time for sure. We had just about 45 minutes to walk around and see the town. This town was built by the Romans, so they actually had a mini colosseum! We were told it was paid to get in, and we wouldn't have enough time. Which is a bummer, but I just decided to see if we could get in because it looked empty. I took Ethan and this other guy we met and just walked right in. The lady at the desk didn't say anything, and it just worked. So we got to see inside and even the view from the top. Which was awesome. You could see so far in every direction. It did just get me excited for the Rome colosseum! We continued driving, and we got to the hostel at around 7 with a free dinner at 8. (Free in the sense we already paid for it). So we showered up and reset for the evening. In Spain and now France, I really noticed how slow service is. I swear the people need nap breaks or something. Because the food and even just a couple of scoops of ice cream took forever. I do feel bad because it was only two people service the whole crowd, and the kitchen was upstairs. They were sweating, just running up and down those stairs. The food was OK, ahah. I got beef stew and mash potatoes. When the contiki guide was asking what we wanted, she just said beef, so I got excited thinking steak. But it was stew. It wasn't bad, but the mashed potatoes were a soup, really. And some of the guys had some whiskey with me, which was pretty good. One was a smokey one that only I really liked. I should have taken a picture for my dad. For desert, there were two options, and I got the tiramisu; it ended up being basically all cream. But we did get to go out afterward. Went to Wayne's bar. A little place with live music. And tables they let you stand on. And wow, it made me feel really tall. As you can see in the photo, my neck turned 90 degrees. But it was a lot of fun, the band was really good and everyone was into it but holy I was sweating the whole time. And I couldn't easily cool off with a beer or drink because the drinks were 9€... after a while, we just walked back with some of the boys and played ping pong, which was great. Then hit the sheets.Read more

    • Day 7


      June 20, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      It rained all night quite strongly and this morning it was still very wet. It change between rain and sunshine. We did not want to just hang around, but realised it was not good enough for cycling.
      We decided to go to the old town of Arles, hopefully by the time of arrival the rain would have stopped. Not quite, but soon after lunch it was dry. Arles is a beautiful old French town with a huge Amphitheater. Almost as big as the one in Rome. There are a lot of churches and Museums to see. Van Gough was living and painting here. There is a museum dedicated to him. There is also a huge ancient underground system, which is accessible to the public.Read more

    • Day 19

      Theatres and Amphitheatres

      April 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We got an early start and made it to Arles before lunch time, finally crossing the Rhône River into the city. Claire was super keen on visiting the ancient roman amphitheatre ("I want to go up and down the stairs!"), so we took turns visiting the antique theatre and the amphitheatre with her, to her delight. We then headed into the Alpilles, and Claire's evening highlight was petting the donkeys in the field behind our campground. For the cyclists, it was the tailwind on smooth bike trails ;)Read more

    • Day 16

      Arles - a step back into Roman History

      September 4, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      A small detour on the way to Aix en Provence to a smaller city called Arles that feels like stepping back in time where every corner tells a story of history, art and culture.

      After crazy parking wars, we walked through the old Roman city gates into city square. Beautiful streets and side alleys made it magical to wonder.

      The Ligurians were in this area from about 800 BC. Later Celtic influences have also been discovered. The city became an important Phoenician trading port, before it was taken over by the Romans.

      The Romans took the town in 123 BC and expanded it into an important city. They built a canal link to the Mediterranean Sea in 104 BC.

      * Roman Colosseum (Arènes d'Arles): This ancient arena, dating back to the 1st century, still stands proud and is a testament to the grandeur of Roman architecture. It’s incredible to imagine the gladiator battles that once took place here!

      * Van Gogh’s Inspiration: Walking through the streets of Arles, you can’t help but feel the spirit of Vincent van Gogh, who created some of his most famous works here. The vibrant colours and unique light of Arles are truly inspiring.

      * Saint-Trophime Church: A masterpiece of Romanesque architecture, this church and its stunning cloister are a peaceful retreat, full of intricate carvings and historical significance.

      * The Rhône River: A piece of flowing history and filled with Rhone Riverboats.

      Certainly, the start of the beauty of Provence.
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    • Day 15


      July 18, 2024 in France ⋅ 🌩️ 35 °C

      Arles – die Fondation Vincent van Gogh in Arles zeigt für drei Monate dessen ikonische „Sternennacht“. Sie kombiniert sie mit Bildern von Victor Hugo, Odilon Redon und Yves Klein.
      Genau die schauen wir uns heute an.

      Wir haben viel Freude im Kunstmuseum von Arles. Es gibt neben der „Sternennacht“ viele weitere Bilder zum Thema Himmel, Universum und Astrologie von verschiedensten Künstlern zu sehen. Thito wird selbst zum Künstler und macht mit mir Kunst im Kunstmuseum :-) Und Malik entwickelt seine ganz eigene Perspektive sich der Kunst zu nähern.

      Danach erkunden wir Arles. Ein ganz verzaubernde Stadt mit vielen verwunschen Gässchen und Plätzen.
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    • Day 9

      van Gogh Route, Arles

      September 12, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      A digital map in hand, I took to the streets of Arles following Vincent's footsteps 🖌

      February 1888, van Gogh arrived from Paris in Arles and stayed until May 1889. During those fourteen months, he created a multitude of paintings and drawings, many of which are nowadays seen as highlights of late 19th century art.

      It really felt like being in the Garden of the Health House painting 💛
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    • Day 4


      May 24, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Mit dem Rad ins 20km entfernte Arles, der Stadt, in der Van Gogh viele Motive für seine Bilder fand. Er ist daher hier quasi der Stadtheilige, dessen Motive auf Tassen, Taschen,.. überall präsent sind.
      Natürlich gibt es auch das Amphitheater und das römische Theater....
      Das neue Wahrzeichen der Stadt wird aber wahrscheinlich der 2021 eingeweihte Turm nach Entwürfen von Frank Gehry. Hat 150 Mio gekostet, Eintritt frei! Möglich gemacht hat dies die Schweizer Mäzenin und Milliardenerbin Maja Hoffmann, die aus Arles kommt und der Stadt damit neue Perspektiven aufzeigen möchte....
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    • Day 6


      May 16, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌬 21 °C

      Ganzer Tag liegt das Schiff in Arles. Vormittags Ausflug in die Camargue, mit Besuch des Vogelparks und von Aiges-Mortes (Saintes Marie de la Mer war aufgrund einer Demonstration nicht zugänglich) war wunderschön. Nachmittag gingen wir auf eigene Faust durchs Städtchen.Read more

    • Day 5


      March 30, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Schon die Römer machten Arles zu einer wichtigen Stadt. Noch heute werden Römisches Theater und Amphitheater für Veranstaltungen genutzt. Ansonsten ist die Stadt, die auch „Tor zur Camargue“ genannt wird, sehr hübsch und französisch.Read more

    • Day 10

      Arleški štadioni

      August 2, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Na poti do morja sva se ustavila v Arlesu. Mamicu im Francusku! Vsaka vas ima zgodovino. V Arlesu imajo že 2000 let isti štadion (revčki, ne more se sploh primerjat s Stoženjskim) in kulturni amfiteater, ki so jim ga sezidali celo 200 let pr.n.š.

      Pa za skupno kalmo ena fina muzika. Kaj bejba spravi ven iz enega 'piskra'!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arènes d'Arles, Arenes d'Arles, Amphithéâtre d'Arles

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