Arrondissement de Lille

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    • Day 3–4

      Eine Nacht Frankreich vor der Fähre

      August 27 in France ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Also der Kühlschrank hat am Strom genauso gesponnen… geht immer aus und wieder an. Noch sind die Sachen recht kühl, mal sehen, sonst geht’s halt ohne Kühlschrank weiter…
      Bin jetzt in Frankreich angekommen, in der Nähe von Lille. die Fahrt war lang wegen Stau aber landschaftlich ganz schön und ich habe einen schönen Stellplatz auf einem Bauernhof. Habe mir grade was gekocht, war spazieren und plane jetzt noch etwas meine Ankunft in England morgen. Muss recht früh raus um die Fähre zu bekommen und bin eeecht gespannt auf Linksverkehr 🫠Read more

    • Day 4

      Lille Citadelle

      September 24, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Had a right ģood post breakfast natter with our Gite neighbours, the Teesiders and the Cornish before heading back into Lille to explore the beautiful Citadelle.
      Perfect weather today, low 20s with a gentle breeze and a cornflower sky.
      We headed to O Scotland bar for Scotland v Tonga and bar snacks. Seems Lord Farquard is actually a West Ham fan and can be seen around Lille's bars this weekend 🤣
      Moving onto Champagne region tomorrow, Villenauxe le Grande. Just for one night, not sure Kev trusted me in that area of France for any longer 🥂🍾🥂
      Lille has been fabulous, can highly recommend this beautiful town for sightseeing, walks, food and bars. We also highly rate our Gite, Gites du Frêne and would love to return. A chilled little haven, just the job!
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    • Day 2–5

      Arrived in the lovely Lille suburbs

      September 22, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Arrived in our lovely little Gites in Flequieres.
      Crossing under the sea was as seamless as usual and driving on the right has been remastered with only one petit faux pas! 🤭
      Raining in Dunkirk so didn't mooch but did take in the Museum dedicated to Operation Dynamo in WW2. Very thought provoking.
      Our first supermarche provisions shop had the usual ooooo, look at this, look at that, look at the price of wine, what the f#*k is that? Always a good experience, this time enhanced with the checkout girl reversing Kev back down the checkout ailse to a wider exit spot!
      And now we are relaxing with beer and wine, one of Kevs all time favourite beers I may add, Kwak.
      We're watching Argentina v Samoa in this sweet little Gite which reminds us both very much of our house in Spain...
      There was always beer and wine on offer there too!
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    • Day 3

      England 71 - 0 Chile

      September 23, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Our first Rugby game off British soil.
      England fans friendly and in great spirits.
      The people of Lille welcomed us all and were so helpful.
      The Chileans were absolutely incredible. Sort of a shame we didn't get to see them celebrate any points.
      They sang and danced until the very end.
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    • Day 27


      July 27 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Walked about 30 minutes to the Ghent train station, which was a bit laboured because i sprained my ankle a bit trying to exit the craziness of the festival the night prior. 30 minute train back to brussels and another 30 minutes to reach Lille, France. I was here to attend the Canada v Greece olympic men's basketball game

      Walked from the train station into the old town with all my gear and sat down for a small break and then continued to my hotel. About 30 minutes total. The old town is really beautiful.

      I wasn't able to checkin until 4, so i dropped off my bags and walked back to the old town to get some food and check out the quaint streets and sights. Wearing my canada shirt, i got heckled by many greek fans and surprisingly i didn't see any other canadians. But it was fun to interact in good natured ribbing.

      My friend Alexandra was en route from Paris to join me for the game but her train endured massive delays because of numerous sabotages to the tracks. Many people here are thinking its russians doing it. Eventually i realized Alexandra wasn't going to make it on time for the game, so i contacted Charlie who lives an hour away in Bruges to see if he wanted to come to the game with me. 90 minutes later he arrived and off to the stadium we went.

      The crowd was mostly greek supporters and they were really loud. But canada led the game from start to finish. Definitely a nail biting finish but canada prevailed, yay!!!

      In the meantime, poor Alexandra still hadn't arrived in Lille. This whole game was her idea and she was so discouraged to not be able to attend. Took Charlie and i two hours to get back to the hotel around 1:30am and Alexandra arrived at the same time. Poor her. We all walked to the old town for a beverage and then charlie drove back to bruges and we crashed out too.
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    • Day 5

      Penzance, Newlyn, and Mousehole

      April 10, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      9:30 Eurostar Lille to London St. Pancras, and yes, I did book seat 61.
      Arrived at St. Pancras in good time for a full English at Weathespoons. Then the gods of transport struck. Got to Farringdon to find the Elizabeth line wasn't running so had to double back on the Circle line. My easy 10 minute trip to Paddington turned into 30 minutes and had me running to catch my train.
      Managed it with 3 minutes to go and had a first class table for 4 all to myself to Exeter when a man claimed the window seat ☹️ Luckily he turned out to be good company. On his way to the Scilly isles to visit his wife's ashes, shades of Last Bus.
      Arrived at Youth Hostel at 5:30 and set off to walk to Mousehole via a chippy in Newlyn. Saw a seal! 🦭 Only one, just her head sticking out of the water about 25 meters offshore, but definitely a seal.
      Walked on to Mousehole and caught the bus back to the YH.
      Everything down here is so pretty.
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    • Day 3

      Una serata Lilla

      January 6, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Chiediamo scusa ai nostri followers per l'assenza! Ma eravamo occupati a mangiare patine e waffle (full reportage fra poco).

      Per la nostra ultima soirée francaise abbiamo continuato con l'eplorazione delle birre (Ipa Hirondelle e La Bise au fruits rouges).
      Per stare leggeri dopo la birra abbiamo cenato con una teglia (a testa) di pane inzuppato nella birra, prosciutto e formaggio fuso (welsh).
      Vorremo inoltre invitare i francesi, visto il precedente della Gioconda, a rubare anche alcune abitudini italiane quali l'uso del bidet e l'utilizzo di appositi contenitori per lo scopettino del wc (non del pentole). Un bacio.
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    • Day 91

      9000 KM ~ 13. Land ~ Belgium :)

      September 21, 2019 in France ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Freunde besuchen in der letzten Woche ☺️ ...erstmal auf
      nach Antwerpen 🕊️ Kai und Charlotte wir kommen... 🤗

      In Belgien werden die Sprachen Holländisch, Französisch und Deutsch gesprochen/verwendet - haben wir erfahren. Wobei Flämisch da noch etwas Eigenes ist.

      Mit Englisch kommen wir aber immer überall weiter 🤘
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    • Day 49

      Belgium today.

      June 20 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Well after our sad goodbyes we set off for Brugge in Belgium. We arrived in about 3 1/2 hours weather really nice no rain and about 20 degrees. We got into our accommodation for the night and then went for a local wander. Just beautiful!Read more

    • Day 1

      Dag 1 - Vertrek naar Lille

      July 18 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Weinig spannends te melden. Behalve dat we ondanks een gehuurde dakkoffer toch te weinig ruimte hebben en dus wat zaken niet meenemen. De auto zit propvol! Letterlijk.

      Ik moet eerst nog even optreden op het schoolplein ivm jaarafsluiting en afscheid van een medewerker die ook mee deed aan de kerstmusical. Leuke solo 🙂 Jammer van de microfoon en gebrek aan soundcheck 😅

      We nemen de route via Roosendaal. Erg leuk want die weg kennen we nauwelijks. Ik herken de kerncentrale van Doel. Die ligt letterlijk tegen de grens aan!

      Meest spannende is de zoektocht naar een restaurant in België. Na twee omwegen vanaf de snelweg naar restaurants die gesloten blijken te zijn wegens vakantie nemen we nog maar een krentenbol en besluiten naar Lille door te rijden om daar te eten in het hotel.
      Na 15 minuten zien we een Van der Valk en eten daar. Lekker Belgisch 😳
      Mats krijgt een kindermenu en een kinder placemat. Daar is hij toch echt te oud voor. Gelukkig vindt Ilse hem mooi. En Mats eet nu gewoon een volwassen maaltijd.

      Maar wel goed besluit om daar te eten want het Ibis hotel heeft helemaal geen restaurant. Wel een heerlijk biertje en de mooiste voetbaltafel ooit.

      Mats jaagt er tijdens de douche 1/3 fles Rituals douche schuim doorheen en mag die nu de rest van de vakantie niet meer gebruiken..

      Tenslotte hebben we ruzie met een groot kamernummer met lamp erin die we niet uit krijgen. Na een bezoek aan de receptie blijken we toch een knopje niet goed te hebben geprobeerd. Sinds goed al goed 😅
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