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    • Day 1–2

      18.05 Day 1 . . . Here We Go

      May 18, 2024 in France ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      So today’s is the day we set off, possibly for about three weeks in total.
      The plan - from home to the UK. Visit family and friends for a few days. Then to The Stone Valley Festival from Thursday night until Bank Holiday Monday morning with Simon Jax Jonathan and Emma Annals. Drive back to France. Then south through France, into the top of Switzerland. Across Switzerland and pop out the bottom side into Italy. Meet with Simon & Jax again and have a few days exploring the lakes area, visiting a few Italian beauty spots and villages and hopefully chilling.
      That plan is very dependant on Loup 🙄🐾
      Packing up and getting ready to leave was quite tough as the weather at home was glorious sunshine, so after the last week or so of mixed weather it seemed a wrench to be leaving. Plus we love this place so much and have so much to do, we wanted to stay and crack in with everything.
      So the day passed along with many trips back and forth to Roxvanne, now being accompanied by Loup on every round trip.
      We had aimed to leave by 2.30, but it was nearer 4.30 by the time we locked all the shutters and the front gate - setting off to join the main road out to the N10.
      As always we headed due north on the N10 and took our normal route up towards Poitier, then Tours, on to Le Mans and with an aim to get the far side of Rouen before bedding down for the evening.
      We had spells of glorious sunshine but also heavy showers on the journey - throughout which Loup was brilliant, not a peep - we stopped briefly a couple of times for him to have a leg stretch and a call of nature. We also listened to an hour long interview with Paul Weller talking about his life and music and plugging the new album ‘66’ . . . Obviously!!
      We finally cleared Rouen and stopped at services we had stopped overnight at previously, on our first ever drive to the UK back in November 2022.
      After a fairly lengthy walk with Loup we huddled down in Roxvanne, Tre immediately going to sleep leaving me trying to get the Tyson Fury fight streamed to my phone - without success!!
      So that was Day 1 done - let’s hope the rest of the trip is as painless as today.

      Paul Weller - Soul Wandering
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