Road trip from home in France to the UK for the Stone Valley Festival (year 3) with Simon & Jax then return to France, south and through Switzerland to the Lakes in Italy . . . Meeting up with Mr & Mrs Annals again - what could go wrong? 🙄 Read more
  • 15footprints
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  • 1.6kmiles
  • Day 1–2

    18.05 Day 1 . . . Here We Go

    May 18 in France ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    So today’s is the day we set off, possibly for about three weeks in total.
    The plan - from home to the UK. Visit family and friends for a few days. Then to The Stone Valley Festival from Thursday night until Bank Holiday Monday morning with Simon Jax Jonathan and Emma Annals. Drive back to France. Then south through France, into the top of Switzerland. Across Switzerland and pop out the bottom side into Italy. Meet with Simon & Jax again and have a few days exploring the lakes area, visiting a few Italian beauty spots and villages and hopefully chilling.
    That plan is very dependant on Loup 🙄🐾
    Packing up and getting ready to leave was quite tough as the weather at home was glorious sunshine, so after the last week or so of mixed weather it seemed a wrench to be leaving. Plus we love this place so much and have so much to do, we wanted to stay and crack in with everything.
    So the day passed along with many trips back and forth to Roxvanne, now being accompanied by Loup on every round trip.
    We had aimed to leave by 2.30, but it was nearer 4.30 by the time we locked all the shutters and the front gate - setting off to join the main road out to the N10.
    As always we headed due north on the N10 and took our normal route up towards Poitier, then Tours, on to Le Mans and with an aim to get the far side of Rouen before bedding down for the evening.
    We had spells of glorious sunshine but also heavy showers on the journey - throughout which Loup was brilliant, not a peep - we stopped briefly a couple of times for him to have a leg stretch and a call of nature. We also listened to an hour long interview with Paul Weller talking about his life and music and plugging the new album ‘66’ . . . Obviously!!
    We finally cleared Rouen and stopped at services we had stopped overnight at previously, on our first ever drive to the UK back in November 2022.
    After a fairly lengthy walk with Loup we huddled down in Roxvanne, Tre immediately going to sleep leaving me trying to get the Tyson Fury fight streamed to my phone - without success!!
    So that was Day 1 done - let’s hope the rest of the trip is as painless as today.

    Paul Weller - Soul Wandering
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  • Day 2–3

    19.05 Day 2 . . . Back In The UK

    May 19 in France ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

    The alarm sounded at 6.00am at the Aire de Bosc-Mesnil on the A28 north east of Rouen.
    Up and out taking Loup for a leg stretch before we set off for the Chunnel. A couple of croissants and coffee’s grabbed we were on the road at 7am as planned.
    We arrived at the Euro Tunnel site and immediately went to the pet reporting area. Always a mad place with so many dogs, it is always a good spot for an accident - and so it proved.
    Loup out of his crate I decided to adjust his lead and bent down to do so, leaning forward. It was at this point Loup saw a dog exit the pet reporting office and set off at full speed to go say hello. Due to my stance it took no effort for him to have me full face plant in the car park, still hanging onto the lead at full arm stretch. Back on my feet we went into the office, only for round two to start - too many dogs in a confined space lead to much barking and frivolity and general mischief. It wasn’t long before I left Tre inside to do the paperwork while I took the mutt outside.
    All booked in we went to park and wait our crossing.
    At 1145am we were onboard and departing France.
    Arriving in the UK due to the time difference at 1130am we got on the road only just remembering in the nick of time to drive on the left.
    We drove to Tunbridge Wells and parked up - walking in to surprise Melissa at work, we bumped into her as she was leaving her building to go for lunch . . . Complete luck!!
    After a short natter and confirming a time to pick her up in the evening, we drove to Haysden Country Park near Tonbridge to take Loup on a long walk.
    The weather was lovely with just a little breeze as we walked the circumference of the lake. Loup was in his element with so many people on bikes for him to attempt a tyre chew on. The afternoon passed without incident and so we drove to our parking spot for the night.
    The Spotted Dog pub at Penshurst allow you to park overnight in their car park if you have a meal in the pub. Unlike some pubs that offer this - they even leave their toilets open overnight for your convenience . . . Brucy Bonus! The location having been checked out and the pub owners spoken to we drove to Tonbridge.
    Just after 6pm we picked Lissy up and returned to the Spotted Dog for a fab meal and my first two Guinness for about 6 months.
    After a fab evening and meal we dropped Lissy back home before heading back and bedding down at the Spotted Dog.
    Two days done already!

    Elvis Costello - I Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down
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  • Day 3–4

    20.05 Day 3 . . . Doggy Ice Cream

    May 20 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Loup woke me with a small whine and I checked the time, at which point Tre woke and whispered to me ‘Is he awake do you think?’ On hearing Tre’s whisper the whines became instantly louder ‘He is now’ I replied.
    Both of us climbed out of Rox and let Loup loose from his overnight cell. During the walk around the car park of the Spotted Dog and associated lanes, Tre suggested we get going and take Loup for a long walk on Ashdown Forest. It was at this point that I told her the time - it was 5.30am - Loup was still working in French time. The look on Tre’s face was a picture of disgust 😂
    At 7am we were parked up at Ashdown Forest with Loup bustling to get on with his walk. We had a lovely sunny early morning walk amongst the bracken and long grasses - Kingstanding within site of our walk.
    As the weather was so lovely and we had time to kill we decided to set up an ad hoc camp and brewed up a tea and had croissants for breakfast. We spent the next 4 and a bit hours in the sunshine, relaxing in our chairs and taking Loup on further mini walks - of which there were numerous. When the ice cream van arrived in the car park it was the icing on the cake. A couple of cornets for myself and Tre and a first proper Doggy Ice Cream tub for Loup. We don’t see them in France so he has to make do with very small amounts of ours. This however was all his and he enjoyed every single lick from the pot, almost dropping into a drugged like state in doing so.
    After extending our stop for a further hour of sunshine, we packed up and for Haywards Heath in order to grab a few bits.
    A quick stop at the dog chew stop revealed it to be shut and the Halifax bank had been closed so our main chores had been frustrated. After grabbing a couple of bits from other stores we decided enough was enough. We grabbed some other supplies from Sainsbury’s which were to take back to France with us and that was us done.
    We had arranged to meet Daniel for the evening for a Thai in Lindfield and so drove and parked up. Lindfield was to be our overnight sleep spot as well.
    The sun still out, we walked Loup in the park and generally enjoyed the weather.
    After a slightly re-arranged 6.30pm meet up, we found the three of us tucking into Thai in the Stand Up Inn - the double red chilli warning on the jungle curry I should have paid more attention to 🌶️🌶️🥵
    We had a brilliant catch up with Daniel and putting the world to rights. A walk back to Rox and a look at Daniel’s new car, followed by another walk for Loup finished the evening.
    Daniel made his escape and we sorted ourselves for our next night in Rox. Loup was shattered from his Ashdown Forest adventures and was flat out before Tre and I climbed into bed.
    Jungle curry and another two pints of Guinness was the soundtrack to our pre slumber.

    Whiskey Myers - Broken Window Serenade
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  • Day 4–5

    21.05 Day 4 . . . Old Friends

    May 21 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Lindfield we thought would be quiet when waking in the morning . . . we had forgotten about the numerous dog walkers using the car park before school runs and work, also the parents parking up to deliver their little darlings to school - as a result, manoeuvring from Rox in a semi state of undress took perfect timing to prevent being reported to the local authorities.
    A walk around the park with Loup and then a whistle stop visit to the local bakery to get a bacon sandwich was all we needed to do before setting off. Bacon is a hard to come by in France and so I took the opportunity when it presented itself.
    A quick drive to Haywards Heath for the second visit to the dog chew shop was next on the agenda. This time we were successful and also negotiated future supplies being posted to France for us. Loup was now stocked up with Deer, Boar, Biltong and Beef Tendons for the coming weeks back in France.
    Now it was time to hot foot to go visit our very good friends Mary Berry & Paul Hollywood (or Lynne & Phil in real life). The traffic was its usual M25 pants heading to Cobham and concluded with a couple of road closures exactly where we needed to exit.
    It was fantastic catching up with Paul & Mary and visiting for the first time their stonkingly lovely home (Gotta say that as he reads this). Loup made a brief visit inside but we extracted him before he destroyed anything. We went for a lovely pub lunch nearby and spent a good couple of hours chewing the fat. It wasn’t long though before we had to move on as we needed to drive to my parents for the evening. So mid afternoon we said our goodbyes with firm plans for Paul and Mary to visit us during the summer, if that ever arrives - and we headed off.
    We then drove through even worse traffic and pouring rain to Bloxwich. On route Paul sent us a little video of Loup dragging me to their house, captured on the ring doorbell and a lovely photo of Mary who had obviously found our company far to much and had logged off once back at home.
    After one brief stop we arrived at Bloxwich with my mum and dad. Loup made himself right at home as always and we settled in for what remained of the evening.
    We called it a night about 11pm and after managing to finally settle Loup who wanted to carry on re-checking my parents house since his last visit - we finally got to sleep.
    This week is flying!!

    Plan B - She Said
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  • Day 5–6

    22.05 Day 5 . . . Wet Wet Wet

    May 22 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Waking at mum and dad’s the weather was to be frank - bloody awful. It was absolutely lashing down with rain.
    We decided I would take Loup for a walk to save both of us having minging wet coats for the rest of the road trip, getting wet this morning was gonna take some drying out.
    Walk completed we spent the day having a lovely catch up with my mum and dad. Far too much food, numerous cups of tea and coffee and a day of talking about times gone by, our house in France, what was best for mum and dad moving forward and many fits of laughter. I think the day got a little too much for dad at one point as he nodded off. Loup spent the day destroying his new toy bought for him by Lissy.
    The day drifted on like this and without much else to report, evening and bedtime arrived.
    Tomorrow was pack up day and drive to Stone Valley.

    Wet Wet Wet - Angel Eyes
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  • Day 6–7

    23.05 Day 6 . . . Highway To Hell

    May 23 in England ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    So up not too early - Loup had a lay in. Huge breakfast of all sorts and more chatting with my mum and dad.
    Loup walked - so many other dogs on the same paths made the walk tricky at times. Loup just wants to play but some dogs see him as so large there is an instant stand off and aggressive barking. Much better when they are off lead and can just work it out.
    Back to my mum and dad’s - ice packs in fridge, belongings stowed, check and double check we have left nothing behind and we are into Rox for the drive to Ware and the festival.
    We decided to stay the night before at the festival to avoid the car pandemonium and rush setting up in the morning.
    We stopped to get some foodstuffs for the next three days and also popped in to buy Loup a bigger collar - the monster has outgrown his current one 🙄
    Then on the road and straight into the M6 - bloody hell it’s expensive. £16 for next to no distance - we are used to paying 90 cents for about 30 miles!!
    Off and onto the side roads through towards Ware and onto the camp site at Great Amwell.
    Drove in and all was good, no cars. Then turned the corner to find a field of cars, vans and caravans being stacked in lines waiting to be allocated a parking spot. The whole thing was a bloody nightmare. After an hour or so the usual oiks that you find anywhere decided to go rogue and start driving out of the lines to push to the front. At which point the whole thing descended into a farce with everyone then deciding to move forward - especially those that had been waiting patiently from the outset. In any case it took us about 1 and 3/4hrs to get parked up - not quite the night before ease we had expected. Won’t make that mistake again.
    In our spot we set up and smashed it this year. The extra gazebo space we take went up a treat. Rox decanted of our fridge and cooker and everything else we took his lordship for a long and well deserved walk.
    Back to the van it started to get chilli and so to Tre’s delight I made a secret trip to the chip van and surprised her with a big tub of heavily salt and vinegar’d chips.
    We then tucked up for the night. Tomorrow the first unruly pair on Annals arrive in the morning and so mayhem will commence. The more sophisticated pair of Annals arrive later in the day.
    So as of tomorrow these posts will be short and brief of the next few days and mainly be photos - due to lack of power at site for phone recharges and also probable drunken hangovers.
    Mr and Mrs Annals x2 - see you tomorrow!!

    AC/DC - Highway To Hell
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  • Day 7–8

    24.05 Day 7 . . . Mayhem Begins

    May 24 in England ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Up at 7am and Loup taken for a long walk and wrist bands for entry to the arena collected. Sorted a few bits at the awning and in Rox. Message from Jax and Simon to say they were on site and so we wandered up to see them.
    An hour or so later the four of us plus Loup were in the arena - kicking off with The Small Fakers!
    Off we go!!
    The day was stress and problem free . . . Well almost . . . Wasn’t it Simon?

    The Jam - Pretty Green
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  • Day 7

    Day 1 - The Festival Festivities Begin

    May 24 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Coughing like a banshee & unable to stand it anymore, I got out of bed at 4.15am dreading that I will keep the Stone Valley Festival campsite awake all weekend.

    After packing the car we set off at just after 7.00am. We dodged all the traffic jams & arrived in Ware, Hertfordshire at 9.00am where I treated Jackie to a McDonald’s breakfast.

    At 9.30am, we rolled into the Stone Valley Festival ground, no queue and we were told we could set up anywhere we liked in the top field. Spoilt for choice we picked a perfect location and just a very short distance from the car. We set up in less than 90 minutes.

    We were just relaxing, when Andy and Tre appeared in the distance with Loupe, their 10 month old German Shepherd, affectionately known as ‘Johnny’ after The Shining character. Living up to his reputation, Johnny greeted us, by having a huge poo 💩, just 10 metres from our tent ⛺️. Lovely!!

    After a quick beer, we joined Andy and Tre at their van for pre-gig drinks, then we headed to the show ground in time for the 1st band of the day, Small Fakers, to start at 1.30pm. To our incredulity, the gates weren’t opened until 1.30pm and the Small Fakers started their set just 2 minutes later with us and literally everyone else still queuing to get in. Annoyingly, we hardly got searched on the way in & Jackie was cursing the fact that she could have smuggled in a bladder of wine. I was also cursing when I saw the bar prices - Beer £7 and a bottle of wine £33.

    The Small Fakers were good, playing Small Faces songs, obviously, that we all recognised.

    Next up was the highlight of the day, Ruts DC, who were on criminally early, who played a fantastic set including Babylon’s Burning, West One (Shine On Me), Staring At The Rude Boys, In A Rut & Something That I Said to name just a few. I returned from the mosh pit to find that Jonathan and Emma had finally joined us.

    Pop Will Eat Itself were the 3rd band who were better live than on record. Next was From The Jam who played all the classics including Strange Town, Mr. Clean & Down In The Tube Station At Midnight. The general consensus was that it would probably be their last tour as Bruce Foxton looks a frail old man. We then watched Death Of Guitar Pop, who were ok before deciding to seek some cheaper liquid refreshment - as in drinking Andy and Tre’s wine back at their van.

    Sadly this is my last memory that night. Allegedly I over indulged. Apparently we returned to the arena for The Sherlocks, then I was escorted back to my tent by Jackie and Andy. This caused Andy to miss his ‘favourite’ band. Lip Up Fatty!!

    Song of the Day - Babylon’s Burning by Ruts DC.
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  • Day 8–9

    25.05 Day 8 . . . More Mayhem

    May 25 in England ⋅ 🌩️ 13 °C

    After Simon’s antics last night and their now broken picnic table, it was only fitting that the first act today was Kid Klumsy!
    Some fab acts today the best being Ferocious Dog - brilliant. Had a little mosh pit session with Simon . . . that somehow doesn’t sound right at
    all 🙄
    The Damned finished off the night with the ever mad Captain Sensible keeping things suitably chaotic.

    Ferocious Dog - Sus Laws
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  • Day 8

    Day 2 - In The Ferocious Dog House

    May 25 in England ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

    Woke up 7.15am with no recollection of going to bed. I knew I must have had a good time, because I was still wearing all my clothes and now undoubtedly in the dog house.

    It was a lovely sunny morning and I sought out the toilets which were perfectly clean and continued to be so throughout the festival. I returned to the tent where Jackie treated me like her slave all morning. She had me making coffees, collecting our chairs from Andy & Tre, buttering the bread rolls AND washing up.

    We had a fly past of a quartet of Douglas DC-3s, which was nice.

    Jackie was the designated breakfast chef and she made bacon baps. Andy and I had four each, whilst the girls had just a couple. Jonathan and Emma declined the offer to join us.

    During breakfast, Loupe decided to dig a hole where we were sitting which quite frankly is now a health and safety nightmare. I should also add that he chose to have another poo on the approach to our tent.

    After a more restrained pre-gig drink and missing the first act, Kid Klumsy, I rushed into the arena to see Millie Manders & The Shutup. I really enjoyed them. Lots of attitude. The others who caught the end of the set were not quite so enamoured.

    The next act was an Italian trio of ladies called Smalltown Tigers, who sounded like Hole, but a bit shouty. I went up the front for the next band, Bar Stool Preachers, who I was really looking forward to. They didn’t disappoint. The lead singer really got the audience going with lots of crowd participation. Apparently all of our group enjoyed them.

    The next band was The Farm, known for their one big hit - Altogether Now. They were much better than anticipated and improved with a female backing singer. They also played Stepping Stone, Groovy Train and The Clash song Bank Robber. At the same time, Manchester United were annihilating Manchester City in the FA Cup Final.

    During The Farm set, Loupe started getting a bit ‘bitey’, so Andy and Tre took him back to their van. At the end of the set, Jackie and I went to find them for a cheap drink. On the way Jackie said she thought they would all be asleep in their van. How wrong could she have been, as we neared their van our ears were assaulted by a volley of insults and extremely bad language. It turned out that Tre and a woman in a glitter jacket were shouting insults at each other, because the woman had shouted at Loupe.

    After a quick white wine, I returned alone (again) to the arena where I met back up with Jonathan and Emma for The Soup Dragons. They were dreadful. The lead singer could hardly sing and they finished their set 10 minutes too early then had to try and find another couple of songs to play which led to some confusion.

    Jonathan and Emma then left me to return to their van saying they were going to give Ferocious Dog a miss, leaving me as Billy No-mates with 5 empty chairs for my imaginary friends. Andy later returned and said the girls were coming down later after Ferocious Dog, so it was just me and him for the band I had been most looking forward to and I had been bigging up all day.

    We went down the front and were treated to a superb 50 minutes of punk folk music led by their charismatic singer, ‘Red’ Ken Bonsall. We were in a huge mosh pit of 50 & 60 year old men and women going crazy, between breathers! The band had a new album out and so I hardly knew any of their songs, but they did play my particular favourite, Punk Police. We also noticed that Andy and I featured on the side screens quite a lot as the camera panned across the crowd.

    At the conclusion Andy and I bought a beer and saw that there was a massive crowd at the merchandise stall of newly acquired fans all wanting a t-shirt. We returned to our chairs to discover that the other four had all watched the entire Ferocious Dog performance and without exception agreed that it had been the highlight of the Festival. I don’t like to say I told you so, but…….

    A short while later, Jackie and I went off for a wander and a wee. As I left Jackie for the urinals, a bloke walked towards me, whilst pointing his finger, then burst into song “5 o’clock in the morning and still I cannot sleep”. I applauded him, then embarrassed him by reminding him that the lyric is actually “4 o’clock in the morning…….”

    Just to put this apparently strange encounter into context , I was wearing one of my New Model Army t-shirts and he was singing the song No Rest by New Model Army to me. During the festival I have had numerous people come and talk to me about New Model Army and the gigs they have seen. I have also met up with a couple, Michael and Tracy, who I had made friends with around Europe on the recent tour. They had also followed the NMA tour around Europe but by train.

    Jackie and I unexpectedly found the Ferocious Dog band members beside their merch stall. They could not have been a nicer bunch of lads. I congratulated them on their performance and they all wanted to shake my hand. Ken even gave Jackie a kiss. They then posed for photos with us. I bought a couple of their t-shirts, one for me and one for Jonathan for his birthday. It turned out Jonathan had already ordered one on-line so luckily Andy agreed to have it.

    Cast were the next band, who played all their catalogue of hits, including Fine Time, Walkaway and Alright.

    The headliners were The Damned who in 1976 were the first punk band to release a single, New Rose. I have seen them numerous times in the past, but tonight’s performance was their best by far. They were excellent. Dave Vanian’s vocals were particularly strong. Captain Sensible and Rat Scabies were also on top of their game, supported by guitarist Paul Gray and a lunatic on keyboards called Monty Oxymoron. They played all the old classics including New Rose, Neat Neat Neat, Smash It Up & Love Song.

    At the end of a fabulous day, Jackie and I returned our tent for a quick red wine nightcap before the rains eventually arrived.

    Song of the Day - Punk Police by Ferocious Dog.
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